Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 211 -

Chapter 211 - : Leaving (2)

 I woke up feeling under the weather. I feel like my head is about to split into two. I groan and get out of my bed. 

 "I'll probably visit Leander first before I—"

 My word stops midway when I remember that Leander and the others are now on their way to the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 Forget it. I'll just deal with this headache. I have other things to do today, and I don't have time to visit the clinic. I only plan to ask for a pain reliever from Leander, but since he's not here, I'll just need to bear with my headache.

 The other Doctor in the clinic is quite strict. He won't let any student with intense migraine attend classes, and I cannot do that. I have already excused myself from my classes several times now in just a month. I'm afraid if I continue to do that, my grades will be affected. I also need to talk to Prince Joachim about my presentation after my class. That's why I don't really have much time to rest.

 After the conversation I had with Rufus, I immediately went to my room and slept. I didn't send them off or even talk to them to bid them goodbye because I was afraid I'd stop them. I'm afraid I'll become sadder seeing them leave.

 But I didn't realize I had become more sad when besides Rufus, the others didn't bid their goodbye to me. Although I will be returning to Vrawyth next month, I still feel sad that they didn't even inform me that they are leaving. If not for Rufus, I wouldn't even know that they would leave the Alderrdeen yesterday.

 Rufus told me that Prince Fraser doesn't want them to let me know that they are leaving because he knows that I was busy with my research, and he doesn't want to bother me. He just left a letter informing me that they had already left. 

 I look at the letter on my table and sigh. I didn't read the letter because I didn't want to become sadder. 

 After doing my morning routine, I immediately walk out of my dorm. I smile when I see an Illorian soldier waiting outside my dormitory building. If I'm not mistaken, this is Godfather's trusted aid. Is he here because of Ruler Laird?

 The soldier bows his head when he sees me. "Lady Csille. Great Ruler, ask me to bring you to him."

 I look at my pocket watch. Since it's too early for my first class, I don't have any problem if I'll meet Godfather. 

 I follow the soldier, and he guides me to get on the carriage. The carriage then stops in front of a restaurant. It's one of the restaurants that Prince Fraser and the others used to eat. 

 One of the waiters immediately recognizes me and guides me to where Ruler Laird is. He's inside one of the private rooms in the restaurant. It is also the one that we used to rent before.

 Ruler Laird immediately stands up when he sees me. "My dear Csille. It's a good thing you are here. I thought I won't see you before I leave Alderrdeen."

 He's leaving Alderrdeen too? But I thought he would still spend a couple of days here. 

 Although I was sad and a little bit disappointed, I composed myself and smiled at him. 

 "You're leaving already, Godfather? Today?"

 Ruler Laird pulls me to sit beside him. He then put some food on my plate. "I apologize for not telling you immediately. I originally planned to spend a few more days with you and Prince Fraser. However, after Prince Fraser left yesterday, I realized I would only burden you if I stayed here. I heard from Germund that every graduating student is busy preparing for their presentation, and I don't want to bother you. Also, I need to return to Illorian City because one of the Elders sent me a letter that they need my help."

 I smile at Ruler Laird. I'm really grateful for what he did for us. He could have sent someone to help us, but he didn't hesitate to travel here for us. And even in his departure, he is still looking out for me. 

 "Godfather, you are not a burden. Actually, these days, although it's quite stressful because of Prince Fraser's situation. I was still happy because you were here. But if you want to leave already, I won't stop you. I just hope you have a safe trip, and please don't forget to send me a letter when you get back home."

 Ruler Laird gently pets my head. "I will definitely send you a letter. Don't worry. I'll return to Alderrdeen City for your graduation day."

 I smile at Ruler Laird and nod my head. 

 He won't. He won't attend my graduation. Because aside from my parents and the Foulqueret family, no one came to support me. 

 After the breakfast, Ruler Laird's trusted aide sent me back to my dorm before leaving Alderrdeen City. 

 I look at the sky and sigh. I feel more alone now.


 "Lady Csille?"

 I look at Prince Joachim. We are currently in his office talking about my presentation. This afternoon, the Professors have already released the list of the first batch who will present their presentation, and I am part of that list. As I expected.

 And here I am, doing a last minute preparation. 

 I apologetically look at Prince Joachim. "I apologize, Professor. I was just thinking about something. Are you saying something?"

 Prince Joachim shakes his head. "I think you should take a rest first. Your mind is drifting away. I'm afraid that even if we spend the whole night here talking about your presentation, you won't learn anything."

 Prince Joachim gave me the notes he had prepared for my presentation. "Here. I think it's best if you read it first on your own and just come to me if you need anything else. Also, let me remind you that aside from the presentation, you also need to review for your final examination. I suggest you rest for today, and we'll continue tomorrow."

 I didn't argue with him anymore. I don't really feel okay today. So, I think it's better to take a break today. 

 "I apologize, Professor. I'll just see you tomorrow then. Thank you for your time."

 Professor Joachim stared at me. "Lady Csille, I know you are probably sad because of Prince Fraser's departure. But I want you to know that I am just here if you need someone to talk to."

 I smile awkwardly at him and leave his office immediately. 

 What the heck is he saying? Doesn't he realize how does his words sounds? He's my Professor. How can he say that to me? 

 I know we know each other outside the school premises, but we're not that close. It's not enough reason for him to disregard the fact that he is still my Professor. 

 I was still busy contemplating when I heard someone call my name.

 "Lady Csille!"

 I looked back and found Lilla waving her hands at me enthusiastically. She then stares at Prince Joachim's office.

 "Did you just talk to Professor Brissaud?"

 I nod my head at her and show her the notes that Prince Joachim gave me. "I just ask for some pointers. The presentation is almost there. I need to make sure that everything is okay on my part." I look at Lilla. "Are you here too to talk to your Advisor?"

 Lilla nods her head. "Yes, he also gave me some pointers. Anyways, have you seen the list? When is your presentation date?"

 "Next Monday. It's the reason why I'm doing my last preparation for my presentation. How about you? When is yours?"

 Lilla smiles widely at me. "It's next Friday. Thank goodness I still have a week's time to finish everything. I still have a lot of things to prepare."

 Lilla groan. "I'm already anxious about my presentation. I'm not sure if I can pass it. Lady Csille, what should I do?"

 Each graduating student needs to pass the presentation first before they can graduate in Alderrdeen. 

 I tried to make Lilla calm down. I admit I'm anxious too, but because I have already experienced doing defending research in front of Professors in the real world. So, it won't be a problem for me.

 "Remember last year when we talk to some seniors? They said that one fourth of their batch wasn't able to graduate because of the presentation. Now, I'm really scared. What if I couldn't pass the presentation? My parents will definitely be disappointed in me."

 "Don't think like that. If you put handwork on your presentation, I'm sure you'll pass. What you think, you attract. Remember that. If you think you'll fail even before starting, there's a big chance that you would. So, stop thinking too much negativity. It will not help you. If you need any help, I can help you."

 Lilla weeps and clings to my arm. "You are really an angel, Lady Csille. I'm so glad I met you, or else I don't know what I will do in life."

 I just laugh at her. We end up eating ice cream as a treat for ourselves. We will definitely have a hectic schedule this week. So, a little ice cream will definitely help.


 After I had fun yesterday, I was welcome with tests and other activities the next day. And even after all my classes, I still need to see Professor Joachim again to ask some questions regarding my presentation.

 Lilla looks at Prince Joachim's office and sighs. "I'll probably see you later then or maybe tomorrow. I think my Advisor and I need a lot of time to prepare for my presentation. Good luck with your presentation, Lady Csille. See you."

 "Good luck with yours too."

 Lilla then walks towards her Advisor's office. 

 I took a deep breath and looked at Prince Joachim's office. If I don't really need guidance for my research, I won't dare come back and talk to him. After what he said to me yesterday, I suddenly don't feel comfortable with him again.

 However, I have no other choice but to look for him. If I want to pass this presentation and if I want to become the top student among my batch, then I need to do everything I can to make this presentation perfect. 

 It's all for the sake of this world, Ysavel. So, you need to bear with it.

 I knock on Prince Joachim's door. "Professor, it's Csille. I come here to clarify some things regarding my presentation."

 I didn't hear anyone answer me inside. I frown. It's already past five. There are no classes after five, and Prince Joachim is usually here after his classes. Did he fall asleep?

 I tried to turn the doorknob of his Office door, and to my surprise, it is not locked. I looked inside and couldn't find Prince Joachim inside. 

 "Eh? He isn't here? But I thought I told him yesterday that I would look for him after my class?"

 I sigh. I'll probably wait for him outside his office. I was about to close the door when my eyes caught something.

 I look around first before entering Prince Joachim's Office. Although I know it's not right to invade someone else room, but I couldn't help it. 

 I walk towards Prince Joachim's table. My eyes widened when I noticed a portrait lying on Prince Joachim's table. 

 It's Princess Paislee's portrait drawing!

 Why does Prince Joachim have Princess Paislee's portrait drawing? As far as I know, it's impossible that he met Princess Paislee before. 

 Princess Paislee was rarely seen outside the Aeslaerean Kingdom. The King and the Queen of the Aeslaerean Kingdom love their daughter dearly. That's why they didn't let her outside the Aeslaerean Kingdom. The time when I met Princess Paislee ten years ago is the only exception. 

 It is even impossible for him to visit the Aeslaerean Kingdom. He is a forgotten Prince. The King and the Queen of the Yesian Kingdom avoid bringing him to other Kingdoms because they don't want to get embarrassed.

 So, how come he had Princess Paislee's portrait? Is he in love with her? 

 So, all this time, I was just mistaken? All this time, he did all those things because of kindness? But didn't Princess Paislee already mention that Prince Joachim is a dangerous person? josei

 I don't know what to think anymore. I immediately left Prince Joachim's office. I also didn't wait for him to return because I didn't think my mind could process what he will going to explain to me about my research.

 What is that all about? Prince Joachim is into Princess Paislee? Now, two people want to take Princess Paislee away from Prince Fraser? 

 Why is this happening?

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