World Development System

Chapter 313

Chapter 313: 244. Power Capital quotes 3.5 Million.

The auctioneer continued, "To show the effectiveness of this pill we will be using 1 spare pill from our side on one of the veteran officers. Major Harry had lost one of his hands in our previous war and due to his contributions, we have decided to give him the first pill. Although we had previously used this pill on both animals, humans, demons and other species, it has been found to be safe through various experiments and hence there are no side effects. We are making this live demonstration so that our claim can be verified on-site by everyone present as many may think that how does such a pill exist."

"Please bring the Pill. Major Harry, please come forward."

Major Harry nodded to his mates and came on the podium as he stood proudly beside the auctioneer. Very soon the pill came in a luxurious box that was engraved with various magic. The one escorting the Pillbox used some magic as he unlocked the engraved magic along with the box.

The magician handed over the pill to Major Harry as he waited to observe the reactions firsthand as he was part of the research team which made the pill.

Major Harry took the pill in his right hand as he thought and looked at the left-hand side which was empty. However, he had no regrets as this sacrifice saved the life of one of his comrades.

Lost in his thoughts, Major Harry was awakened by the auctioneer.

"Major Harry, Major Harry."

Major Harry spoke as he realized the situation, "I am sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."

Major Harry nodded and immediately took the pill as he waited for 5 minutes for it to take effect slowly. Very slowly, the pill started taking effect as his left hand started regrowing.

This scene was quite astonishing to a lot of people present here. Lukav was quite shocked as he watched the whole process. He thought as he looked at the pill, 'Why didn't this appear 8 years ago? I could have saved those 2 lives.'

The Demon Baan along with that kid who was present in the auction too was quite surprised after looking at the effects of the pill.

The Kid with Baan spoke, "This pill is so expensive. If it was cheaper then I would have bought it for uncle Baan. Why is he given the pill and not you Uncle Baan?"

The Demon Baan knocked the head of the kid as smiled and spoke to him, "Don't speak ill about Major Harry. He was one of the superiors in the navy. When I was with him, He was the one who cared and saved most lives of our men when he was on the battlefield. He is someone who most deserves this pill. As for why the pill is expensive? It is due to scarce resources. Do you think such an effect would be possible if it wasn't rare? Anyways, now that Sky has made progress in bone, flesh and blood regeneration medicine then there are various possibilities available now. And I only have an injured leg unlike him who lost his left hand."

Very soon there were shocked expressions on the face of a lot of people who were present here.

Even Mist who was usually calm couldn't help but have an astonished expression when he saw the effect of the pill firsthand.

John smiled and thought, 'Why didn't our Longevity pill have such a reaction among these people when it was presented to the world? I guess it is due to its availability over the centuries. It seems Arlen might even swallow the pill from his eyes if he looks any longer. From the reactions, I can say that our military is most excited about this pill. When the research paper was shown to them 2 months ago, why did they shrug it off? I guess it is too unbelievable for them. Alas, this pill really requires a lot of high-end herbs and the price of those herbs will only increase as we start buying them more in bulk. Just making 1 pill required 400k Gold coins worth of items and labor. This is also the reason why we have a base price of 1 Million gold coins for 2 pills. Just the amount of effort and resources poured into this pill will make countries weep tears of blood. If not for the millions of permutations and combinations of simulations provided by the system, it would have at least required 200 years of continuous research and investment to make this pill or a genius.'

Immediately after watching the effect of the pill, Maeen who was invisible in the auction made her starting bid, "2 million Gold coins."

She thought, 'I currently have 2 million Gold coins in hand, I should have brought more for this occasion. If I can get this pill with all the available funds right now. It would be considered a success. Amon family getting its hands on this pill would be a boon for us. I hope this bid can deter others already or it is a gone case.'

Bidder too made his bid after watching the effects of the pill first hand, "2.1 Million."

Very soon, other bids started coming in from the various diplomats.

"2.2 Million"

"2.4 Million"

Chad too thought and made his bid, "2.5 Million"

This time, Lukav immediately made his bid in an authoritative tone, "3 Million."

Finally, the other bidders started calming down due to a lack of funds but were still excited enough due to the current commotion.

Anin, Ein, Bidder, Luke and everyone other looked at the Pill like hungry wolves waiting for a signal to eat it already. If not for the guards and magicians of Sky present today, they would have immediately pounced at the pill without any decorum about today's event.

Mist thought as he looked at the event, 'I think we would have witnessed the same when the first Longevity pill was introduced to this world 5300 years ago. However, it required a lot of skill along with rare materials and hence the scarcity. Curse our luck that we didn't bring enough money when we decided to travel here. Well, there will be opportunities in the future so I shouldn't worry about this.'

During the commotion, John looked at Mist but refrained from doing a status check on him as his instincts told him not to.

Plato, Joel and Luke meanwhile spotted Trevor and Carl as they spoke in a serious manner.

Luke spoke, "We are currently in shortage of funds, however, if you guys can fund us with 1 million gold coins today then we will consider this as a great service to the crown. Our goal today is to win 1 set of Blood-bone marrow cleansing pills for our treasury. For this help, you guys can officially get help from the crown while you are conducting business in Aelius. We may also introduce bills which may favor you."

Joel thought as he looked at the current situation, 'It is good that we brought the Merchants with us as it was a military cum civilian agreement between Sky and Aelius.'

Trevor and Carl were thinking as to what benefits they could extract from them.

Plato looking at their expression understood that they are playing hardball since they had an upper hand today. He spoke, "Trevor, I can help you in lobbying the Bill for Opening up the medicine business which your family creates but is suppressed due to Radiant Church while you may also get my backing from behind the scenes in the name of official policy of Aelius. While Carl, I can help you in acquiring materials from Sky for your real-estate business. I think you already know how difficult it would be to import anything from Sky currently even if we may ease our policy due to the new North-South deal."

Plato thought as he looked at both of them, 'Originally I wouldn't have bothered about this thing but after watching the diplomats of other countries today. I am sure that I will be cursed by his Majesty Lionheart if I cannot acquire this type of pill for him. So it is better if we remain safe.'

Trevor and Carl pondered for a while and then agreed to their request as it was worthwhile in long term.

Meanwhile, Lukav smiled as he saw the third gong from the auctioneer as he announced Lukav winning the first set of Pills.josei

Maeen bit her lips as she understood that she couldn't get these pills today and will have to wait for the next opportunity or at least 1 year.

Maeen sighed as she thought, 'I guess this is my fault for less liquidity and more scattered investment due to my greed. Well, I can't help it since what is done is done. I guess his Majesty John will use this as a bargaining chip in future negotiations.'

Very soon the next batch of Pills was auctioned and won by Plato and others at 2.8 Million Gold coins.

Ein, the demon ambassador at Sky won the next set of pills with Prince Bidder and Prince Chad at the price of 2.9 Million Gold coins. Ein was sweating bullets as he had to balance between both Prince Chad and Prince Bidder who didn't want to co-operate with each other while at the same time wanted the credit for getting the pills.

For the first time after the bid, Prince Chad sighed with relief as he looked at John and thought deeply, 'From the way he is showcasing his power just in terms of arms and medicine, I think I may have bet on the wrong horse. I think I need to change the Chief Spy over here at Sky since I didn't get enough and right information on his Majesty John. However, the problem is that I have already offended him due to his closeness to Bluesea Duchy and touching my interests. Argh, what is done is done, I can't cry over spilled milk.'

Anin, the Dwarf the ambassador was also sweating bullets after watching both Plato and Ein winning the Blood-Bone marrow cleansing pill. He gritted his teeth as he too didn't want to get chewed by King Ludwin and borrowed money from human businessmen who wanted to grab such an opportunity. This time, he won the Pills at the price of 3.1 Million gold coins as the bidding was very fierce in the later stages.

During this last set of pills, everyone was unscrupulous as the Diplomats had already made their purchases and hence many businessmen grouped and were going to give it a try without minding nobles.

At this time, one of the new venture capital firms from Sky called Power Capital quoted their price which shocked everyone present, "Power capital quotes 3.5 Million gold coins."

The representative of Power capital was Dwayne who looked very young. His age was 22 currently. He had black hair and an average build with a slight tan. He is the Grandson of the Merchant named Bill.

Even John was quite surprised at the creation of a Venture Capital this early just before he set up the Securities and exchange commission. Dwayne smiled as he got the effect that he wanted for the promotion of his capital firm while at the same time an invaluable pill.

Dwayne smiled as his eyes met John for the first time as he nodded and thought, 'This time My Lord, I won't make the same mistakes which I did previously due to the greed of my family.'

Mist looked at Dwayne as he spoke to Alison, "Alison, that boy's soul has the aura of Fate and time. But it doesn't look like he has the blessing of both those gods."

Alison too nodded as he agreed, "Indeed. Though minuscule I can sense it. The less we speak, the better it is for now. We better discuss this later on."

John called Taylor and asked, "Give me a detailed report about his company. If possible, try investing state funds and get a stake."

Taylor nodded and spoke, "Your Majesty, as far as I know, He is a citizen of Sky and is one of the small stakeholders of Demonic Agricultural accessories and North-frontier times. According to our information, He has earned all of his money on his own from the age of 15 till now. However, there is one striking feature."

John nodded as he heard Taylor keenly, "Continue."

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