Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 47 Preparations For Home

Chapter 47 Preparations For Home

"Why are you making this so difficult for me?"

His precious Xue Ning lamented at him, tired face scrunched in confusion.

"Do you need to ask? Is it not obvious?" Jingwei asks incredulously, trying to look for deceit in her eyes, but finding none.

"If it was obvious, do you think I need to ask?" Xue Ning points out. "Are you being annoying on purpose?"

"No, this is just my natural charm," Jingwei can't help but quip in return. But Xue Ning doesn't seem amused this time, her arms crossed in front of her.

It inadvertently emphasised the curve of her breasts. Her breasts, that were pressed against him when he kissed her when they laid on top of the road, not knowing if they would die in the very next minute.

Jingwei didn't have a good explanation for his actions; he just knew two things - 1. He desperately wanted Xue Ning alive and well, and 2. He didn't want to die without ever having kissed Xue Ning once in his lifetime.

"And Xue Ning," he continues. "If you don't see something this obvious, I'm going to tell my father that he assigned me a blind bodyguard."

"Do you want me to get fired?" Xue Ning squawks. "You're such a bastard!"

"Oi! Don't insult my mother! My parents were married before they had me!" Jingwei protests, but he's grinning so widely that Xue Ning has the strangest urge to pull him closer to wipe the look off his face with her lips - with her fist. She means fist.

There will be no repeat of that kissing incident. Chances are that Sun Jingwei was overcome with the prospect that he was going to be turned into roadkill, so of course he kissed her, because she was right there, pinned under him and unable to escape.

No one would want to kiss Xue Ning unless they were on the verge of death. She has made peace with that.

And she let him kiss her without biting his lips off, because…because… she was taken by surprise and she was also scared of dying.

There was no other reason, she claimed to herself. Nevermind in that moment she was filled with the powerful urge to cling tightly to him and never let go.

It was clearly due to the near-death experience! She's sure that science would back her up on this.

"Argghh," Xue Ning grumbled to herself while shooting him a baleful glare. "Infuriating man."

Sun Jingwei merely gives her an adoring look, before tugging at her arm.

"Xue Ning, let's go home after my Ge is done with the police."

"Go home? With you? To your house?" Xue Ning asks blankly. "Why?"

"It's safer that way for both of us," Jingwei points out cheekily. "You're supposed to protect me right? So of course you must accompany me home."

"Alright, but what about supper?" She protests, now even hungrier after nearly being flattened by an incoming car.

"Our household staff can make something for you," he replies easily.

"Fine," Xue Ning agrees. It made enough sense; she could only rest easy after he was sent home safely. Who knows if someone would try to kill him on the way there? It's better to be safe than sorry.

"And the mansion has more than enough rooms for you to stay the night." Jingwei continues.

Wait what? Xue Ning splutters. "Oi Sun Jingwei! What are you thinking of?" Just because they kissed under extenuating circumstances doesn't mean that she was going to stay the night?

"Not like that! Although…" he gives a thoughtful hum, eyes roving all over her figure, taking in her shapely calves, firm thighs (now bandaged), the pinch of her waist and her full bosom, before finally resting on her rapidly reddening face. "I wouldn't say no if we continued with what happened in the ambulance."

"Hello?! You nearly died!" Xue Ning has to mention. "Someone tried to kill us! And you're still feeling horny?"

"Why not? Is that a crime?" Jingwei asks curiously. "There's a reason why there are so many babies born after a war."

"That's not how it works!" Xue Ning exclaims, exasperated before she spots the teasing glint in his eyes. "Aish - you know it!"josei

"Stay the night, Xue Ning," Jingwei repeats, more seriously this time. "It's already so late, and you got injured, and you're still hungry. My place has enough room and toiletries to house eighty of you with no problem, so just stay the night."

Xue Ning's heart wavered slightly. He brought up very good points - and honestly, part of her wasn't all enthused about going back home to her dingy apartment and showering with cold water so late at night.

"We have a movie system at home, the latest gaming system, a pool table, an actual indoor pool and sauna - " Jingwei starts listing everything their mansion has, in a bid to convince her to stay.

Most of these added amenities were commissioned by him, he wasn't going to live in a house that didn't have entertainment, despite the disapproving looks he got from his father and brother when he first proposed the renovation plans.

Xue Ning holds up a hand to stop him from rambling. "Okay okay I get it, your house has everything. I'll stay, I'll stay. Does it have a hot shower though? That's what I want more than anything."

Xue Ning felt gross and sticky all over, first it was the hot soup, then her sweat, and there could be some gravel from the road all over her too.

"Of course! You can even have a bubble bath if you want, I have bath bombs stocked."

"I see," Xue Ning replies, not actually seeing. Sun Jingwei made bombs? For his bath? Isn't that highly dangerous? Is that why someone wanted to kill him?

"Good! I'll call home to make arrangements then, you sit there and rest first," Jingwei beams delightedly, pointing to a bench while immediately using his phone to call their housekeeper.

Xue Ning, sensing his need for privacy, sits herself down while keeping an eye on Jingwei to make sure he wasn't kidnapped or murdered. At this distance, she couldn't really hear what he was saying.

Meanwhile, Jingwei also had one eye on Xue Ning's tiny, tired figure, sitting hunched over on the bench. He longed to wrap her up in his arms and rain kisses all over her picture perfect face and even more perfect body, but this wasn't the time… yet.

He calls their old housekeeper Lady Yu, who was practically his second mom after his real mother passed away. She picks up after only two rings.

"Lady Yu! This is Jingwei, can I ask a favour?"

"What is it?" Lady Yu asks warily. "I'm not helping you to smuggle a pack of sled dogs into the mansion, or letting you slide yourself down the staircase railing. You nearly cracked your head open the last time."

"No! This time is not anything like that! I'm bringing home my saviour, and I want her to get a good meal, a nice warm bath and a change of clothes for her to stay the night. She got injured saving me again. So Lady Yu… please? Can you help?"

"...Fine," Lady Yu admits begrudgingly. "Although I do wish you told us earlier, Young Master Sun. This is very short notice."

"Just do your best Lady Yu!" Jingwei says excitedly. "I believe in you - you've pulled miracles before."

"Flattery will not get you out of this," Lady Yu says, but she sounds less unhappy than before. "I shall do my best. Is this guest of yours a man or a woman?"

"A woman!"

"I see," Lady Yu replies, in a knowing tone.


"Nothing," Lady Yu replies breezily. "I look forward to seeing the woman you hold in such high esteem, Young Master Sun. Should I prepare the suite for honoured guests?"

"No need!" Jingwei replies readily. "Don't treat her as an honoured guest - treat her… like a cherished member of our family."

Lady Yu falls silent in surprise. Wasn't doing so tantamount to declaring to everyone in the household of his intentions to marry? Did the Old Master know about this?

"I see," Lady Yu repeats, once she has digested the news. The boy she had watched grow up was now bringing someone he loved enough to possibly marry. She feels herself getting emotional, but she also wanted to meet the girl in question, just to see if she was worth his regard.

If he picked a useless party girl golddigger to be his wife, Lady Yu would wrench off his ear!

"Very well, I understand completely. Everything will be arranged," Lady Yu declares fervently, her mind running through every item Young Master Sun's woman might possibly require.

New clothes - pyjamas, casual wear, dresses, possibly lingerie. A full set of toiletries. Aromatherapy candles and bath salts. Silk pillowcases and bedding. Condoms. And so much more. Lady Yu had her hands full, but she will make sure she delivers.

She has so many things to prepare, now that she knows about the real importance of her guest.

"Goodbye, Young Master Sun. The household looks forward to your return," she hangs up, but not before hearing his cheerful 'Bye' in response.

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