World Development System

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Antonio was angrily looking at Amber who was looking down on him, He angrily roared "How dare you, a lowly slave treat me, a baron this way? I have all the rights of a Lord as a prisoner of war . You guys will pay for the heresy of invading Dolores and for treating me, a Baron this way . The Royal family will make sure you guys pay for seceding . You guys especially will face the wrath of the Royal family if I am not freed immediately fully with my rights . "

One of the veteran soldiers laughed as he heard the ranting of Antonio, "This guy still thinks he is a baron . I guess he still doesn’t know his situation . "

A young guy asked in confusion, "Hmm . . . is there any other situation apart from the fact that we own Dolores now?"

The veteran slapped his forehead and spoke, "I guess you still don’t understand anything . Ok, I will teach you now . Currently, Baron Mendez who was in the Cell previously was freed with the help of our men and some of the loyal spies of Baron Mendez . What you don’t know is, Antonio on the order of Prince Antonio usurped his father and took control & power in this domain . "

The newbie slapped his forehead as he understood just now, "aah now I get it . Now, this would be interesting . "

Both Amber and his Subordinate were looking Antonio with pity as they heard their ramblings .

Amber smiled and spoke, "You see that receding army? It belongs to Lord Irwin . As far as Templars are concerned? They all died dogs death, you think they will come for your help? Not even their commander could get a glorious death . As for the remaining dogs of the Radiant Church, they are running for Radiant City straight . Even the Radiant Church receded immediately after hearing about the massacre of the Radiant Church . I think that guy called Francis was leading them back as he got some news via some channels . You see when we decided to secede, we were fully prepared to face the Royal Family and the Radiant Church head-on . As far as you are concerned, it seems you still don’t understand your pathetic situation . Do you think, your status of a baron will work here? Nope, it won’t . The Sky Kingdom won’t be having any aristocracy, there will only be 2 pillars that will have power . One is the King and the other is the ministers . "

Antonio was quite shocked after hearing Amber’s claim, "What do you mean the Sky Kingdom?"

One of the soldiers, who was previously a slave smiled and spoke, "Our kingdom . Don’t you know we already seceded? Slavery is already abolished whether anyone likes it or not . I am quite glad that I decided to join King John’s army, My family will be happy, there is one thing for sure, he fulfilled his promises to all the slaves in his domain . "

Amber spotted the spy Longman and Baron Mendez who was coming with some men, Amber smiled as he spoke to Antonio who was seething with anger and shock, "Ahh, it seems Mr . Longman and Baron Mendez are coming this way . It doesn’t matter whether you are with us or we give you to Baron Mendez . You were abandoned the moment when Prince Hector decided to escape with Duke Norman alone . As far as the Radiant Church is concerned? They didn’t even inform you when they escaped . Well, your fate was sealed the moment you guys attacked the western castle . I guess they were smart when they decided to escape or else we would have to mow this castle down completely . "

Amber immediately ordered his subordinate as they rounded up all the soldiers belonging to Antonio, "Loot all the food, supplies, resources and the slaves . Don’t loot the civilians, tell them they can join the Sky Kingdom if anyone wants to move there . I hope they are treated fairly . As far as the violent protesters are concerned, kick them in the jails . They can be freed when we leave . "

Amber smiled and continued, "I think you already know how to deal with protesters after watching their antics first-hand in North-frontier city . I think these guys will be mild . "

Amber’s subordinate smiled and spoke, "Yes, sir . I think none of the guys would do any such thing because they know that we are invading army . "

As soon as Baron Mendez arrived, Amber asked him, "You know the conditions of your release, right?"

Baron Mendez nodded and answered, "Yes . "

The first thing he did was slap his son who was still fuming with rage, he sighed and slapped his son who was still ignorant of present facts, "Now you understand why I said you don’t understand politics? Where are your backers of whom you were so proud of? Understand this, you were simply a pawn in the hands of Duke Norman or Prince Hector . Your only value was this land which was coming between North-frontier city and Duke Norman’s Army and also the fact that you were my son . You have really messed this up big time . "

Antonio understood that he was thrown like a chewed gun after his use was over but his ego was too big to take this defeat .

’No, it was the fault of that upstart and that slave who was always coming in my way . ’

Baron Mendez sighed as he saw his son’s stubborn attitude, He sighed and spoke to Antonio, " As promised, You guys can do whatever you want with him . My other son will be the new heir, though he is a bit coward but he still has a calm head, I guess my aspiration of an aggressive son who knows no fear lead to this situation . As far as Antonio is concerned, If you don’t kill him, I will certainly skin him alive . "

Looking at his father’s attitude, Antonio was shocked as reality stuck him for the first time after being abandoned .

He thought, ’No, this can’t be happening, all of them are conspiring against me . I can’t trust anyone . ’

Mendez spoke for the first time in a very regretful tone to Antonio, "Why are you shocked? The day you arrested me was the day you already became the pawn of others without any freedom to choose . You see if you had arrested me only for gaining power I wouldn’t have minded about that but the fact that you conspired against me under the influence of someone was the thing I hated the most . "

Amber smiled as he heard the one-sided rant of Baron against his son and answered, "Ohh well, the deed has been done, we won’t be killing this idiot, he will be useful . Lord wants everyone in the kingdom to see his fate at the hands of other aristocrats . He will be sent to Count Casey’s domain in secret . Count Casey will Cooperate as we have a deal with him so you won’t have to worry about him . I hope no one knows that he is in Casey’s domain . Our spies will escort him to Lord Casey’s domain with your men . You will have to use your most loyal men for this mission . "

"My Lord had predicted this outcome before the war started and now he is sure that this idiot will most likely become the pawn after this secession and this idiot Antonio will be blamed by everyone, i . e . Duke Norman, Prince Hector, Mary, Irwin and everyone associated . However, my lord doesn’t wish to end this problem for Hector and others in one shot by killing this idiot . He wants to make it more fun and it seems you will also have to face a lot of problems as well because of it . The only thing you have to do is not let others use your land . We would be more glad to have fewer enemies . In exchange, we will have a good trading relationship which will benefit both of us if you wish so . My spy will escort you . "

Mendez sighed and understood what will happen, ’I guess they plan to reveal Antonio at the Imperial capital via Count Casey when Antonio becomes the scapegoat . Well, this would be for the better, I hope Vince becomes a better heir after going through this ordeal .

Mendez understood and nodded as headed to the castle which was being raided by Amber’s men and took in Antonio with his men and some spies of Amber from the ghost division .

Baron Mendez immediately ordered Stephen with a dark light in his eyes, "Kill the Knight commander and the top 100 other guys who conspired against me previously . Not a single one should survive after such a betrayal . "

The Knight commander was shivering with his men as he was tied in chains .

The Knight commander begged for mercy as he cried hoarsely, "Mercy, Lord, Mercy . I was simply blinded by ego and our wrath because of that count’s impudent men . "

Mendez with an angry heart, spoke gravely, "And that is the reason you guys will die today . Blinded by ego and wrath, you guys almost ruined my domain . If it was someone else other than that count then they would have already occupied this land after their secession . I guess he has his constraints and prefers not to make more enemies . As far as you guys are concerned, you should be glad that you won’t be dying as traitors . I am not doing this for you guys but for your families, you will be declared dead when Prince Hector decided to abandon you guys . Anyway, I will keep my word . Stephen, you and your men can proceed . No need for any mercy for these guys . "

One by one heads rolled as Stephen and his men started killing the knights who betrayed baron Mendez . Many were trying to resist but failed as they died in the hands of Stephen and others .

Antonio was shocked after watching his father’s resolve and understood that he had made a grave offense previously when he acted against his father on Prince Hector’s orders .

’God, why did I provoke that Count in the first place?’

There was helplessness in his voice as Baron Mendez spoke to Antonio, "Listen, Child, even if I want to protect you, I can’t protect you this time around . For this, you must blame your actions . If you can survive then it would be your fate . "

Soon the Guards took Antonio to another place while Baron Mendez got back handling all of his men as he got busy with the current situation .

Outside Amber’s Office,

One of the spies living in Dolores came to the Temporary office of Amber in a suspicious manner,

Guards were quite alerted by him . Watch their reaction he immediately showed them his token .

Showing the token to the guards he immediately headed inside the room as it seemed he was here for an important affair .

Looking at the man Amber understood that he was deployed here .

Without beating around the bush, Amber immediately asked, "So what news do you have? is there anything important?"

The Ghost nodded and answered, "Lord, Prince Hector and Duke Norman has left for Gritos . Previously they only attacked with 15,000 of their men and hence the low casualties . Francis too escaped with his men from Radiant church quite early, I think you already know this . As far as important news is concerned, there is another news . "

Amber nodded and signaled, "Speak . "

Ghost nodded and spoke with a grave tone, "Lord Irwin was previously seen spreading something with his men as he too left in a hurry with his men previously . Here is the sample of the powder the ghosts collected after downing one of the soldiers . After interrogating the soldier, The soldier too didn’t know about what they were spreading . And there was another particular thing . "

He continued, "The radiant Church’s templars were continuously chanting something around the base of Lord Irwin . I think there is definitely something serious going on . We need to investigate this . "

Amber nodded and went into thought, "Hmm . . . Yes, this seems serious . "

Amber furrowed his brows as he heard about the suspicious actions of General Irwin and immediately wanted to reported to General Anak via a message rune . josei

The Ghost interrupted Amber before he could hear his decision, "Lord, there is one more thing . "

Amber furrowed his brows and asked in an irritated manner, "What is it? Now"

Ghost hesitated a bit and spoke, "It’s about Princess Emena and her escort team, they contacted us . We were contacted by their Spy head, Binz . He says that he wants a safe passage to North-frontier domain for Princess Emena and his team . Is it possible?"

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