Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 331 Infiltration Success

Chapter 331 Infiltration Success

Back in the hospital room, a gloomy silence fell over the occupants. None of the bodyguards dared to even breathe too loudly, lest they attract the wrath of Sun Haowei.

Said man was gripping the handphone so tightly his knuckles turned white. He seemed to be seething as he glared down at his hospital blanket, as though it personally murdered his entire family.

The guard wondered if he would ever get his phone back. Should he call for the doctor? Sun Haowei's face was now turning a dangerous shade of red.

"... So it has come to this," Sun Haowei seethed, his teeth gritted with anger.


Sun Haowei ignored his worried guard; his mind was filled with disdain. It was galling to note that out of everyone in the room with them, including his retinue of professional bodyguards, seasoned household staff and his two sons, the one that saved him was this woman that happened to be the scion of his traitorous friends.

To add insult to injury, his son was still dating her! He didn't need his son to say it plainly, the very fact that he continued to speak up for her even when she wasn't with him clearly showed where his priorities were. The fact that he sounded so goddamn proud and happy showed they were still together!

Even after she triggered his heart attack, his youngest still refused to set her aside!

Just the very thought was nearly enough to send him back into an early grave - but now he knew, even if he were to take a jolly holiday in the Underworld, his youngest would refuse to break up with her.

The only way he would be able to split them up, was if one party died.

"Sir?" The guard repeated hesitantly, not liking the dark look in his employer's eyes. "Do you want some water?"


Yue Niang easily made her way to Zhong Shan Hospital, parking the car in an empty parking slot with limited success. Half of the car ended up in the neighbouring lot, but Yue Niang didn't care enough to fix it. She wasn't going to need a lot of time - once she got to Sun Haowei's unconscious body, she would shake him awake and give him the middle finger and a tongue lashing he would never forget!

She quickly squeezed into the lift, cramming with the other doctors, nurses and visitors. Her simple attire raised several eyebrows from the curious onlookers - Zhong Shan hospital catered to a higher quality of clientele, and they tended to dress like it, even for something as simple as visiting sick relatives.

Yue Niang responded by pretending she didn't see them, channelling the behaviour of a haughty lady. If they believed she was one of their own, they would take less notice of her. But while that would work enough for the lower floors, the VVIP wards surely had higher security. Her disguise as a visitor definitely wasn't going to hold up.

In front of her, the nurses continued to murmur to each other.

"Patient in Ward 203 keeps calling for her husband -"

"Didn't the man come in with another woman on his arm, the nerve - "

"She saw him and nearly tore out her IV - she was so mad."

"Can't blame her - "

The nurses were so engrossed in their conversation, no one noticed when Yue Niang sneaked a hand to unclip the employee tag of the nearest woman, tucking it nonchalantly into her back pocket. When the lift stopped at one of the floors, she got off along with the rest of the visitors, trailing behind them.

Once no one was paying her any attention, she snuck into the staff rooms, her stolen card allowing her access. Yue Niang scanned the dingy room and her nose twitched, for a high-end hospital, it could really stand to give their staff better rest areas!

She hurriedly dug through the closet for a clean uniform, draping the scrubs over herself. She put on a surgical mask and tucked her hair into one of those spare caps, stealing a stethoscope from the table before leaving the room, her heart racing in excitement.

She took a good look at her ID. She was a nurse from the urologist department. Perfect.

This was too easy. She was almost waiting for something to go wrong, but no one questioned her. She went back to the elevator and clicked on the button for the top floor.

Sun Haowei wouldn't be caught anywhere near the unwashed masses. He was a VIP of VIPs. Only the top floor would be good enough for him.

The doors opened and she breathed out, walking out confidently and it wasn't difficult to guess which room he was in. It was the one with a line of bodyguards loitering outside the room. They seemed to be gossiping among themselves, but they snapped to attention when they saw her approaching.

"Stop!" One declared, putting up his hand. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to check up on Mr Sun on Doctor Xu's orders. His bladder could have problems." She replied evenly, purposely name-dropping Sun Haowei's primary doctor. She also gave them a brief look at her ID. They cast a suspicious look at the ID, and she tutted impatiently.

"Can the both of you hurry up? I still have my rounds to complete." She demanded, looking like a harried staff. They still continued to make suspicious faces at her.

"Where are your tools?" He demanded. "How can you visit Mr Sun empty-handed?"

"I need to check on him first before I decide if he needs a catheter." Yue Niang replied blandly.  "Unless… You believe that he needs one? Have you tugged his pants down and checked him personally?"

The guards flushed and shifted awkwardly. One of them cleared their throat. "Fine. I will accompany you inside."

"Be my guest," Yue Niang said, eyeing him discreetly. She could take him down if he was caught unaware. They walked into the room together.

"Mr Sun, the nurse is here to check on you." And Yue Niang bit back a curse when Sun Haowei looked up at her, all rheumy eyes and red face.josei

What the fuck? Wasn't he supposed to be unconscious? How was he already awake?

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