Will of chaos

Chapter 463 Cap 461

Chapter 463 Cap 461: King Of Shadows(Chapter Preview)

One thing that caught my attention was the designs, ornaments and chain marks everywhere, it was something that could easily go unnoticed, it was just subtle details, nothing grandiose.

But I realized that since these chains are the same as the ones drawn on my body, I can't say if Leonardo ever saw this or if anyone told him about it, but I'm sure it was based on my own marks.

This city is so happy with everyone walking to and fro with smiles on their faces, everyone who passes me greets me, but I can't stop looking at everything, I keep walking to every corner of the city.

I was fascinated in a way I didn't expect, I could feel a warmth inside my heart that filled me with emotion.

I knew the reason for this, this emotion overflowing from inside my chest was happiness, this city will be my home, the home we all built together, the home where I can always return to, the home where there will always be someone waiting for me me.

Before I knew it, I was on top of the tallest Tree outside the city, my ration was revved up looking at that splendor.

The city had no walls, it didn't need something so useless in this place.

"I knew sooner or later you would come to this place."  (Kira)

"Everything is magnificent..." (I)

"I have to congratulate Leonardo for that, it exceeded all my expectations..." (I)

"We tried to congratulate him, but he didn't stay, he said he won't accept anyone congratulating him for a job that hasn't been finished yet."  (Kira)

"This place is much better than I expected just seeing the sketches of Leonardo's drawings."  (I)

"Where is he?"  (I)

"That Elf fell asleep yesterday morning, he went weeks without sleep."  (Byakko)

I was so distracted by this town that I didn't notice that Kira and Byakko were sitting on a branch talking next to me.

"I told him not to overdo it."  (I)

"He is just like you, master."  (Kira)

"Once he puts something on his head, he never takes it off."  (Kira)

"He wanted to follow the construction of every structure in this city, he's a very perfectionist."  (Kira)

"The maniac even cried with each completed construction, hahahaha..." (Byakko)

"You shouldn't laugh at this Byakko, this is Leonardo's dream, I think it would be impossible to tell him to keep control of his emotions."  (I)

"I myself am finding it difficult to keep control of myself."  (I)

I don't know how long I stood in that tree just looking at the cityscape, all I know is that I couldn't stop smiling.

I was never very attached to one place in my previous life and in this current life there were only three places that are marked in my memory.

The first place would be the orphanage I kept coming back to and where I grew up in my previous life, arguably that was my only true home in my previous life.

The second place would be the hut I built together with the girls in the Forest of Blood, that was the first place in this world that I built with my own hands, interdependent on the places I go from today, that little hut always will have a place in my heart.

Third place would be the mansion that I took as home to my family which was constantly growing at the time, that mansion is still with me and always will be because I brought it into this dungeon, that mansion was the starting point for the beginning of this city.

But this time it's different, I can feel it, this isn't just a home for me, this is a home for all these people who were laughing and talking all over town.

Just looking at all of them I can remember how I found them, most of them were from the mountain range and had nowhere to go being forced to leave the only place they had in this world, the Lizardman led by Barok were captured and have their village destroyed, there are also the Elves who chose to follow us this time.

From what I was told, these Elves mostly did not feel at home in their village, many seem to have been victims who were rescued from slavery, there were also those who had no family in their village and had no attachment to the village itself, they wanted to travel and exploring the world, there were also those brave ones who fell in love with the people of this Dungeon and chose to come along.

There are so many different races living together, the sight of these different races in a city with so many uniqueness was incredible.

"This place is my home, I will protect this place with everything I have..." (I)


<[ All titles of the King type have been absorbed by a new title that is being created ]>




<[ You have conquered the title [ King of Shadows ] ]>

"..." (I)


"(It's no use complaining about that title when all the people in this town have recognized me as their leader for a long time.)" (I)

"What's up Master?"  (Kira)

"Nothing, I'm just a little surprised at all this happening."  (I)

After a while everyone had gathered where I was, they wanted to take me to the mansion, but before that I pulled everyone to walk around town with me.

I wanted to walk around this city with my family, so we spent a few hours walking around the city, all the establishments were closed as all the residents were first organizing their homes before taking care of the stores.

As we walked around town I told everyone about my new title, they said that everyone at Dungeon had been calling me for that title since last night when they entered the Dungeon.

That's why in the mountain range we named this place as Village of Shadows, but instead of building a village, we decided to build a city that inherited the name of the village and is being called City of Shadows.

As I am the leader of everyone and at my children's encouragement, it seems that everyone has started calling me Shadow King, but I hadn't received the title until now for some reason.

Maybe I only got the title now because I walked into the city and created a feeling of belonging there, or maybe it's because of something else I don't understand.


After walking around the city we walked to the mansion which was not far away, I took the opportunity to talk to everyone about everything we saw in the city, Jade was especially happy to see how the city was adapted to the Lamias.

I was relieved when I arrived at the mansion and it was still the same mansion I remembered, I was afraid they had built a castle as promised before.

It seems that luckily they didn't.

We all enter the mansion and go to the hall where the meeting is always held, I had a lot to talk about with everyone, a lot of decisions to make.

During the meeting everyone was talking about the city, but I had to change the subject a bit to talk about how we are going to get to the Dark Continent.

The village of the Elves provided us with some maps, among these maps was one that showed the Dark Continent and the Morror Continent where we are.

Nira opened the map on the table for all to see, according to what we know from what we were told by the Elves and from what Lilian told us, there is no 100% safe path between these two continents.

I let Lilian take over the leadership of the meeting as she knew the way and knew everything about the Dark Continent.

According to what Lilian said, the ocean is a very dangerous place full of monsters, Pirates and storms that can destroy the weakest ships.josei

It seems that a ship made of normal wood would easily break during the first storm if it got unlucky, and Lilian said that ships must be reinforced with magic to withstand storms and monster attacks.

Glad we have a suitable boat made from the bodies of Lower Catastrophe Grade wood-type monsters, Rakan also said that he had already reinforced the ship with spells and Runes along with the Elves.

It seems that the only thing we will need to decide is where to go, according to Lilian there is a place where there are strong currents, because of that most monsters stay away from there, but because of that there are many pirates.

Lilian also said that this is the way that many smuggling ships between the two continents pass.

As we didn't have a better idea, so it looks like we're going to choose that path.

With a path already laid out for the Dark Continent, now we only had to worry about reaching the port in about a month, that is, if there are no unforeseen events.

We all decided to continue along the path that the Elves showed us on the map, during this path we will pass through a city before arriving at the port city where we are going to leave this continent, Nira said that he will try to find the materials that Leonardo needs to finish this city in these two cities.

With that we continued talking about various subjects for the rest of the day.

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