World Development System

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: 221


One of the spies was trying to create a ruckus when the war was taking place, "What is this? We are not being allowed entry into North? We have the right to know about the activities taking place over there . What if our lives are in danger? I can see several going there but none of them coming back apart from the officials and all the important officers . "

The action very much upset the mood of people as they were already tensed .

At this time, Sparrow signaled one of the officers and told to capture him . josei

"Capture him, the reason for his arrest is bribery . I was waiting for a long time to use these pretenses over these guys . Take these evidence and these are names of the witnesses required . "

Almost immediately the guy was arrested on the past charges so that he couldn’t create any chaos .

During this time, Jay and the ghosts too were rounding up the spies who were trying to create chaos as the Northern domain headed into war .

Jay gave orders in the police headquarters, "Don’t Spare anyone who tries to create chaos, especially the ones who resort to violence or tries to incite violence . Check the records if you think someone is influenced by the spies . Only target the spies . As for the guys who are influenced, capture them and tell them about the activities of the spies . "

Melanie and Vlad sighed as they heard John’s decision to secede in the meeting which was announced by Taylor, Melanie spoke, "I never thought he would be this bold . "

Vlad smiled as he remembered his old conversation with John, "I pretty much had a hint when I conversed with him about the ballistas . I never expected him to create such weapons . I guess he always had big plans . "


King Ludwin’s Ambassador was seriously looking at the report which was given to them by Jonas .

"It seems this was the reason why we lost several ships at North . Lord Jonas, thanks for your valuable information and report . We will always remember this debt . We will be attacking that settlement in 2 days . I will be leaving for now . If you want you can join us later on . It seems that count thinks that he is something . This time he would be facing a kingdom . "

The Ambassador nodded as he left for the port and headed towards Dwarven kingdom .

Jonas smiled as he saw the Ambassador leaving .

He smiled and ordered his subordinate, "Prepare the navy and scout the waters in the east . We will be attacking that settlement with them . This is our chance to dominate the waters . "


Stephen Longmen was currently viewing the receding army of Prince Hector and Duke Fjord as he heard explosions taking place at the borders of Dolores . It was night currently as the battle progressed slowly and steadily .

He spoke to one of his mates from the castle jails, "Now, this is our chance . Try to open the gates and gather the guys who are loyal to Baron Mendez . This will be our chance to free him and all the other political prisoners . All the soldiers belonging to Prince Hector has left . It seems Count John’s men are taking their sweet time to invade Dolores . Go to work, we don’t miss this chance . We have a deal with Count John so don’t worry about them . "

At the same time, Antonio was flabbergasted as he saw his panicked men .

His commander asked with a panicked expression, "Lord what do we do? Those Ballistas aren’t working at all . They are attacking us from quite a distance and we can’t target them . They have also destroyed most of the ballistas . "

With a serious face, Antonio remarked as a thought ran through his mind, "We are running . We can’t win against this army and those weapons . Even Lord Irwin’s army faced a massacre against those demonic weapons . "

The commander was shocked as he immediately asked him, "Lord, what about the people of Dolores?"

With a resolute face Antonio spoke, "Fuck them, My life is more important . You think they will spare you? Just remember the previous massacre of mercenaries and you will get the result . "

The Commander shivered as he remembered and agreed with Antonio .

Suddenly there were sounds of gates opening as Amber’s men slowly approached the gates .

Panicked Antonio roared as he saw the gates opening, "What the hell, who opened the gates? Damnit We don’t have time, we need to leave fast . "

As Prince Hector’s army receded slowly, Alistair smiled as he looked at the Explosions that were taking place at Dolores .

He looked back at the gates with a cunning smile and murmured, "You see I know what you would do and I like crushing that very hope of your survival . Same goes to everyone who has crossed me . "

A lot of people in Dolores were in chaos as they looked for authorities, "What is happening? Are we at war? Why are the soldiers leaving? Is the Lord deserting us without fighting?"

Another guy spoke as he heard the explosions, "What are those weird explosions?"


Lord Irwin gravely looked at the receding army of General Anak as he spoke, "Bring in the messenger . Tell him to immediately report it to his Majesty . The situation is serious . Tell him about the casualties . We will be receding to Gritos . "

The subordinate gave another news, "Lord there is another news, Count John’s another General, Amber has invaded the western part of Dolores . "

Irwin was alarmed as he knew the temper of Amber when he read his report, "What? they dare invade Dolores? We can’t leave we need to at least save the Prince . "

The messenger shook his head as he spoke, "However, there is no need to panic, Milord . Prince Hector has escaped on the suggestion of his Butler Alistair . They already left . It seems they invaded Dolores because Prince Hector and his army were attacking the western castles when we had launched an attack at Southern Castles . From the looks of it, they too suffered the same fate as we did . However, it seems they lost fewer men . Here is the letter from Lord Alistair . "

General Irwin sighed with relief as he heard about Prince Hector . He immediately took the letter and got to know about the current situation of Dolores .

Irwin smiled as he spoke, "It seems they have decided to abandon that fool . Okay, we shouldn’t concern anymore . Dolores has fallen . We will recover it after the reserves arrive . Okay, time to spread it . Spread it everywhere in Dolores before we leave . Give it to the soldiers and slowly leave . We will be leaving at a fast pace now that they have invaded already . "

The subordinate smiled as he agreed and spoke, "Okay, Milord . Now the real war starts . "


Stephen came near Baron Mendez’s chamber and freed him after killing the guards who belonged to Antonio’s camp .

He ordered his men, "Free the Lord fast while everyone is away . "

"Yes, Sir . "

Mendez coughed a bit, drank water and immediately meet Stephen,

After watching Mendez in a rugged condition, Stephen asked, "Milord, are you okay?"

"Mendez shook his head and asked, "We don’t have time about that, What’s the current situation? tell me in detail . "

Longman slowly narrated the situation to Mendez to which he was quite surprised, "Count John’s men have attacked the Dolores and the Castle . We only accelerated it by opening all the gates . This gave us the chance to free you . "

After hearing the whole situation, Mendez understood what happened when he was in the chambers .

He remarked as he heard the explosion which was taking place, "Situation is dire, Come take me to the borders . "

He murmured as he left, "It seems a lot of people have made their choices . I guess I need to make mine . That foolish son of mine can’t even handle this domain for a few months . I guess he got played easily . "


Meanwhile, Amber was in Debris as he and his men tried to escape Dolores and the whole northern domain .

Amber was smiling as he caught Antonio and his men who were trying to escape . He thought as he pitifully looked at Antonio, ’I wonder who dug that trap for him . I guess he provoked someone and hence he failed to escape . ’

Amber’s subordinate spoke as he saw the backdoor of the castle which was filled with stone debris, "Lord, I think it was the spies of Baron Mendez which Minister Taylor talked about, They were also the ones who opened the gates for us . "

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