Will of chaos

Chapter 464 Cap 462

Chapter 464 Cap 462: Escape(Chapter Preview)

"Master, let's fight, with our strength we can decimate them all."  (Orion)

"I know that, but we can't do that right now, so just be quiet on my shoulder as I run."  (I)

"There is the Devil, take him in Baldr's name!!!"  (Templar of the Church of Light)



"WE WILL DO JUSTICE TO HIS HOLINESS Archbishop GALARETTO!!!"  (Templar of the Church of Light)


I was running alone through the streets of a city with thousands of soldiers running behind me, many were riding on white horses, others were running on top of the detailed ones, there were also some who were running without mounts behind me.

I could feel the killing intent of thousands of people behind me, when I looked back I could see the hatred and disgust in these soldiers' eyes.

I can't tell if they're like that because I'm someone wanted by their Religion, because I'm a Vampire, because I look like a Demon, or just everything together.

I actually don't think they know I'm a Vampire, plus I forgot the title "Heretic" I got from Baldr when I turned Vanessa into my daughter, but I didn't know the effect of that title was so intense.


"Why did this crap have to happen, I just wanted a smooth ride..." (I)

"Let me go to them, if we kill everyone we can go back to the trip in peace like you wanted..." (Layla)

Layla is tied by one of my ropes and in one of my coat pockets, this little Demon is red-eyed and unleashing truly strong murderous intent, I can't leave this monster free to do whatever he wants in the middle of a city.

"Shut up, you psycho Demon."  (I)

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to let you do genocide in the middle of a city?"  (I)

"There's more attacks coming, master!"  (Orion)

"Damn it!"  (I)

"< Cape of Blood >" (I)

I cut the palms of my hands and control my blood to leave my body as it wraps around the lines coming out of my hand, then in a matter of two seconds, a half-liquid, half-solid red cape is created as I throw it to my back and fall. attach to my shoulders.

After months of training and perfecting this technique over and over, it finally became a skill, thanks to which it became much easier to control and maintain this cape.

The cape transforms into several red crystal shields that fend off all attacks from these fools running after me, then back to their cape firm.

I'm still wearing an outfit that hides my body and a mask, I'm also running because I don't want to wear my wings in front of people.

If I hadn't been careless before, none of this would have happened.

I run to the closed city gates and have a squad of hundreds of armed Church of Light army soldiers waiting for me.

I keep running at full speed, when I am 40 or 50 meters from the gate, I accumulate my Ki in my legs and use my jumping ability to go hundreds of meters high over the walls.

Of course, they wouldn't allow me to run away, several attacks were made against me like arrows, skills, and spells.

"< Mana Barrier >" (I)

Arrows were easily defended using my cape to create crystal shields easily, spells were defended by my mana barrier, light blade type skills which were the majority, and others I had never seen like rays of light among others was also defended by my Mana Barrier.

I have a very large amount of Mana, I could easily withstand this type of attack for hours and still have half my mana left.

The attacks were useless against me, but it didn't stop them from continuing to attack me until I hit the ground and run into the forest, as soon as I arrived in the forest I get out of sight of them who are still leaving through the gates that opened faster than expected, so I step into the shadows of a tree and step from shadow to shadow until I step into the shadow of someone's horse heading towards the city.

"THE DEMON RUN IN THAT DIRECTION, AFTER HIM!!!"  (Templar of the Church of Light)


As I stand in the shadow of the horse I see the troops of the Church of Light running past, the Templar in white armor and mounted on a white horse that is also in armor on him, I can feel their fury for having lost sight of me.josei

I do my best to hide my Aura and presence while I am inside the shadow of this horse, my luck is that Orion is with me and manages to hide my Aura more easily, it was me, Orion, and Layla inside that Shadow.

After the Church of Light troops have left I head back inside the city after waiting an hour outside the city in a line while the city soldiers check everyone who enters.

As soon as I entered the city I noticed that I couldn't see any of the Church of Light troops, so I started to move from shadow to shadow until I reached a restaurant where Nix, Nira, Diana, Sophia, Kira, and Lyra were.

I step into Nix's shadow and stand there, so Nix bends down and reaches into the shadow pulling out Layla still tied up, which she throws onto the table.

"Nix let me go, get me out of these damn lines..." (Layla)

"You asked for it yourself, do you have any idea what trouble you've caused this time?"  (Nix)

"How was I supposed to know they were going to attack the master!?"  (Layla)

"Everything I did was a little prank."  (Layla)


"Now I know why my father and master keep calling you the Devil..." (Lyra)

"You have to be more aware of your surroundings, I had noticed them a long time ago and was on guard in case they started causing trouble."  (Kira)

"But I didn't expect you to be the one causing us trouble."  (Kira)

"Should we leave this town?"  (Nira)

"Not yours to say it's safe to stay here."  (Nira)

"The master took them out of town, so everything should be fine."  (Sophia)

"Besides, they went in a different direction to where we're going, so we'll be fine if we continue on our way."  (Diana)

"They can't imagine that I'm back in town, so we should be safe here, so let's get on with the plan."  (I)

"Why are these damn lines so tough, damn it..." (Layla)

As everyone looks at Layla who continues to squirm on the table trying to get free, I hear them talking before telling them what to do while still keeping myself hidden within Nix's shadow.

"As long as we're in town, I'll remain hidden within your shadow Nix, so even if there are any Church of Light informers in town, they won't notice me."  (I)

"That's what I call role reversal hahahahaha..." (Nix)

"..." (I)

"(Why did it all have to end this way...)" (I)

I would like to just throw the blame on Layla, but she was only part of the problem, all of this happened due to an unforeseen variable of factors.


The city of Barilla.

One hour before.

We have been traveling for almost a month now, we finally arrived quietly in the city of Barilla, which is our stop before the port city, which will take more than half a month to arrive.

Against all my expectations, our trip was pretty smooth if we don't count the monster attacks and bandits we killed along the way.

We have avoided entering the villages and as we initially planned, we came straight to this city where we will stay 1 or 2 days to try to buy some things.

But as soon as we enter the gate we go straight to the town square because I heard a soldier saying that there was a food stall that sold delicious food.

While we were in the square, we see that there are many street stalls everywhere, some are food stalls like the one where we buy this delicious food that looks like meat, but there are also several stalls that sell different things like masks, books, accessories, weapons, ingredients, etc.

Everyone split up to look for interesting things to buy for fun as we weren't in a hurry and were going to stay in this city for a few days, I found the masks interesting and approached the two stalls that were selling these masks.

One tent had monster masks and the other had very pretty ceremonial masks, I had Orion in the baby monster form on my shoulder and Layla flying around me.

I was wearing a hooded outfit that hid my entire body, a mask to hide my face, and crystal horns.

Even if my appearance is suspicious, it didn't matter, one thing I've learned since coming to this world is that many people try to hide their appearance from nobles to criminals, spies, and even adventurers.

So even if I look a little suspicious it doesn't matter, even in this town if I look around carefully I should see at least one person using able to hide their appearance.

What caused my problem was that I saw a large number of soldiers with Church of Light symbols coming down the street, there were some people wearing white armor not far from me who kept staring suspiciously while eating something from the street stalls.

But at this point in a prank by Layla, she grabs a mask from the store and takes my mask off to put the other one in place, before I can say anything or stop her.

This was an oversight of mine as I was distracted seeing these people in white armor reminiscent of the Templars I saw in the games.

When Layla took off my mask this Templar looked at me in surprise, but soon his expression changed to one of hatred filled with a murderous will, then he let out a scream so loud that it ran through the entire city giving orders to all the soldiers of the Church of Light that gather with great speed as they chased me.


An inn in the city of Barilla.


I was out of Nix's shadow watching the night sky through the window.

"What were these soldiers doing here? Besides, why so many?"  (I)

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