World Development System

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Chapter 149


Blake met John before departing for his first raids,

John met Blake who gave him the report, "Hmm, so you guys found a magic metal mine and a lot of unknown new mines as well . I guess I need to personally go to that Island and watch those Mines first hand and evaluate them . As for those Horses, I want you guys to tame them and completely domesticate them without fail, just their use in water would be a big boost to our army . See their habits and what they eat . These Horses will be a big strategic weapon for us . Also, check if there are any other types of animals that would be useful to us in future use . "

Blake nodded then reminded John of the dwarves he saw earlier during their travel, "We are already in the process of locating the main area of the dwelling of those horses, from our investigation we found that they were quite deep into the island which would take some time, It is basically due to their ability to swim and run at extreme good speeds that they are quite mobile . We also found that these Aurora Horses can use water magic and are quite dangerous in the seas . Taming them would require soldiers who are above par . Practically we would need our best soldiers . Lord, There is a serious issue, We have seen that the dwarves have particularly increased their patrols on the northern waters nowadays . Even after taking a roundabout way it seems they have increased their area of operations, if not for the hydras in the seas and our telescopes, we might have inadvertently encountered them which would have certainly lead to a clash . How do we deal with them?"

John thought and spoke immediately, "Hmm . . . Ok, you can handle it as you wish . Make sure that Aurora island is not discovered by anyone . Kill them if they discover anything about our operations on it and make sure no one escapes if they discover us and a conflict arises . The magic metal mine itself is a big resource for us in this war which we can’t let others discover until the time is right . We will build better weapons and ammunition with them with the magic metal at our disposal . This time Tim will be coming with you for this big project of Aurora Island . Make sure to protect him as he will be in charge of all the Military production in the City, Even he doesn’t know about the scope of his responsibilities, Tornwall intends to train him with this war . Meanwhile, you guys are banned from using the guns in this war when you engage Fjord . You have to make do with the Mini-Ballistas, However, you can use the normal guns when you engage the dwarves in the seas . The guns will only be released after a big move by either Fjord, Prince Hector, Radiant Church or the Royal Family . However, I intend to save it for the last Salvos . We are currently developing more guns which includes snipers as well as assault rifles, currently, we are focusing on AK’s which would be produced in bulk . So I want to give them a very big surprise when all of them attack us . I will particularly release the news about magic metals at the right time which will completely fill them with greed . Make sure to train your archers with my training manual as it will help them later on when they handle the sniper rifles . If you want an example then take Grey assassination of Sylvan as 2/10th of the real firepower of the snipers when it comes to range . They will be further improved with magic metals and runes so you can just imagine its power . "

Blake shivered as he heard John’s plan of provoking all of them at once while having such weapons at his disposal . He thought, ’Damn, Lord has quite the big guts . I can expect a lot of fun times under Lord John . I wonder how will the Royal family react when all their plans come for naught . ’

Meanwhile, John thought as he heard about Dwarves, ’I guess the previous mission will be cleared after we fully build the Aurora City . And this dwarven threat may also be the threat that the system claimed about earlier . ’

John continued as he gave orders to Blake, "This time you will be deployed in the eastern seas and your men will protect the eastern port for now and our important trade fleets that would travel south . If you see Fjord’s Fleet, then you can attack them at will . We are already at war so you don’t have to be shy . I am currently more focused on our land borders because at this time Prince Hector and Radiant Church may try to stir something big . There are already many infiltrations that have taken place by the mercenaries . The most I am worried about are the mercenaries that will create havoc after the war starts . After the war starts, you too can start your old pirate life when it comes to the ships which have Fjord’s and their allies flag . And yeah you can raid fleet of Radiant church as well, I already hate their guts and arrogance . " josei

Blake laughed hysterically as he saw unfettered freedom and wings for his activities against Fjord, "Hahahahaha, Thank you, Lord, You are the best . This time I will make sure to make Fjord’s Naval fleet run home naked . Lets see who does the running this time around . With the speed of our new ships and these Ballistae, we will undoubtedly be the kings of Eastern and northern seas . This time I will make his whole navy a laughing stock out in the whole kingdom . Meanwhile, what is the name of these ships?"

John smiled as he answered, "They are called Galleons . But its a little bit different from Galleons . This time you guys did a good job at taming that Island . However don’t display the full firepower of the ships at the start, after some big shots move then you can show its real power . For the next two months, you guys will also make a city on the north-eastern port, that is north of Eastern port of Mendez’s domain . This time we will secretly make a supply chain joining Aurora City to North-frontier City with the secret North-eastern port in the middle . So This time we will increase men and ships for this project and that is also the reason why I personally posted about the recruitment in the previous newspaper . Anyways Go, you will start your patrols immediately . "

Sarah meanwhile commented as John tried to show his proud self when it came to the Galleons, "Hmph, what difference does it have apart from the improvements made within it? You are just a plagiarizer . Don’t be proud . The foundational designs of the Galleons haven’t changed . "

John coughed a bit as he heard Sarah non-stop blabbering .

Blake nodded after the orders, "Ok, I will inform my men of about the latest developments . "

John reminded him to meet Tornwall before his departure, "And Yes, Before Departing, go and meet Tornwall . He wants to meet you personally . "

Blake nodded as he remembered his talk with Ross previously, "Ok . I will make sure of it . "

Blake smiled and thought, ’I guess Tornwall wants to make sure of the protection of his beloved Disciple . Maybe I will be able to extort some more telescopes out of him . ’

John murmured as Blake left, "I wonder how do I greet the Elves when they arrive during the war . I guess it was good asking Duke Sapphire’s help . I will make sure to get their help in the agricultural field so that we remove our reliance on the Imperial Capital and they don’t have anything to threaten us with . "


Captain Shannon was currently in the port of Laguna city .

One of the Knight captains asked Shannon who was busily ordering his men, "Looks like there is a lot of preparations going on? Is there anything special today?"

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