Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 218 -

Chapter 218 - : Graduation

 A few days have passed, and it's my Graduation day now. The Foulqueret Family and the Lauretré Family are the only ones who are in my graduation to support me.

 However, since the Foulqueret doesn't want other people to know their connection with the Lauretré Family, they didn't sit with my Parents. They come to the school with the front that they want to see the Graduation this year since Brother Pascal will be the one who'll host it.

 Lilla immediately rushes to me the moment I walk inside the venue of our graduation. She hugs me tightly. "Lady Csille! You are finally here. I've been looking for you for the past few days. Where have you been? I thought you would stay in our school only?"

 I smile awkwardly at her. How will I tell her that I was with the Foulqueret Family? She cannot know that.

 "My dear, is this your friend?" Mother who is standing behind me, suddenly asks.

 I almost sighed when I heard her speak. Because I don't know how to explain things to Lilla, I cannot let her know that Brother Ernest is my cousin. That's why I was not around.

 Lilla break from our hug. Her eyes immediately widen before she clumsily does a curtsy. "Count, Countess, please forgive my behavior. I didn't notice your presence. I hope you can forgive my lack of respect."

 Mother chuckled. "You are my daughter's friend, so that's okay. If I'm not mistaken, you are the daughter of the Vassellevé of the Frailens City, right?"

 Lilla nods her head vigorously. "You are right, Countess. I am Lilla Vassellevé."

 Mother look at me. "You have a good friend, my dear. You did a great job choosing your friends."

 I just smile at Mother. 

 The host suddenly announced that the graduation ceremony would start soon, so everyone should be in their position. 

 Because the parents' chairs are at the back, Mother, Father, and Brother Pascal excused themselves and sat on the seats assigned to them. While Lilla drags me to our seat. 

 "Lady Csille!" She shrieks. 

 I hush her immediately because everyone is looking at us already. 

 Lilla covers her mouth. "I'm sorry, I was just excited that I already met the Count and the Countess of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I thought I was already lucky being a friend of the only heiress of the Lauretré Family, but I didn't expect I would see them in person."

 I laugh at Lilla's reaction. It's the same reaction she had when she first met Csille. Lilla is really a pure heart and simple minded person. 

 "Okay, okay. I know you're excited, but we still have a Graduation Ceremony we need to face. So, can you set aside that excitement and focus on our Graduation? Everyone is looking at us already."

 Lilla tugged my arms. "Lady Csille, how can I calm down? Did you see the faces of our batch mates when they see you walking with the Count and the Countess? They all look at the four of you with admiration." She shrieks again, but this time she tries to muffle it. "How can you be so perfect? You're the top one of our class, you're considered to be the most beautiful lady among the Kingdoms, and you're from one of the wealthiest and powerful noble families in the Vrawyth Kingdom. You're too surreal, Csille."

 I just laugh at her words. Even I, the writer of this world, find Csille too surreal. However, she is the Villainess of the story. Even if she has those, she cannot have the love of her life. So, it's still useless.

 "Actually, Lady Csille, I always think that you are the most beautiful lady not just among the Kingdoms, I think you're the most beautiful lady existing today. Your eyes and your hair are definitely what makes you stand out from everyone."

 I laugh at Lilla. "Don't you think you're complimenting me too much?"

 Lilla waves her hand. "It's not even enough. Do you know how beautiful you are? Even if I said you're the most beautiful lady here, it wouldn't be enough to describe your beauty."

 I shake my head at Lilla. "You're exaggerating things." I look around to find where my parents are sitting. Mother, Father, and Brother Pascal wave their hands at me. I wave my hand at them in return.

 Lilla leaned to my ear and whispered, "Lady Csille, who is the gentleman sitting beside the Countess? Is he your Brother?"josei

 "I don't have a Brother, but he is my cousin. He's the son of my deceased Uncle. He is currently a Doctor in the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 Lilla looks inconspicuously at Brother Pascal. I just look at her with a conflicted expression. Is Lilla having a crush on Brother Pascal?

 "What is his name? Is he your cousin on your maternal side? Is that the reason why I didn't know about his existence?"

 "His name is Pascal Lauretré and his my cousin in Paternal side. When my Uncle Lenard Lauretré and his wife died, my parents took over the management of their business. They are the ones who also take care of Brother Pascal. However, after he started University, he decided to move out of our house and live a simple life. He gave up his right as the heir of the Lauretré Family. It's the reason why many people are not aware of his existence. My Father tried to bring Brother Pascal with him to social gatherings, but Brother Pascal always declined. He just wants to live a simple life."

 Lilla nods her head. "You mentioned he is now a Doctor in the Vrawyth Kingdom, right?"

 I nod my head at her. Lilla didn't say anything. I look at her expression. Does she really like Brother Pascal?

 Although I don't have any problem having her in our family, I just think it's better if she won't fall in love with Brother Pascal. Things are going to change soon in the Lauretré Family. If she still insists, I'm afraid it will just be the reason for her demise. 

 I sigh and just focus my attention in front. Our professors are sitting in front. Brother Ernest looked back and smiled at me. I smile at him in return. I looked around and frowned when I realized something was amiss.

 I look at Lilla, who is still in her own world. I sigh and gently elbows her. "Lilla, do you know why Professor Brissaud is not here?"

 Lilla looks at me confusedly. "You don't know? After the school year ended, Professor Brissaud returned to the Yesian Kingdom. It was big news, and you're not aware of it? He's your advisor in research, right? How come you have no idea about it?"

 Prince Joachim return to the Yesian Kingdom? But I thought his situation in the Yesian Kingdom was not okay? Why would he come back to the place he ran away from before?

 "Lady Csille? Is there something wrong?"

 Before I can answer Lilla, Brother Ernest has already stepped up to the stage. He is the host for today's Graduation.

 "Good day, parents and teachers. We will now officially start our Graduation Ceremony."

 The ceremony started. The Graduation in the Alderrdeen is quite simple. After mentioning the special people present today and giving credits to the Professors, they started calling the students one by one. 

 Lilla walked to the stage first and received her diploma. Teachers said something to her on the stage before she got down. 

 Lilla immediately returned to her seat and showed me her diploma. "Csille look, I already have my diploma. I am officially an alumna of the Alderrdeen School of Knowledge."

 "Lady Csille Lauretré, the top student for this batch. Her research also received the best research award. She is the most outstanding student and received the award for Exemplary Student Award."

 I congratulate Lilla before I step on the stage. The audience starts clapping while I walk towards Principal Germund and Brother Ernest.

 Principal Germund hands me the diploma and shakes my hands. "Congratulations, Lady Csille. Is he here?" He whispered.

 He? Is he talking about Ruler Laird? I shake my head at Principal Germund. "He has some matters to do. That's why he couldn't come."

 Principal Germund nods his head and takes a step back. I look at Brother Ernest and smile at him. He then offered his hand to me for a handshake which I gladly accepted.

 "Congratulations, Csille. We are all proud of you."

 I bow my head at them before I look at the audience. I raised my diploma to show it to my Parents and Brother Pascal. They all smile at me in return.

 I walk to the platform. I was the last student to be called because I needed to give a short message as the top student of this batch.

 "First of all, I want to thank the Alderrdeen School of Knowledge for giving me an opportunity to study here. I would always be thankful for that. Second, I want to thank my Father, my Mother, my Brother Pascal, and my other relatives for being with me in one of the important events in my life. I'm really grateful to have you as my family."

 I couldn't mention the Foulqueret Family, so I just say other relatives. 

 "As for my schoolmates. I want to thank you too for sharing memories with me even for a short time, and congratulations too for reaching until this day. Today might be our last day as a student of Alderrdeen, but I believe our learning will actually start from today. I know we all feel elated receiving our Diploma. Some of us might feel anxious facing the world outside. But I want to remind everyone that even if life puts us in a difficult situation, let this diploma remind you that hardship is the road to success. If you all want to be successful, you shouldn't be afraid of failures because failures teach us lessons. I hope in the future, every one of us will be successful in our own little way. Good luck, everyone. Thank you."

 The crowd clapped their hands after I finished my speech. I look at Brother Ernest, who is standing beside me.

 "That was a great speech."

 I smile at Brother Ernest before I walk down the stage. Lilla immediately hugs me the moment I sit down on my chair. 

 "Lady Csille, congratulations. I'm so proud of you."

 I smile at Lilla and hug her back. "Thank you. I'm proud of you too."

 The last part of the ceremony started, so Lilla and I focused in front. A moment after, the graduation ended. I immediately excuse myself to Lilla and rush to my Parents and Brother Pascal.

 Mother immediately hugs me. "My dear, we are so proud of you. You really didn't disappoint us."

 Father hugs the two of us and laughs proudly. "I'm sure my colleagues will definitely be envious again. I didn't just have a daughter who graduated from Alderrdeen School of Knowledge. She is even the top one of her batch." He laughs again.

 Mother laughs at Father and elbows him. "And there he goes again. Boasting. What will the other people say if they know that you're like that?"

 "What would they say? I'm only telling the truth here. Our daughter is really an amazing lady. Even if I don't tell other people her achievements, they would know about it on their own. So, why would I need to mind what will they say?"

 "Father!" I complained.

 Father just laughs and hugs Mother and me. He then looks at his side. "Come here, Pascal. Why are you just standing there?"

 Before Brother Pascal can say anything, Mother drags Brother Pascal and hugs him too. 

 After the hugging our hugging session, Father and Mother walk to Principal Germund and talk to him. 

 "Congratulations, Csille. I'm happy for you." Brother Pascal suddenly said.

 I look at him and cling to his arm. "Thank you, Brother. I know you are busy with your work, but you still take your time to be here with me. Thank you."

 Brother Pascal gently pets my head. "What are you saying? I am your cousin. Of course, I will be here for you."

 I smile at Brother Pascal. I frown when I remember something. "Brother Pascal, I have a question."

 He looks at me. "What do you want to ask?"

 "Do you already have someone you love?"

 I'm really curious. Brother Pascal is past thirty already, but I never heard that he ever been in a relationship. 

 I looked at him and saw his flushed face. Before I could ask him why he was flustered, he immediately excused himself and left. 

 I look at his back, and a teasing smile is showing on my face. I think good things are coming to Brother Pascal's way.. Thank goodness.

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