World Development System

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Chapter 148


Joseph asked Jack at the administrative headquarters, "So you finally defied them and joined me here at North-frontier city at last? So how does it feel now after coming here?"

Jack sighed and spoke, "Yes, I had to, It’s good that I made my decision before the war . My brothers and cousins would have eaten me alive after John’s scuffle with the Radiant Church . However, my family has disowned me so that Duke Norman doesn’t target them . I guess would have seen this fate anyway when the problems increased . It was better that I left early . "

Joseph smiled and spoke, "I guess they envy your relations with John and the money you are making in your business because of those relations . They most probably feel threatened because of your increased power . It was the same for me . Taking a position early on is better than not taking a position . This City has changed a lot of things in the Aelius Kingdom . Who would have imagined that a barren place could bring so many changes whether cultural, political or technological?"

Jack nodded after watching the new changes that included the roads, cycles, building or other tools introduced recently, "I would say it was John that bought these changes . Most of the technologies have been bought forward by John himself in this town . Take the new cycles for example . Traveling has become much easier for people and the same is the case for business or take those new clothes for example which has inspired many people to pursue designing and earn a fortune . However, the biggest change I see is the literacy rate of this town which has skyrocketed . Even the common men could read and write which was quite unexpected previously . John quite understandably took a big decision when he made the institute . While the other biggest change would be the introduction of those ballistae, this has changed a lot of things, especially political changes . This time expect a big war, you know, right?"

Joseph nodded seriously as he heard him, "True, I too was surprised by how fast the people are learning in this town . I guess many of those professors are feeling threatened by this new generation . Well . As for the War, I heard about it and recently there has been an increase of goods bought by domain so I thought something was unusual . We too have orders to buy a lot of amount of food while not caring about the prices . What do you know?"

Jack whispered after hearing him, "As I am in the Strategic resources department, We too have been on a buying spree these days . So I understood a lot of things from this . We are already preparing for war, you must have seen that political piece in the newspaper recently, right?"

Joseph nodded as heard about the newspaper, "Yes, that was quite an unusual piece . as we didn’t poke in other matters usually, especially political issues . I guess you are right . I guess John wants to keep most of the things under wrap and would only release it when he is prepared and when the time is right . He doesn’t want to create any panic or chaos in upper administration without any solutions . "

Jack nodded, "I guess this is one of the reasons why people are still calm after Fjord’s recent announcement . People are doing their work with much higher motivation these days as lord is confident . "


At the administrative headquarters,

John ordered Taylor, "Dispatch the blueprints of the ballistae and tell Ambassador Luke that we have already handed over the blueprints to the related personnel . I hope that he keeps his end of the promise . Tell him that as a citizen of the Aelius Kingdom . It is our duty to be useful to the nation and one of the reasons why we are delivering the weapons so early . Okay?" John smiled as he sarcastically ended his sentence .

Taylor smiled as he heard him, "Yes . Milord . I will make sure to relay every word to Ambassador Luke . "

John continued, "I rather hope they don’t keep their end of the promise as I would have a legitimate reason to rebel . I just hope that Seer named Eanred doesn’t ruin my plans because of his ability as a seer . I have heard a lot about him from Master Vlad and Master Melanie . Even Lukav warned me about him in his recent letter . I hope they just take me as an arrogant brat . That would be good for everyone . "

Taylor nodded and left after taking the orders, "I will immediately go and report to Ambassador Luke about the blueprints . "


One of Ambassador’s men came and reported to Luke hesitatingly, "Lord we have received the blueprints of the Ballistae which Count John promised . Mr . Taylor has also reminded us to keep our end of the promise . It seems he was in quite a hurry this time around . "

Ambassador Luke spoke after hearing the report, "Something is really fishy and suspicious with Count John giving his blueprints so early . Knowing his personality and cunningness, I don’t think he so naive to believe us . I wonder what he has stored in his plans . I am sure he has planned something big . "

The subordinate continued as Luke murmured, "Meanwhile, Lord Taylor wants to personally meet you as the dispatch of the blueprints has been made to our men . "

Luke thought a bit and agreed, he thought, ’I guess there is no harm in meeting him at least . At last we are getting the blueprints early on . I am sure king would be happy . ’

Luke spoke the subordinate after making the decision, "Okay, I will meet him later in the evening . "


Taylor gave a very heartening smile when he met Luke and spoke, "I am sure the Royal Family will keep its end of the promise, Lord John is a man of his words and very loyal to the kingdom and hence the early dispatch of the blueprints and machines to make the Balista . We hope the Royal family will reward us fruitfully for our sacrifices . Are you enjoying your time here at North-frontier city?" josei

Ambassador Luke saw that Taylor wasn’t intense and was relaxed as usual as he spoke, "Sure Enough, he is a man of his words, You guys made a big scene by that piece on Fjord and Radiant Church this morning . Of course, what I said earlier still counts . I now understand why the Radiant Church wanted to that printing press from you guys . It’s good that you guys kept it to yourself or it would have been a recipe of disaster since The Radiant Church has a bigger influence in the whole kingdom . As for this City, North-frontier city comes 2nd best after the Imperial Capital . However, the delicacies here are the best . As for Count John We, of course, don’t doubt his loyalty, he has increased the exports and income of the kingdom and hence we know his loyalties . We will, of course, keep our end of the promise . "

Taylor smiled as he heard Luke as if he knew that Ambassador Luke was lying through his teeth, "We too hope the same . We have handed over the blueprints and the production machines to your men, so you won’t have to worry . "

Luke shivered as he saw Taylor’s smile and thought, ’Am I imagining? Why do I feel like I am being played this time around?’

Luke continued, ’Nah, I guess my nerves are just tight because of the previous and upcoming events . ’

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