Will of Сhaos

Chapter 724

Chapter 724: Save By Chance

"Sister, the barrier cracked on the right side!" (Irius)

"I'm fixing the crack that opened in the back, ask Rakan to take care of it!" (Irina)

"Rakan passed out from exhaustion!" (Samira)

"Where's Erica!?" (Irina)

"She said she was going to take care of the monsters!" (Irius)

"Where are Rakan's subordinates!?" (Irina)

"Me and Diana took everyone to the Dungeon, they're worse off than Rakan!" (Kira)

"There's another wave coming!!!" (Marcos)

"What an incredible view" (Leonardo)

"Are you going to stand there and do nothing?" (Sakura)

We were in the middle of an acid rain storm, there is miasma so thick that it became a mist obstructing our view, we are being attacked by many monsters and huge waves keep crashing into the Ship continuously damaging the barrier.

While everyone is running around trying to maintain the barrier, destroying waves, trying to see through the miasma fog with different techniques, and facing monsters.

I was in a bed made of my lines with a Freya sleeping beside me, all while eating a delicious sandwich the size of my arm.

Everyone is trying hard except Leonardo who just wanted to draw this apocalyptic scene for fun, this idiot has no sense of danger at all with the dungeon people around, he is smart enough to know if something extremely dangerous happens to me or anyone among my Family members will intervene.

"Why should I do anything? They're doing fine." (I)

"Bad situation..." (Hinata)

"They are fine, this is excellent training for everyone." (I)

"Your training methods are always the worst." (Nix)

"Says the Dragon that does not leave my shadow." (I)

"This rain will ruin my scales, I hate acid." (Nix)

"I understand you, acid does horrible things to my leaves." (Sakura)

"It's not that bad..." (Hinata)

"You say that because rainwater passes right through your ethereal body." (Nix)

Nix isn't wrong, my training methods are always bad, I run a lot of dangers that people would normally avoid, but I've found that the best way to train is to reach the limit and then push the limit.

Desperate situations like this are excellent for this, besides, everyone should be used to it by now, even if they are complaining about this whole situation, none of them are truly scared.

"Hunnmmm..." (Freya)

"Huh!?" (I)

"Finally some sleeping beauty reaction." (I)

p<anda> "She woke up?" (Sakura) </anda>

"No, but it looks like it could happen even today." (I)

"Ragnar!" (I)

"I know!" (Ragnar)

"< Aura Blade >" (Ragnar)

The ship's barrier had just weathered another wave, but there was a second one just behind it that would have completely destroyed the barrier that it's already having trouble fixing, so I left Orion and Ragnar to take care of things if the worst is near.

With one of her Aura blade attacks the wave was split in half passing the ship on both sides without issue.

"That was fun, maybe I'll go on the next wave." (Layla)

"What happened to your fight against the monsters?" (I)

"Érica is going to ruin everything at any moment." (Layla)

Soon I feel a wave of mana go through the top floor of the ship to all sides of the ocean, then a purple light lights up from the bottom of the water on all sides, in a few seconds, monsters started to float to the surface of the water with the bodies on fire in purple flames.

"But what..." (I)

"Hahahaha... it worked... it really worked.... hahahahahaha." (Érica)

Soon a panting Érica appears beside me with shaking hands and a weak Aura, it looks like she was weakened.

"Érica, what was that!?" (I)

"This is the fruit of my research... on fire curses, good thing... the ship wasn't incinerated." (Érica)

"Could the ship be incinerated?" (I)

"The chance was 26%, but the crew would be fine, I think." (Érica)

"..." (I)

"Quickly bring me more MP potions." (Irina)josei


Pov Andreia (Executor of Light):

I was in front of one of the dozens of Armored Floating Ships of the Church of Light heading towards the Dark Continent, we were close to reaching the coast of the Central Continent and reaching the Ocean.

In addition to the Floating Warships, there were also many Light Horses flying in the vicinity along with Templars, unfortunately, I could not bring the Light Dragons, involving them would draw even more attention to what we are doing, we are already close to breaking many agreements with other religions doing this.

"Lady Inquisitor."

"What's it?" (I)

"One of our informants from a port city gave us information about an advertisement for Temple of the Seas."

"So it must be some weather problem, what's the threat level for us?" (I)

"It appears to be a major storm in an area that has been reported to have a lot of accumulated miasma."

"The storm is very strong and extensive, it also looks like it will last several days, but it does not pose a risk to our troops."

"If it's like you said, then it poses a great risk, not about the danger to our troops themselves, but to our resources." (I)

"These storms strong enough for the Temple of the Seas to make an announcement can be a major inconvenience to our shields by consuming more global coins and magic crystals than necessary." (I)

"Not to mention an area with a lot of miasma means a lot of monsters." (I)

"All this will waste resources that will be useful to us." (I)

The Dark Continent may be weak as a whole, but its environment isn't suitable for people with our level of strength, so we can't spend too much time there.

We should also expect interference from some Religions or even the Black Empire, I heard that continent was where their emperor was born a long time ago and still maintains a certain connection, they are troublesome enemies.

I'm only taking that risk because that Continent no longer has the protection of a World Tree, our spies also reported that they don't have any high level Fairies or Spirits anymore, which may indicate that they don't have any more Temples for Fairies or Spirits in that one continent.

We have to seize this opportunity and attack with full force as quickly as possible while destroying all the main targets.

"Even if it's slower, try to dodge this storm while we're away, save resources for an unforeseen." (I)

"Yes, lady Inquisitor!"

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