Will of chaos

Chapter 1202 Cap 1200

Chapter 1202 Cap 1200: Stealing A Moon

I was in the middle of the village burned to ashes, the smell of blood and burning flesh everywhere when I arrived the village was prosperous with only 1 or 2 elderly people dying of old age, time passed quickly when I saw the village being attacked by bandits who took everything of value while killing half the population, then winter came causing them to starve to death, those who made it through the winter died from disease and soon after monsters appeared causing the death of anyone who was left. 

Death seems to be the only thing to relate to all the events caused in this village, different scenarios and ways of dying, it was unnecessarily brutal and cruel. 

"Was that supposed to have any meaning?" (I) 

"You know it does and you already understand what it's about." (Caitlyn) 

My sister appears opening one of the charred corpses to get out while cleaning the soot from her clothes. 

"I understand, you wanted to show me deaths, but this isn't the first time seeing innocent people dying, it's also not the first time seeing a city destroyed, this kind of thing doesn't affect me as much as it did in the past." (I) 

"The idea was never to affect you emotionally or I would have made things worse using your wives' bodies." (Caitlyn) 

"I wanted to show death, you can know about it, you can understand how it works in a superficial way, but now that's not enough, you need a clear understanding." (Caitlyn) 

"Why that?" (I) 

"The fragments of the Blessings are still within you, they have changed your Soul to the point of fundamental change, you now need to understand the characteristics related to these Blessings to fully integrate these fragments into your Soul." (Caitlyn) 

"But what am I going to learn from seeing this?" (I) 

"The revelation has to come from you, simply telling it won't do, so think for yourself." (Caitlyn)  josei


"What is death?" (I) 

This was just the first teaching space, she made it clear that there will be more to come, but I wasn't excited about what was yet to come. 


Pov Hades: 

I was leading Haku and Cinthia on a mission, it happens 2 days after Master Zenos wakes up and is taken by his sister. 

We were in one of Nicole's magically constructed vehicles, this one specially made for me with very specific functions. 

Once we arrived in the solar system we fled months ago, I stopped the vehicle in a well-hidden area before talking to Haku and Cinthia. 

"We're already here, are you ready?" (I) 

"Yes, but are you sure the man from before won't be there?" (Haku) 

"Yes, we have received confirmation that he and other Deities of Light are fighting in a very specific region of the universe." (I) 

"I still don't understand why we're coming here?" (Cinthia) 

"That's an unnecessary risk." (Cinthia) 

"Speaking of which, who ordered this?" (Haku) 

"No one asked, this is a mission I wanted to do on my own." (I) 

I explain to resolve how I arrived at this objective, the truth is that I went to talk to Mistress Zoe months ago after my master found himself recovering in the Communal Temple. 

I went to find Mistress Zoe with something in mind that needed to be answered, I wanted to know if that Moon where my Lord used his power Would have become a Holy Land, for everything I had learned it was a possibility that needed to be verified. 

I explained everything to Haku and Cinthia while seeing their eyes change to become more serious as they understood what I was getting at. 

"But if you're right, wouldn't the Moon be destroyed? I don't see the Church of Light accepting a Holy Land belonging to an enemy so close to one of their worlds." (Haku) 

"They certainly have the power to do so, but that world only has one moon that is part of the natural order of nature on that world, destroying that could cause more problems than keeping it as it is." (Cinthia) 

"Cinthia is right, Zoe told me so and Miss Silvia confirmed it to me, so the big chance it's still there." (I) 

"But even then I still needed to confirm, which I just did when we arrived, you see." (I) 

I increase the power of a spell this vehicle already possesses to amplify the image of the far distant Moon. 

"What we're going to do now is steal this Moon." (I) 

"That sounds interesting, tell me more." (Haku) 

"I'll do the best I can, but we shouldn't put ourselves in unnecessary danger." (Cinthia) 

"Don't worry, this is a long term plan, we should take a few weeks for this." (I)  I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm


pov irius: 

"< Field of Sword Trial >" (I) 

I throw my shield up making it grow, its shadow banishes all light leaving only darkness for miles, but that doesn't block my vision as I see thousands of swords of all sizes grow from the ground on all sides. 

I saw many of the enemies being injured by these swords coming out of nowhere, but as Warriors that they are, they managed to avoid deaths, but I didn't let the opportunity pass. 

I pull a sword from the ground and run towards an enemy who has just been wounded, I use the sword I just picked up to stab his heart, and with his death, all the vital energy in his body goes to my sword which floats by itself when I let go of its hilt letting her continue fighting alone while I pull a new sword from the surroundings. 

The next enemy protected himself with his shield, but I use the opportunity to duck using the sword to cut one of his legs, then I use one of the swords stuck in the ground kicking it sideways to cut his head like scissors. 

An enemy must have guided himself with the sound towards me, but before he has a chance to get close the sword I kicked to sever the last one's head rises on its own and penetrates his side from the bottom up. 

Without ever stopping I kept taking sword after sword leading to the death of yet another enemy, with each death a sword came to life with the vitality stolen from those it killed and anyone who draws one of the swords other than me will be killed by the sword. 

As time went by there were thousands of swords flying all over the battlefield, after hours I raised my arm when my shield reduced in size coming back to me. 

When the light returned to the battlefield all that was left were dead corpses, thousands of swords floating across the battlefield, but soon these swords evaporated leaving only the remaining vitality to dilute in the surroundings as it returned to nature. 

I go back to the city if I can call this place a city, in addition to the iron walls carved with magic circles, there are only 3 structures built, and all the rest of the space is occupied by tents, thousands of these tents serving as makeshift housing, I pass by all of this to the place where I see my sister surrounded by Beastmen, I wave to her as she moves away from the crowd towards me. 

"Were you able to convince them?" (I) 

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm "Not yet, they're too stubborn to call this place home." (Irina) 

"Leaving everything they've known no matter how bad it is must be hard for them." (I) 

"Let's hope Silvia has more soc2sso on her side." (I) 

"She'll be fine, I'm more worried about what we can do here." (Irina) 


"We need to think, we won't last long like this, we're both strong, but we can't fight the whole world." (I) 

"We don't even know if they have anyone truly strong among them." (I) 

"It shouldn't be long anyway, people are hungry and the attacks seem to be getting more frequent since before we arrived, they won't last long like this." (Irina) 

"Tell them we're leaving in 5 days, they can come together or stay behind, we can't waste time, our Father is still in a bad situation for us to waste time with people who don't want to save themselves." (I) 

"I don't like what this could mean for them, but I don't see a choice." (Irina) 

This world has few races of people, in fact, it only has two that are the Humans and the Beastmen, these two races continue to war for millennia until they began to use techniques of mass destruction such as forbidden magic or poisons that contaminate the land itself to deprive enemies of straightening. 

Their tactics always aimed at the extermination of one side no matter what the means to achieve such an outcome, it was no surprise that Humans are capable of going to far worse extremes than Beastmen, which has led to the current situation where they are on the verge of extermination not even 50 thousand of them still alive. 

This world is so rotten that even the Gods abandon their own fate, now this world that has been abused by thousands of years of war is on the verge of the situation, they didn't realize that why there are no more Fairies and Spirits in this world, even if Humans winning won't matter when the world is destroyed. 


"Perhaps we should leave them behind, there are many people with justifiable prejudice against Humans." (I) 

"Don't worry, we're only going to take those without prejudice and who can still learn to follow another path." (Irina) 

"So until the day..." (I) 

"Poison cloud, hide underground!!!" 

"Really!? That's the second time today!" (Irina) 

"< Purification Barrier >" (Irina) 

My sister raises her hand creating a large-scale barrier covering this entire village, as the green clouds approach begin to disappear. 

"Didn't you say you finished them off?" (Irina) 

"The poison didn't come from the side I fought it came from the opposite side, it must have been a pincer attack before I finished off one side." (I) 

"I'll take a look in that direction in the meantime to let them know, we need to get more people into the Dungeon, but we don't have time to waste on them." (I) 

"Okay, I'll talk to him, I wish they could preserve their lives first." (Irina)

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