Will of Сhaos

Chapter 725

Chapter 725: Traveler Island

We've been in this storm for two weeks now, yesterday we even passed through an area where it was raining magma, which shouldn't even be possible.

Not counting the large number of Water Elementals attacking us earlier today, Layla had to turn the surrounding ocean into a field of ice.

I was looking forward to skiing a bit as it was something I always wanted to do, but the storm was a horrible thing for me as I had a very light body.

"Master, High Priestess Yara wishes to see you." (Freya)

"Let her in, I haven't seen her in a while." (I)

"I'm already here." (Yara)

Yara is the High Priestess of the Temple of Life, she's someone particularly strange, she doesn't look her age, I've always found her eyes and way of speaking to be very old, but in this world, I learned a long time ago not to Judging by appearance.

"What do you need, Priestess Yara?" (I)

"You can just call me Yara, I've told you that more than once." (Yara)

"But what I have to ask is that you change the ship's direction if possible." (Yara)

"Do you know where we are?" (I)

"Of course, it is, from the types of monsters appearing you can roughly understand where we are." (Yara)

"I did not know that." (I)

"I think this is only true for monster scholars and people with a lot of life experience." (Freya)

"I guess you better not be calling me old because I'm a beautiful young woman in my prime." (Yara)

cough cough

The more she says it, the more I think she is much older than I can imagine.

"Is the direction you're pointing towards the Central Continent?" (I)

That was our next destination, Vanessa said it would be good to go now, she said the ambient energy level there is the highest in the world, and it also has the greatest variety of mixed races on the same continent.

The Central Continent seems to be very interesting, but Vanessa and Nix haven't told me anything about this continent until now.

"I don't think so, even if we were heading in the right direction, which you can't know without seeing the stars in the sky or with something to indicate the direction, it would still take another 1 month of travel." (Yara)

"If you don't know how to point directions in our current situation, then why are you wanting to change our direction?" (I)

"I can sense an acquaintance in a certain direction, so I thought we'd head to the island where it is." (Yara)

"A friend? Maybe a member of your family?" (I)

"Something similar to family..." (Yara)

"I didn't know there were islands around here, nothing like that on the maps I saw before I left the Dark Continent." (I)

"Why shouldn't there be any islands here." (Yara)

"..." (I)

Why can't she be more direct, this is only increasing my curiosity, which must be her aim from the amused smile on her face.

"What do you mean shouldn't have an island? Is that person on a Ship?" (I)

"No, it's on an island, what I mean is the island shouldn't be here." (Yara)

"..." (I)

"You talk as if the island could change places." (I)

"You're right." (Yara)

"Wait, can the island move?" (I)

"Yea." (Yara)

"The entire island moves? How does it work? How is this possible?" (I)

I couldn't help but think of an artificial island made of iron, an artificial island that moves from place to place with a mountain-sized motor on its side pushing the island in some direction.

"I want to see this island..." (I)

"Tell me more about this island." (I)

"This island is a training place, you'll understand when we get there." (Yara)

She knows how to convince me to do something, she stirred my curiosity, and now I'm curious about this island, I no longer doubt it in a world where Ghosts, Gods, and magic are real.

"Freya, could you go warn Marcos about the new direction?" (I)

"Your orders master." (Freya)

I see Freya leaving and I go with High Priestess Yara to see the battle Layla was doing alongside Diana in her direwolf form.

"How big is this island?" (I)

"Remember the holy land you helped create on the Dark Continent?" (Yara)josei

"Is it the size of the two Islands in that lake?" (I)

"It's the size of the lake, maybe a little smaller." (Yara)

"This is too big..." (I)

It would take me days to cross that entire lake area.


After changing the ship's direction for over 4 hours I noticed something, the miasma seemed to be moving in the same direction we were going.

We continued the journey, this time I stopped everyone's struggles while maintaining a strong barrier around the Ship using large sums of money to protect us from the weather, I just realized how correct the saying about burning money is.

The monsters no longer approach the ship because of my Aura that I spread around the surroundings while activating my intimidation skill making everyone run.

After these hours of travel, I finally noticed that the clouds in the sky were thinner and sparser showing a real improvement in the weather.

I also started to see signs of large silhouettes in the distance and they keep getting closer, I soon realized that it formed the outline of mountains that became bigger and bigger as time went by.

After another 1 hour, we finally came out of the thick miasma mist to a finer mist that runs along the surface of the ocean water.

When my vision was no longer impeded, it was already night, the sky was clear and full of stars.

I look at the big island in front of me, it looked like there was a city on the island, but other than that it just looked like another island, or what I would like to say if it wasn't for seeing this island move.

The island didn't seem to have beaches, on its coast, there were only roses, the city was not very visible from where I was, but I noticed something strange, a feeling as if I was being watched.

"Welcome to the Traveling Isle of Cyrion, also known as the Isle of Training." (Yara)

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