Will of chaos

Chapter 1203 Cap 1201

Chapter 1203 Cap 1201: Kill Them All

Pov Elsaris:

I would really like my children and Lilian's students to be here, it would be much easier to investigate with more people.


With nothing more to do about this overwork we are having, I continue following the person in question, a girl who appears to be 10 years old, simple clothes with real Runes on her neck revealing herself to be a real Runic.

It's been almost a month since Lilian found our first clue, after that we used it to reach other people, before marking the 3 highest priority targets based on our information, this girl is one of those targets that I took for myself.

Lilian has a soft spot for children because of her students and my sister would never be able to do anything against someone who looks childish, that leaves only me to take care of this brat.

Our information so far is from a building on the north side of the city, a new building that has 5 floors including the ground floor, serving as a hotel from the second floor onwards with the ground floor serving as a reception hall and restaurant.

This girl claims to be the daughter of the receptionist who stays in the lobby, during the day she does many different tasks running all over the city and all over that building, but the people she passes on the way of her simple tasks are always too suspicious.

Another problem was also that I can smell the power of her blood even from this distance, and thinking that Haku was one of those things repulses me.

"[I'm ready to act.]" (Samira)

"[I'm ready too, it looks like everyone from the meeting is here besides the targets of you two.]" (Lilian)

"You can start with the plan, Lilian." (I)

"It will take them a while to realize something is wrong, so we will have arrived by then." (I)

"[Alright, I'll start now, good luck to you both.]" (Lilian)

"[I'll also start here.]" (Samira)

"Be careful, they are treacherous." (I)

I was using the communication device created by Nicole to coordinate with the other two.

Now that everyone is in their places, it's time to end this mission.

I, who was hiding on top of a building, went down a side alley before leaving on the main street, then I entered the warehouse where I saw the girl enter, as soon as I entered I saw her talking to a man and I felt 6 others hiding in different places, all They have accelerated heartbeats, my ears can hear very well from this distance.josei

When I entered everyone's attention came to me, but they are still pretending, the man who was talking to the child asks me to wait and I do this for a few seconds while he talks to the girl in whispers that they don't think I can hear from this distance.

"It's in the building next door, I left it with the man who cleans the place." (Man)

"I'll take care of it, so keep up what you're doing..." (girl)

"< Daggers of Thunder >" (I)

Before she finishes, 5 daggers pass through her small body before attaching themselves to the man, covering him with lightning, and destroying his organs in the process, then the others hidden attack me, their speed surprising.

"< Footsteps of Thunder >" (I)

I focus my Thunder Ki into my legs and kick the ground at high speed maneuvering through this room several times in seconds before stopping next to the girl, the bodies of those attacking me falling into pieces now.

"You didn't think you could fool me, did you?" (I)

I throw a sphere of rolled leather straps, when this sphere hits the back of the girl who was transforming, the sphere comes apart with the leather straps coming to life as they tie the girl's limbs and body, this includes the 3 tentacles with needles bone at the ends coming out of the back of its neck and its tongue that looked more like a tentacle now.

"You come with me for now." (I)

With her tied up, I take a small box and open it revealing only darkness inside, then tendrils of darkness come out and pull the girl inside before closing, and then I put the box back on my belt.

"Now let's take a look at what you came to get..." (I)


Pov Samira's:

This was more annoying than I thought, I knew I should have gotten Lilian's target, mine was alone, he couldn't react before his head exploded with my foot crushing his head against the wall.

"I really wanted to kill this idiot, the smell of his body disgusts me." (I)

I look back, we are in an alley, I no longer feel anything alive in the surroundings, but I still wonder why this idiot came here, since I can't find anything with my perception, I used my nose to follow his scent to a wall, it doesn't seem to be very strong, so I kicked it opening a hole where I enter, from the inside the same disgusting smell hits my face.

I look around holding my nose and see an improvised laboratory, there were glass cylinders with horrible creatures.I think you should take a look at

"That's disgusting." (I)

Better to put all this away before leaving, I couldn't leave all this behind.


Pov Elsaris:

I was confused by what I took, I already looked at it before as soon as I got it, so I left it in another shadow box, I didn't want to think about what I was taking now.

Right now I was going to where Lilian was already waiting, but I feel a great emotion for finally doing a little of what I like, killing monsters is no fun, their way of fighting is savage and instinctive, and killing people is something more planned and against those with cunning becomes a game of death in which I always win.


After a few minutes, I arrive at the building, I can already feel the effects of the barrier to keep people away, but I continue forward, passing through the barrier with the magical item I carry, Lilian was already waiting for me inside the barrier alongside my sister.

"How many?" (I)

"Around 430, but they don't seem to have the strength to go against us." (Lilian)

"They must be hiding their power somehow, the girl I went after was trying to transform, it must be when they use their true power." (I)

"How will we do this?" (Samira)

"I already blocked the entrance to the underground after dumping the poison inside, so I think we can take care of the top side first." (Lilian)

"You must remember, kill them all." (I)

"Yes." (Samira/Lilian)

With that said we call inside, I go with my sister to the restaurant that became a lounge after all the tables and chairs were removed to make room for the 200 or more people who are here.

"Sister, you start." (I)

"With pleasure." (Samira)

"< Blood Mist >" (Samira)

"< Footsteps of the Ghost Echo >" (Samira)

Samira blasts a red mist created by evaporating some of the body's blood, which at that amount isn't much considering the amount of blood we have in our bodies.

Soon she uses an ability that creates a delayed echo of footsteps, used with some form of sense obstruction as this will cause confusion among enemies.

Without being left behind I pull out my daggers before running into the Mist my blades cutting someone's arm dodging my attack without knowing that just the scratch I made on him was enough as he fell to the ground in pain, which didn't fool me when I cut his head in two knowing that these things don't feel pain the same way we do.

"Elsaris, be careful!" (Samira)

"< Fire Wave >" (I)

I step on the ground making flames spread around me like a wave of flames pushing away everyone around me, but these things didn't care about the fire coming after me.

Their heads open revealing a giant worm where there used to be a head, they come trying to bite me, but I dodge their attacks while using my daggers to tear pieces of their bodies.

"< Incarnation of Thunder: Accelerate >" (I)

I cover my entire body with Thunder Ki exploding in movement and attack speed, I run at high speed between the enemies, most of them are not even able to notice when I have already cut them, but I found one who was the first target of today, I didn't expect him to be here.

"< Bloodworms >"

A wave of red and purple power spreads with him as the center, then the air vibrates momentarily before starting to hear sounds of chewing, when I look I notice that the flesh of the corpses on the ground begins to turn into purple worms eating everything they find.

"Useless trick." (I)

"< Mantle of Flames >" (I)

I cover my body with flames, this keeps the worms away while I get closer to the target throwing the sphere of leather straps, this one tried to break away more than the last one I caught, but the Runes on the leather straps light up, coming to life rather than breaking the bones while tying him.

In a few minutes, we killed many among them, the room that my sister and I were in is now covered in worms, and the bodies and blood disappear leaving only this hell of worms for us to deal with while Lilian is cleaning the rest of this place.

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