Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 142 -

Chapter 142 - : A Reminder

 I open my eyes and found myself standing inside a ruined building. The furniture are all ruined. The windows are all shattered. Some part of the building is on fire. Some parts of the wall are missing, and even the ceiling is gone. I look around, and my eyes immediately widen when I realized where am I.

 It is the Lauretré residence! But why? Why is ruined? 

 I immediately look for my mother and father. I frantically run around the place to look for them. I am immediately frozen when I heard a crying voice. 

 I look back and saw my mother crying while my father is lying on her lap. Father is wounded. He was shot in his legs. 

 My eyes immediately widen and run towards them. "Mother! Father! What happened? Father, why are you wounded? Let's call a doctor immediately. I-I will call a Doctor." 

 I am about to stand up to find a doctor but father immediately grabs my arms to stop me. "Csille, what are you doing here? Runaway now. The guards won't be able to stand against the soldiers of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Run as fast as you can. Don't let them catch you."

 I frown. I don't understand what they are saying. Why would they catch me? Why do I need to run away? And what did father said? The soldiers of Vrawyth Kingdom are fighting against our guards? But why? What is happening?

 Mother hold my cheeks with both of her hands. "Darling, you should go now. Your father and I will stall the guards so you can run. Run as far as you can and never come back here. Your brother Pascal is waiting for you at the back of the residence. He will be staying with you." I heard my mother's voice broke and her tears started to stream from her face.

 I don't understand a thing, but there's one thing I understand. I cannot bear to leave my parents behind. I won't run away.

 I hold my mother's hand. "Mother, I won't run away. I cannot leave you here. I will only go if you go with me." I look at Father, who is wincing in pain. "Father, let brother Pascal treat you. Come on. I'll help you stand up."

 Father holds my hand that is about to help him. "Csille, listen to me. You should go now, or else the King won't let you go. Especially after what you did to the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 I frown. I don't understand what he is saying. The King and I are on good terms the last time I remember. Why won't he let me go? And what did I did to the Vrawyth Kingdom? All of the happening makes me dizzy. I don't understand a thing.

 "Father, what are you saying? What did I do?"

 Father is about to answer me when we all heard a loud explosion. I look at where the source of the explosion, and my eyes widen when I see the gates of the Lauretré residence. 

 I frantically look at my parents. "Mother, Father, what is happening? What happened to our gates?"

 Mother immediately hold my other hand. "Csille, you should go now. Any time by now, the soldiers will definitely enter our house. You should leave us behind. We will stall the soldiers so you can escape with your Brother Pascal. Go now, or it will be too late for you."

 I repeatedly shake my head at her. "Mother, why are you saying that? I won't leave not until you come with me. Come on. We can still leave now."

 I don't know what is happening, but I understand that there are people who are looking for us. Their real target might be me, and I cannot let my parents suffer because of what I did. Even though I don't know what I did. I just hope Prince Fraser will come out now. I need his help.

 Mother repeatedly shakes her head. "My dear, we cannot leave the Vrawyth Kingdom. You shouldn't worry about us. We can handle ourselves. Just go and never return back to the Vrawyth Kingdom no matter what."

 I could feel my tears started to stream down my face. I don't want to go. I didn't have parents in real life, and only here did I feel a parent's love. How can I dare to leave them behind? If I need to die with them. I will do that.

 "Mother, what are you talking about? You are my parent. How can I bear to leave you all behind? I don't want to. You are my family, and wherever you are, that is where I will be." I firmly said to them. I won't ever leave. I would rather die.

 Father shakes his head. "Csille Lauretré! As the Count, I am ordering you to get out of the Vrawyth Kingdom!" My father said in a very authoritative voice.josei

 Although I am the daughter of the Count, but he is still the Count of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I still need to follow him. But how can I follow him if what he wants is for me to leave them behind? How can I do that? I would rather disobey them. 

 I shake my head at him. "Father, why are you doing this? You do know I cannot do that, right? You're my Father. So, I'm sorry if I won't follow you."

 I heard someone laughs. I look back and saw a group of soldiers standing in front of us. They have a taunting look on their faces. "As the Count, you are ordering her?" The soldier who had a red patch on his chest scoff at us. 

 My eyes immediately widen. Red patch soldiers. They are all red patch soldiers. The highest ranking soldiers in the Vrawyth Kingdom. But why are they saying that to the Count of the Vrawyth Kingdom? What is happening? 

 "Have you forgotten Count Waltier Lauretré that you were stripped off of your title? You're just a simple commoner now. How can you call yourself a Count?" The guards laugh maniacally.

 My eyes immediately widened, and I look at the guards. What do they mean? My father was stripped off of his title as the Count? But why?

 I stand up even if my parents tried to stop me. How can I let them disrespect my parents like that? They don't have any right to do that. Not in front of me.

 "Who do you think you are to tell that to my parents? Apologize to my parents now!" I snap at them.

 The guards stop laughing and stare at me for a couple of seconds before they burst into laughter again. "Oh, here's the little miss of the Lauretré family. What did you say, little miss? You want us to apologize to them? Oh, sure. As long as you kneel in front of us, maybe we can consider saying sorry."

 The guards laugh again. I could feel my blood boils because of what they have said. How dare they said that to me? 

 "Take back your words. Don't you know who I am?" I shouted at them. I couldn't believe they would insult me like that. I am Csille Lauretré, the Count's daughter and the fiancée of the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom. How dare they insult me?

 The guards stop laughing. I can feel my parents started to tug my hand, and I could hear them call my name. However, I cannot let these guards step down on the Lauretré family like that. Who do they think they are? 

 The guards are about to reply, but someone speaks behind them. My eyes widened when I realized who is the one who talks. It's Prince Fraser!

 "What's the commotion going in here? Where's the Count and the Countess?" Prince Fraser asked in a serious tone.

 Mother tugs my hand, and I look at her. "My dear, please run now. You need to go now before something happened to you. You should go now. We will stall the Crown Prince. You should go now," my Mother said with a desperate tone.

 I don't understand why would my mother will act like that. Prince Fraser is definitely here to help us. Why is she speaking like that? It's as if Prince Fraser is our enemy here.

 I just smile at my Mother. Now that Prince Fraser is here. I am sure he will side with me. Although I broke up with him. I know he won't let me down. He made a promise before. He won't leave me behind, and I know he won't break that.

 I break from my Mother's hand and run towards Prince Fraser. But before I could even hug him, he already pushes me away. I fall hard on the ground. I could feel I broke some bone on my hand because of the impact. 

 I look at Prince Fraser with disbelief on my face. Is he that mad at me? Why did he push me like that? Does he hate me now? 

 Prince Fraser glares at me. "Don't you dare touch me? I hate you, Csille Lauretré. You betray the Vrawyth Kingdom, and you dare to run towards me for help? Do you think I will be so dumb to help you? I hate you so much I wish I never met you."

 Tears started to stream from my eyes because of his words. It hurts. I feel like my whole world crashes because of what Prince Fraser said. He said he hates me? He hates me to the point that he wishes he never met me? But why? What did I do for him to hate me like this? 

 "Why Fraser? Why are you doing this to all of us? I thought you wouldn't hate me? Didn't you promise me that before?" I scream at him.

 Prince Fraser looks at me coldly. "And that's the most I regret in my life. I regret making that promise. I regret meeting you, Csille Lauretré."

 My eyes immediately widen. I know this day will come, but why? Why does it still hurt like this? 

 "Guards capture the Count and the Countess and put them in jail. Take the daughter of the Count, and she will face execution." Prince Fraser ordered the guards.

 My eyes immediately widen. Execution? That is a death sentence. But I thought it was already abolished?

 The guards started to walk in front of me, but I remain sitting on the ground while looking at Prince Fraser. I was hoping he would stop the guard and run towards me, but he just remains looking at me coldly.

 Father stands up and walks past the guards that are blocking his way to run towards me. My eyes immediately widen when I realized what he is doing.


 "Father! Don't run or els—" my words stop when I heard a gunshot. My eyes widen when I see my father fall on the ground with blood coming from his mouth. 

 "Run, Csille! Run!" He shouts while staring at me.


 I am about to crawl my way to him when someone grabs me from behind. I look up and saw brother Pascal dragging me away. 

 I could see my mother walking toward my father. She looks at me and nods her head to brother Pascal. She then obstructs any guard who would chase us. But one of the guards got annoyed by what she is doing that he shot my Mother in the head. 

 My eyes immediately widen when I see what happened. Mother looked at me for the last time and mouthed I love you at me before she falls on the ground.

 "MOTHER!!!!" I shouted. 

 Ahhhh. My parents! They died to save me. And all I do is to run away. I couldn't even be with them until their last breath. 

 I look at Prince Fraser, and he is just looking at me coldly. He said something to his soldiers. 

 He wants me dead! I can read his mouth. He wants me dead. But why? He first kills my parents, and now he wants me dead?

 "Come on, Csille. I know it hurts, but your parents want you to live, and you need to do that. For them." Brother Pascal said while continue dragging me away from the scene.

 I couldn't process what is happening. All I know is my parents died, and I was just there doing nothing to save them. Even Prince Fraser didn't do anything. 

 Why? Why would he do that? Whyyy?!!

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