Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 212 -

Chapter 212 - : Leaving (1)

 I happily open my room and slump my body on the bed.

 It's done! Prince Fraser's problem is already solved. We can now all sleep peacefully tonight. After all the sleepless nights, I can finally sleep well without worry.

 Before we left, the Ingvar family and Brandr's friends. Ruler Laird made sure that each one of them took a pill. Godfather told me it's an amnesiac pill. They will forget what happened today, but the fear will remain. So, even if they forget, they won't go against us again. Their subconscious won't let them.

 After we left, Godfather asked us to show him around the Alderrdeen City again for the whole day. It's was already late when we returned to the school.

 But of course, he didn't forget to check on Principal Germund. He made sure that the issue with the Ingvar family and Brandr's friends was handled properly.

 I roll on my bed and look at the withered striped carnation flower. I groan and take the flower from the vase. I stare at the flowers intently.

 "I don't know why I'm still keeping you. I should have left you in the restaurant." I look at the withered petals of the flower. I smile bitterly at myself. "Just like this flower, my relationship with Prince Fraser will eventually wither. So, why do I keep doing things that will just hurt me in the end?" 

 I take a deep breath before I throw the flower into the garbage bin. I then look outside my window. 

 Another day has passed. How many days will I need to spend in this world before I can go back? 

 I shake my head and slump my body on my bed again. My mind keeps thinking about Prince Fraser. Now that everything is okay, I bet they will leave Alderrdeen City one of these days. 

 I should be happy, but I couldn't help but feel emptiness inside of me. 

 This is bad. This is really bad. I don't like what I am feeling. I shouldn't feel this for him. 

 I haven't talked to Prince Fraser after he was out of his confinement. Although I was there when we all showed Ruler Laird around the Alderrdeen City, we didn't have any chance to talk alone. 

 Although Prince Fraser tried talking to me, I was the one who was avoiding him. I was afraid. I was afraid of how much my heart beats for him every time he was around. So, I did the most logical thing I knew. To run away. 

 I stare at my ceiling and mess my hair. 

 "Ysavel, stop thinking about Prince Fraser. Why do you always think about him? All you ever think about is him. Don't you want to return to the real world anymore? Girl, get yourself together."

 I closed my eyes and just forced myself to sleep. Sleep. Let's just sleep it all.


 It's still weekend, so I still don't have any class today. I decided to spend my whole day preparing for my presentation. 

 I heard a rumor that the Professors will post a list for the first batch of students who will have their presentations. They are those students who have already submitted their research and are now in the process of preparing for their presentation.

 And I think I am included in that list. However, I still need to talk to Prince Joachim for me to confirm it. 

 I was walking in the open field to get to the library when I saw Lilla running towards me. I frown. It's Sunday, how come she is outside her room?

 Lilla and Csille live beside each other. I know that Lilla won't get out of her dorm on Sunday because she is sleeping for the whole day. That's why it's really surprising to see Lilla outside her dorm on Sunday afternoon.

 "Lady Csille! Thank goodness I found you. I looked for you in your room, but I didn't find you there. It's a good thing you're here only." She looks around. "Where are you going?"

 I raised the book in my arms. "I'm going to the library. It's Sunday, and I cannot go and ask Professor Joachim about my questions. So, I'm planning to look for answers in the library. How about you? What are you doing here? On a Sunday afternoon? Isn't that new?"

 Lilla became excited when she heard my question. She drags me to the bench nearby. "I was planning to take out food in the restaurant when I heard a news from some students."

 I raised my eyebrow at her. So she runs all the way here just to tell me her gossip? Is she related to Rufus? Why am I surrounded by people who love to gossip?

 "What news is it that it made you get out of your dorm on Sunday?"

 Lilla shakes my arm. "You wouldn't believe what I heard, Lady Csille. So, early this morning, I heard a news about Brandr's friends."

 Brandr's friend? Is it about what Godfather ordered Principal Germund? Did he really clean everything up? Isn't his speed too much? We only slept for the night, and the news was already out? I'm amazed.

 I tried to pretend that I didn't know about her news. "What about them?"

 "So, we all know that Brandr's friends were all kicked out in our school, and they are banned from going back to Alderrdeen City, right? However, that's not the end of it. I heard that all their families were sent to prison because someone leaked all the illegal deeds they did throughout these years. Even Brandr's friends were involved with this. Their respective cities already sent out guards that would guard them until they returned to their City to face their punishment. Although Brandr's friends who came from the Great Seven Kingdom were not involved, I heard a news that sooner or later they will experience the same fate that happened to their friends too."

 I nod my head. Too great. Really great. The way they deal with the enemy is really something a simple noble person like me cannot do. 

 "That's great news then. At least we don't have to worry about them, and the school loses all those troublemakers."

 Lilla looks at me. "Are you not informed about this, Lady Csille? I remember seeing Brandr and his friends when I brought you to the Principal's office the other day. Are you sure you don't know about this?"

 I tried to act innocent. "What would I know? I was worried about Prince Fraser's problem. How can I know about this?" 

 Oh, no. I better run away now, or else I might say things that I shouldn't have said. "Lilla, I need to go now. I still need to prepare for my presentation. You probably also heard the news that the Professors will release the first batch of students who will present first, right? I still need to prepare now. Don't you need to prepare too?"

 Lilla's eyes widen. She then excused herself and ran towards our dorm. I look at his back and sigh. 

 As much as I want to tell her about everything, but I know I cannot do it. It's better for her to know nothing.


 I had just finished researching in the library when I found Rufus leaning on the wall of the library. I frown. What is this guy doing here? I thought he would spend his Sunday doing nothing but sleeping?

 Rufus immediately stands straight when he sees me. He smiles at me, but his eyes don't look happy at all. 

 Did something happen again? Why does he look sad? 

 "Purplany, you're here already. I've been waiting for a couple of hours now." He then looks at the books in my arms. "Aren't you being too studious again? You should take care of yourself too. Leander already told me that if you continue to overwork yourself, your body couldn't endure it anymore."

 I smiled at him and messed his hair. "Are you here to scold me?"

 Rufus didn't answer. He just drags me somewhere. We stop in front of a huge tree. On its branch, there is an attached swing. He let me sit on it and swing me.

 I let him do what he wanted and enjoy the swing. It's been a while since I experienced it. 

 A moment after, Rufus stopped swinging me and leaned on the tree. I frown when I see the expression on his face. He really looks sad.

 "Is everything okay, Rufus? Why do you look sad? Is there something wrong?"

 Rufus didn't answer me and remained leaning on the tree. A moment after, he looked straight into my eyes. "We will be leaving tonight, Csille."

 I feel my heart stop beating with Rufus' words. 

 What? They will be leaving tonight? But isn't that sudden? I thought they would stay here for a couple more days, but why are they leaving all of a sudden? 

 I tried to calm my panicking heart. "Did something happen to the Vrawyth Kingdom? Why did you decide to leave all of a sudden? Also, isn't your original plan is to stay here for two weeks? There's still a few days before two weeks."

 Rufus shakes his head. "It was Prince Fraser's idea. He was probably afraid that he'd do something again that would cause trouble. That's why he decided to return back to the Vrawyth Kingdom. Also, he was worried that some news might get to the Vrawyth Kingdom. You know what will happen if it's gets to his majesty's ears. So to avoid unnecessary trouble, he decided to immediately leave Alderrdeen."

 I got silent because of his words. Prince Fraser's logic is actually right. Although the news was suppressed, there is still a possibility that some people might spread it. So to prevent the King from getting enraged with Alderrdeen and the Ouqeaseon Kingdom, Prince Fraser decided to leave immediately.

 I should be happy with his decision. If he isn't around, I don't need to avoid him. I don't need to be scared of my own feelings, and I don't need to worry that I might do something that I might regret. However, my heart won't stop wincing with the news of their departure.

 I took a deep breath and tried to calm my heart. "I see. When did he decide to leave?"

 Rufus looked at me and sighed. "Yesterday."josei

 I feel my hand tremble. We were together the whole day, and he didn't even mention it to me? Is he mad because I was avoiding him? 

 I smile bitterly. I thought he would wait for me. But what can I expect? I am the Villainess. Why would he keep the word he said to me? I am nothing to him.

 "Have a safe trip then. I won't be able to send you out since I need to wake up early tomorrow, and I still need to prepare for my presentation tonight. Apologies, just send my regards to Sir Farren." 

 Rufus stares at me for a moment before he sighs. "I'm sorry, purplany. As much as I want to stay here with you but I have duties to the monarch. And oh, Leander will be returning with us too. Since he already submitted the needed documents for his departure."

 Even Leander will leave too. It means I have no one to talk to. I suddenly feel gloomy.

 Even though Csille used to be alone here in her first years in Alderrdeen, but that's Csille. When I woke up as Csille five years after, Leander was there, and after a few weeks, Rufus, Prince Fraser, and Princess Paislee arrived. I was so used to having them around me, and now they will all leave me? 

 I could feel my eyes start to get teary. I don't know why I am being so emotional over this small thing. It's probably because after I woke up in this world, this is the first time again that I feel alone. 

 "That's great then. I hope you have a safe trip. And oh, can you please say to my parents that I miss them already and I cannot wait for them to arrive here for my graduation."

 Rufus groan. "I will. If I could only stay here until your Graduation, I would do that. Too bad my hands are tied to the monarch. I'm sorry, Csille. I cannot be with you at your graduation."

 I just smile at him. In the first place, they are only supposed to stay here for a couple of days. So, I really didn't expect that he could attend my graduation. 

 "I understand, Rufus."

 I really understand.. But it doesn't mean I won't miss them.

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