Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 46 First Kiss & Murder Attempts

Chapter 46 First Kiss & Murder Attempts

Before Xue Ning could shove Jingwei away from the path of the car, he moved first to push her away. God, what a moron! She would have screamed at him if she had the time, why should he be trying to save her!

Thankfully, she managed to grab his arm and tug him with her as they narrowly fell by the wayside, groaning as they rolled on the harsh asphalt of the road. She grabbed Jingwei and tried to shove him under her, just in case the car decided to make a second attempt at murdering them, but Jingwei was having none of it, trying to shield her instead.

If the situation wasn't so dire, she would have lectured him about what a bodyguard does, and who was actually the bodyguard in question.

Even with the both of them fighting to protect each other, Jingwei still had the upper hand in terms of strength, so he successfully pinned Xue Ning under him, covering her with his body as though he was a human shield.

"Move! You idiot!" Xue Ning despairs, desperately squeezing Jingwei's waist with her arms in a last ditch attempt at trying to get him to roll over. "If you die here, I'll kill you!"

Jingwei didn't say anything. Instead he took one look at her panicked, anxious face and smiled so tenderly at her she forgot to curse him.

He then leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips.

Xue Ning felt her heart simultaneously stop and beat out of her chest.

There were loud honking noises in the background, the screech of car tires and the quiet vibrations from the road that were steadily getting stronger, but all Xue Ning could hear was the erratic thumping of her heart, and the soft sound of their lips finally separating.

Sun Jingwei was still smiling brilliantly, as though he had fulfilled every dream in his life. His head was haloed by the headlights of an approaching car, but his eyes were still brighter, and in that brief moment, he looked like an angel.

It took Xue Ning's breath away.

Then she remembered that they were still in danger, and used his distraction to roll him over so that she was on top, shielding him instead, preparing for the inevitable car crash, mentally sending an apology to her poor parents for being such a shitty daughter. Maybe in their next lives, they won't want her anymore.

At least she wasn't going to die unkissed, even if she would die a virgin. She had Jingwei to thank for that, and that fool was still trying to shove her off him.

Sun Jingwei, you are an idiot, she thinks with a slight tinge of hysteria. Despite it all, I'm glad I met you.

She braced herself for impact, pinning her full weight on Sun Jingwei so he can't flip her over like before.

"Xue Ning! Let go of me!" Jingwei is screaming at her to let him up, but she doesn't listen.

There's a crash, but there's only a shattering of glass raining over them instead of the shattering of their bones. Xue Ning and Jingwei blink slowly in confusion, slowly turning around.josei

The scene before them made their mouths drop.

Sun Tianwei had rammed his car into the side of the offending car, causing it to flip over!

"Holy shit." Jingwei gasped in horror, before running to the car. "Ge! Are you okay?"

​ Xue Ning wanted to follow suit, but she was more interested in the driver of the car that tried to murder them. So far there wasn't any movement from that vehicle… was the person responsible dead?

Sirens blared all around the area as the police circled the car in question. The ambulance had also arrived quickly, as they were nearby.

Sensing that they had the situation well-in-hand, Xue Ning follows Jingwei, just in time to see Sun Tianwei stumble out of his wrecked vehicle, looking shocked but physically unharmed.

"Ge! Oh my god!" Jingwei yells, nearly bawling as he envelops his older brother in a hug. "You could have died! What did you do?!"

Tianwei merely shrugged and adjusted his spectacles. They remarkably stayed on during the crash.

"Thank you for saving our lives." Xue Ning gives a deep bow. Without Sun Tianwei's interference, that car's second attempt on their lives might have succeeded.

"Consider it payback, Miss Li," Sun Tianwei replies steadily. "For the many times you've saved my brother's life."

Jingwei flings his arms around the both of them, pulling them into a close hug. Both Tianwei and Xue Ning made similar surprised noises.

"I'm so glad the both of you are fine!" Jingwei exclaims, near tears. He sniffles, and Xue Ning could almost see the snot dropping out.

"You idiot crybaby," she scolds, but it sounds too fond for him to take any offence.

"More importantly, are you alright?" Xue Ning asks Tianwei, carefully looking him over for any sign of injury.

"Only a few superficial cuts," Tianwei replies.

"You should still go to the ambulance Ge!"

"No thanks, I'm sure they are busier with the other party," Tianwei pushes up his glasses, eyes glinting as they focus on the wrecked body they hauled out of the black car.

He had made sure to hit them where it hurt after all, and his car was specially reinforced to the point that it could probably survive a bomb blast.

The other car was not his match at all, he thought smugly to himself. Jingwei may have better driving skills, but in this case, all Tianwei had to do was accelerate and ram straight into the motherfucker that tried to kill his brother and his not-girlfriend.

If anyone had the right to kill them, it was him, for making him sit through their kindergarten flirting tactics!

Back then, he was still watching them flirt badly from his car. He was just about to honk at them for taking their own sweet time, only for his heart to jump to his throat at the sight of a car hurtling straight towards them with no intention of stopping.

Then he saw his idiot brother actually shove his bodyguard out of the way! Tianwei screamed, thinking that the night was going to end in his brother's death, but thankfully, his tiny bodyguard had kept a firm arm on him, hauling him along with her even as he pushed her away from harm.

Tianwei immediately drove the car straight towards their side, honking angrily to attract attention from the people near the restaurant. However, that did not deter the driver of that car, who swerved and made a sharp U-turn to finish what it started.

So Tianwei switched to the offensive, immediately choosing to crash straight into the car so that it would go off-course. The glass on his windscreen shattered, but the metal held firm and he had working airbags. And of course Tianwei had already put on his seatbelt, so he was fine.

The same could not be said of the culprit. Xue Ning winced as she stared at his battered body on the stretcher as it was transported to the ambulance.

But it was better for it to be a random stranger than her or Jingwei.

"Do you recognize this person?" Xue Ning asks.

"This was a person?" Jingwei replies sarcastically, before becoming serious. "No, I do not. I have never seen such a painfully average person in my life."

"We'll get him ID-ed immediately," Tianwei declares, immediately stalking away to order the beleaguered police officers to do their jobs, threatening to have all their heads on a platter if his demands weren't met. The police scattered like harried ants, and Officer Tang waved Tianwei to his side for an interview.

As a victim of course. Even if Tianwei had deliberately rammed the car straight at the other party, Tianwei would still be considered a victim if everyone in the police department wanted to keep their livelihoods.

"Poor Officer Tang, guess he's working overtime tonight," Jingwei muses. "No happy times with his wife."

"At least now he'll have one more lead, assuming he actually survives," Xue Ning shrugs, watching the ambulance drive off, sirens blaring. "And one more thing…"

Then she turns to Sun Jingwei and promptly socks him in the stomach. He bowls over from the surprise punch.

"What was that for!?" Jingwei asks, hurt.

"Do you still need to ask! Why did you shove me out of the way? I'm supposed to be protecting you!" Xue Ning yells. She's not even going to touch on the kiss that was sprung on her by surprise. One thing at a time.

"What, am I supposed to let you die for me?" Jingwei yells back, indignant, his eyes blazing as he glares at her. "That's crazy!"

"That's my job," Xue Ning hisses in exasperation, throwing her hands in the air. "I'm your bodyguard. Body. Guard." She emphasises each part separately, with added hand gestures in case he didn't get it.

"I'm supposed to protect you; why are you making it so difficult for me?" She finishes.

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