Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 332 The Calvary Arrives

Chapter 332 The Calvary Arrives

"Why do I need to be checked?" Sun Haowei grumbled. Yue Niang blinked and hurriedly put on an act of a professional.

"You've been unconscious for a while. It is possible that your bladder has some infection." Yue Niang said, quickly glancing at the bodyguard, who was determinedly ignoring them both.

A new, diabolical plan brewed in her head. She decided to further elaborate on the grossness of bladder infection. "Do you feel any pain while peeing? Do you feel a burning sensation? Are there traces of blood in your urine, or perhaps pus like discharge?"

The bodyguard shuddered. Sun Haowei shrugged, but he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her. How could a nurse be so bold? Was she trying to seduce him?

"Don't know. I haven't gone yet. Do you want to help me?" Sun Haowei asked, with a raised eyebrow.

Yue Niang twitched. Was Sun Haowei propositioning her? So not only did he not honour his wife, he was also a sleazy old man that hit on nurses assigned to look after him?

She wanted to rip off the mask there and there and give him a piece of her mind, but then she decided to use this opening given to her.

"If that's what you want," she said meaningfully. The bodyguard looked horrified.

"Help me up then." Sun Haowei declared, and Yue Niang grabbed at his arm, reminding herself not to dig her nails into his flesh. There would be time for that later. She slung his arm around her back and proceeded to make their slow way to the bathroom.

"Sir! I should be going with you - "

"Wait outside," Sun Haowei ordered. The guard fell back, his face worried. Meanwhile, Yue Niang kept her face even if she wanted to cackle.

Guess the heaven's above wanted to make this easy for her!

They entered the bathroom and got Sun Haowei to sit on the toilet bowl first. Then she locked the door.

"Help me with my pants." Sun Haowei said expectantly.

Yue Niang smirked, and lunged at him, covering his mouth with one hand and removing her mask with the other. She watched his eyes carefully, and relished the very moment where the expectant look in his eyes got replaced with recognition and panic.

"You!" Sun Haowei screamed, or he would have if not for the fact that her hand was planted firmly against mouth, muffling his words. Sun Haowei tried to bite her palm, and she congratulated herself for having the foresight to wear gloves.

"Yes, it's me," Yue Niang hissed, looming menacingly over him. "Do you still remember me?"

A rhetorical question, judging by the way his eyes widened at her words.

"Even if you don't, that doesn't matter. How dare you scrub away all hints of Bi Yu's existence?" She snarled at him. "I cannot believe you didn't even make a tablet for her. You bastard! She gave you two sons! You should be on your knees thanking her very existence!"

Sun Haowei glared hotly back at her. This woman had no right to lecture him - she left him first, making him look like a laughing stock, and she even had the nerve to take Tai Cheng away from him! How dare she come back?

He stomped his feet in protest. It only made a weak thumping sound, due to his lack of energy. Yue Niang realised that Sun Haowei couldn't make any sound to defend himself (not that he ever could), so she moved her hand to his throat instead, squeezing it warningly.

"Insane… bitch…" Sun Haowei croaked out, glaring at her fiercely. His hands circled her own, trying to pull her away with limited success. "I'll have you and your daughter killed!"

"After my daughter saved your sorry life? You have some nerve!" Yue Niang scoffed, her eyes glinting with malice. "But thanks for letting me know. Now I'll end you before you even lift a finger, so you can meet Bi Yu and explain yourself!"

"Sir!" His bodyguard knocked on the door, suspicious at the lack of moaning that usually accompanied escapades like this. "Is everything alright?"

Yue Niang tightened her fingers around his neck. His yell for help died prematurely, choked to death in his throat.

"Try yelling if you dare. Do you want your last words to be 'help'? That can be arranged." Yue Niang whispered into his ear.

A bead of sweat rolled down Sun Haowei's temple, as his heart began to race from fear. His ex-fiancee was a terrifying woman, and once upon a time, he had been delighted to have her on his side.

But now, she was his enemy! He had to get away!



The tires of the car let out fearsome screeches and squeals as Captain Mu slammed on the breaks in the carpark of the hospital. Everyone lurched forward at the abrupt stop, and Xue Ning felt her breakfast nearly escape through her mouth.

"We're here. Get out now," Captain Mu said without preamble, and Jingwei and Xue Ning got out with shaky legs. Captain Mu glared at Li Tai Cheng when he wasn't moving fast enough for him, and Tai Cheng gave him a sheepish look and scuttled faster out of the car.

The moment the last door slammed shut, Captain Mu took off at a run, dashing towards the lift. The three of them followed him, through the lift and across the corridors, huffing and panting all the while. Doctors, nurses and guests blinked in surprise as they saw Sun Jingwei hurtling through the hallways like a man possessed, his fiancee beside him.

"Has anyone been through here?" Captain Mu demanded as they approached the bodyguards outside of his room. They were slouching against the wall, scrolling through their phones. Captain Mu vowed to have all of them written for insubordination.

"Captain Mu!" All the men startled and leapt to attention as they saw their Boss spring up in front of them without warning. They accidentally slammed their heads against the wall in panic, and more than one man stumbled.

To make things worse, Sun Jingwei was also here, albeit panting slightly behind him! It would have been funny if the situation wasn't so dire.

"No Sir! No suspicious person entered!" One hastily replied, stuffing his phone into his back pocket.

"That's not what I asked! Did anyone enter?" Captain Mu argued.

"Yes. Only Doctor Xu and his nurse, Sir."

"Nurse?" Captain Mu's ears perked up at that. "What did she look like?"

"We don't know, she was masked…" The man trailed off at the murderous look on his Boss' face. "But we checked her ID! It was legitimate!"


His men quailed in fear, shaking in their boots. Thankfully, their boss only shoved them aside and entered the room, stomping like an angry bull. The rest of them followed him, and they ended up bumping against his back.

"Where's my father?" Jingwei asked worriedly. Everyone stared at the sight of an empty bed, then at the bodyguard standing outside the bathroom.


Captain Mu barked out. "Answer his question!"

"He's in the bathroom with the nurse." The bodyguard said, his face flushing as he cocked his head towards the door. "They wanted privacy. For certain… activities."

Gross! Xue Ning shuddered at the implications of his words. Next to her, Jingwei looked a little green in the face. Li Tai Cheng had an unreadable look on his face. Meanwhile, Captain Mu sounded like an overboiling kettle, his own face redder than a boiled crab.

"So you left them alone? You idiot! You're supposed to be with your charge at all times!" He scolded before thumping on the door.

"Li Yue Niang, come out right now! I know that you're in there!"

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