Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 141 -

Chapter 141 - : Convey The Message

 "Miss, are you going to tell Prince Fraser about what Prince Reeve said?" Eve asks while we were walking inside the residence.

 Actually, it isn't bad that Prince Fraser is avoiding me. At least no one will be waiting for me even if I went home late. No one will be mad at me. 

 I am about to respond to Eve when someone speaks from my side. It's from the dining room. 

 "You just got home, Lady Csille? I thought you have a fever? Is it okay for you to walk around at night?" I look back and see Princess Paislee looking at me seriously. 

 I almost have a heart attack because of her. I thought it's Prince Fraser. It's a good thing. It's just Princess Paislee. 

 "I just did something important. Also, I asked permission from Leander, and he lets me. Why do you see any problem with that?"

 I stare at Princess Paislee. I remember Prince Fraser with how she is acting right now. They are really alike.

 "You asked for Leander's permission, but you didn't ask for Prince Fraser's?" 

 I don't like the tone of her voice. Should I remind her that I am still avoiding Prince Fraser? We just had a conversation last night, and she forgot about it?

 "I'm sorry, Sir Farren, but is Prince Fraser a Doctor?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

 She shakes her head. "He isn't, but he is still the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, and as the Crown Prince, you should have asked his permission to get out."

 I don't like where the conversation is going. Why does Princess Paislee doesn't understand? I don't want to talk to Prince Fraser. 

 I sigh. I sit on the sofa and stare at Princess Paislee. "Should I ask permission from everyone here if I want to go out? Rufus is a Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom too."

 Princess Paislee sigh. "I heard you mentioned Prince Fraser. What are you going to say to Prince Fraser? Should I call him for you?" I thought she realized it would be futile to force the conversation, but she just change her tactics. She is really wise, but I won't fall for that.

 "Why call him? He's probably sleeping now-"

 Princess Paislee immediately cuts me off. "I'm sure he is not. I can call him now. So, you can talk to him."

 She started to walk to the stairs. I sigh. She's really stubborn like him. I guess I have no choice but to show my horns to her.

 "Sir Farren. I thought we already talk about this last night. Why are you still doing what I don't like? Have you ever ask me if I want to talk to him?"

 Princess Paislee immediately stops walking and stares back at me. "But I thought you said-"

 "Yes, I want to say something to him, but it doesn't mean I want to talk to him. I have other ways to convey my message to him. But if you still insist on calling him. Feel free. Just don't expect me to spill what I know. So, I'll give you an option Sir Farren. Do you want to know what does Prince Reeve wants to say to Prince Fraser, or do you want me to keep it forever? Because if you make me face him. I won't tell what Prince Reeve says even if you use the Illorian pill on me."

 Princess Paislee's eyes widen. She sighs and sits on the sofa in front of me. "You talk to Prince Reeve?"

 I scoff. "Do you think I would risk my safety so that I can stroll around the city? I know I don't attend meetings anymore, but it doesn't mean I don't care."

 "I'm sorry, Lady Csille. Please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean it to sound like that."

 I just wave my hand at her. "You don't need to explain. I know I sneak out before. Maybe a couple of times now. However, this time it is different. I am still the Count's daughter. How can I bear to have fun strolling around the city knowing that the Vrawyth Kingdom is facing a lot of problems." I shake my head.

 Princess Paislee is about to respond, but I cut her off. "I heard from Rufus about our next plan, and I think we are wasting time waiting for something that isn't sure. So, instead of waiting for Prince Reeve to come and knock on our door. I lure him to come to us. It's the reason why I sneak out. Because I'm sure if I told anyone about my plan, all of you won't agree with me."

 Princess Paislee's eyes widen. "You talk to the royalties from the three Kingdoms?" She stands up and starts to walk back and forth in front of me. josei

 What's so shocking about it. Does she need to react like that? I just let her calm down first before I answer her question. 

 Princess Paislee stops walking and stares at me. "You talk to the royalties from the three Kingdoms? Do you know how dangerous it is? Those are traitors, Csille. What will happen if they did something to you, huh?"

 I chuckled. "Do you think they will be so dumb to do something against us if they still need our protection?" 

 Princess Paislee got silent for a moment. I smile at her reaction. She knows what I am saying makes sense. "You shouldn't worry about them making a move against us. You should worry if they didn't do anything. Anyway, as I said, I had a conversation with Prince Joachim, Prince Reeve, Princess Roese, and Prince Wischard. And guess what?" I smirk at her.

 Things are getting better for us, Vrawyth Kingdom. And I'm actually excited about how things will progress from now. Let see who will win this war. 

 Princess Paislee frown. "What happened?"

 "They already fall for my trap. They think we are still oblivious of their plan. They are probably rejoicing now because they already step up their plan but too bad they didn't know that they are now in my trap. All I need to do is pull the strings." I chuckled at her.

 "I don't understand anything, Lady Csille. What trap are you saying? Also, are you sure that you're not the one who is in their trap?"

 I nod my head at Princess Paislee's words. She actually made sense. I shouldn't rejoice for now since we still haven't seen the result. But there's one thing I will make sure of. In this war, I will make sure that the Vrawyth Kingdom will be the winner.

 "You shouldn't worry. I am not the one who caught them on the net. They are the ones who walk on my trap on their own free will. Al I did is to prepare the trap and lure them with something they been wanting for so long—"

 "Wanting for so long? What do you mean?"

 "Sir Farren, their plan to betray the Vrawyth Kingdom won't be successful if they didn't associate themselves with Prince Fraser. The other Kingdoms will only be suspicious of us but won't do something against us not until they see us interacting with the Crown Prince of the Wrezatia Kingdom, Prince Wischard Devine.

 "So what you did is to lure them to come to us?"

 "Yep. They are the ones who ask for it. I didn't even mention anything about inviting them to the Vrawyth residence. They are the ones who offered themselves to us. They are probably restless because their plan hasn't made any progress. The competition will be starting soon, and they need to make a move or else it will be too late for them. And we cannot let them be the only one who will make a move."

 "Lady Csille, can you explain to me what happened tonight? In full details as much as possible. If you want me to convey the message to Prince Fraser. I need to know the full details."

 Now we are talking. I smile at Princess Paislee. "Okay. I will explain to you in full detail then."

 I started to explain things to Princess Paislee in full detail without leaving any details behind. Even the bracelet was mentioned, but I just said it is a simple protection bracelet. I'm not sure if what the handsome vendor said is true. So, I just set it aside. I'll need to see the results first before I tell them about the bracelet.

 Princess Paislee nods her head. I just finished telling everything that happened tonight. She is about to say something when we suddenly heard a voice behind me.

 "Sir Farren. You are here. I've been looking for you. I need to talk to you about something. Do you have any minute?"

 I immediately froze in my seat when I heard Prince Fraser's voice. I am definitely sure he is behind me. Princess Paislee looks at me for a couple of minutes before she stands up.

 I sigh in relief. I thought she would do something again to make me face Prince Fraser. At least the female lead is making sense now. 

 I admit I miss Prince Fraser's voice. I miss talking to him, but I know I cannot speak with him. Not now. Not until I can face him without having the thoughts of running towards him and hug him tight.

 "Sure. I actually have something to talk about with you, Prince Fraser. It's a good thing that you are still awake."

 Princess Paislee walks past me, and I heard them walking away from me. They are probably going to the library or the tea room. But I guess they will choose the library than the tea room. Among all of us, only I have the interest in going there.

 I tried my best not to look back. I don't want to see him. No, I cannot see him. Or else I don't know what I can do if I see him. Just by hearing his voice, I could already feel the urge to run to him. I don't know what I will do if I see him face to face. I would probably hug him tight.

 "See? This is the reason why I don't understand what you are doing. Look at you, purplany."

 I look up and saw Rufus walking down the stair. He is shaking his head at me. I just smile bitterly at him. If I only have a choice. I wouldn't want to inflict myself pain like this. 

 If only he knows how much I am hurting right now. But I don't have any other choice. Even if I have feelings for Prince Fraser, it won't be good for everyone if I still force myself on him.

 Rufus sits beside me and gently caresses my head. "You can cry if you want, you know. I am just here for you, purplany. Even though I don't understand why you are doing all of these, I will always support your decision."

 I look at Rufus with teary eyes. Although he somehow questions my decision. He is the only one who helps me every time I need help. If only I develop feelings for him. It won't be this difficult. Although I know, it will be futile, too, since Rufus will fall in love with Princess Paislee in the end.

 Rufus sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "Cry Csille. It will be bad for you if you keep everything inside of you. Cry the pain Csille. I will just be here with you." 

 After Rufus said the first word, my tears immediately burst. It hurts. It really hurts. I hold the hem of his shirt tightly. It really hurts. I baldy want to run to Prince Fraser and tell him that I want to take back my decision. However, I know I cannot do that. 

 I cry my heart out while Rufus is gently caressing my back and saying encouraging words.

 They don't know how much I am sacrificing just to save everyone here. I just hope everything will be worth it in the end. 

 I look in the direction where Princess Paislee and Prince Fraser walk into. 

 Please be together. Please be happy with her, Prince Fraser. Even if it will kill me. I still hope you can forget about me so you won't be hurt because of me. I'm sorry if this is the only thing I can do for you.

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