World Development System

Chapter 314

Chapter 314: 245. Fooling the eyes of heaven.

Taylor nodded and continued, "From last year, after you acquired the Barony, North Frontier Town, he has always followed our footsteps i.e. He actively acquired the citizenship of North Frontier Town which also forced his family and Grandfather to Migrate here after some time as they were worried about him. He also actively freed the slaves which were owned by his family despite resistance from his family but earned praise from our officials."

Taylor continued as he recalled all the incidents and reports related to Dwayne, "Previously he also funded researcher Mark in North-Frontier times despite resistance from other shareholders in the company to develop Illusion cameras and hence his increase in stakes. As far as his other investments are concerned, he has been very spot on. He is also one of the major suppliers of Raw materials such as Mulberry berries, Zilch berries and other items required for making reinforced cement and other items. Previously also he tried to get some shares of Blue Paradise at 5 times and 10 times the premium value which shocked her highness Diana and others but was rejected since Blue Paradise didn't have any funding problems. According to the evaluation of our officers and commoners, he is a model citizen and businessman for Sky. Currently Power Capital has assets worth 27 Million Sky Dollars, out of which 13 Million are invested in various start-up companies, 1 Million in real estate of North-frontier city and 4 Million Dollars in real estate of Golden Spring City and Aurora Island. And this has also sped up the development of those cities. Though not comparable to rich families and nobles of other countries but Dwayne's own assets currently are worth 4 Million Sky Dollars. He has also actively promoted the usage of Sky Dollars among businessmen of Sky."

Diana who was beside John spoke after hearing of Power Capital and Dwayne, "Yes, he did indeed approach us to buy 7% percent of our stake previously at extremely high prices but I didn't want to sell it since there were no funding problems as well as other girls also didn't want to sell their stakes since we liked the work here. By the way, Blue Paradise also has a stake of 4% in Power Capital since he invited me humbly even after I rejected his proposal to buy a stake at Blue Paradise. I think he is good at managing capital."

Even John who used to remain calm was quite surprised by watching the profile of Dwayne. He thought, 'It is as if he wants my attention but it seems he is cautious of something. Does he have some agenda? Nah. If he had an agenda then he would have surely hidden his tracks from me and my officials. And from the way he is looking at me, it doesn't look malicious or creepy unlike when I face my enemies. Ok, to get more clarity lets meet him and check his status as well so as to gauge his intentions.'

After auctioning the pills, the host of the auction announced, "I hope everyone over here enjoyed today's auction. I now announce the end of the auction as all the main items have been auctioned. Now, the ball will start along with meetings with Lord John. The ball and party now will be handled by the officials of Sky who were just recently promoted. As for the meetings, most of the appointments are already made but if anyone new wants an appointment today with his Majesty, please approach Lord Taylor's secretary so that he can inform if it is possible."

At the end of this Auction, A lot of people sighed with disappointment as this auction was carried out without any notice and hence many people were unprepared.

Maeen too sighed as she looked at the Pills with a bitter face.

As soon as the auction ended, Dwayne was filled with invitations from other businessmen and some small nobles as well. However, he immediately approached Mist who was looking at him curiously.

Dwayne spoke to others, "I hope you guys can excuse me as I would like to have a talk with Lord Mist. If there are inquiries related to Power Capital, you can contact our persons and office at 13th Square street, Northfrontier Town."

The other major shareholders of Power Capital smiled as this was the effect that they wanted to create via today's auction.

Dwayne humbly approached Mist as he spoke, "Lord Mist, could I have the honor to make your acquaintance."

Mist nodded for the first time and spoke, "You are a quite peculiar kid, but you should not make such obvious moves which may become dangerous for you. Today was one such move when you made that announcement which made you the focus. It was as if you knew that there would be an auction today and hence prepared the funds. So you should be careful."

Dwayne had a look of shock as he became worried and thought, 'How could he know? Are my moves this obvious?'

Mist smiled as he saw his shocked face and spoke, "Calm down, if I wanted to kill you now, you would not be standing in front of me. Also, I can see that your soul doesn't harbor any ill will in your actions so it's okay for now."

Dwayne nodded sincerely and spoke, "Lord Mist how did you come to doubt me? Because I don't think many people could detect anything."

Mist smiled as he saw his sincere question and spoke, "Well, as a Grand Arch Magician of Nature Magic. I can see that your soul has a fleeting aura of Fate and Time but not the blessing of both of those Gods, I guess you may have acquired their blessings in the future. And then there was today's action. You are lucky that you didn't meet anyone else who has my level of detection. Though not many people can detect it however you should be careful. Don't resist this spell which I am about to put on you. This spell will help you against future troubles."

Dwayne had a very shocked expression as he thought, 'I guess I can't hide anything from Lord Mist. Even my 2 lives worth of experience is nothing in front of his vast experience of 1000s of years. Anyway, lets hear him out.'

Mist signaled Dwayne who was still thinking and spoke, "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to use that spell in front of everyone here so that everyone takes notice? Follow me to the guest house, we will talk there."

Dwayne nodded as he followed Mist.

In the guest house,

Dwayne along with Mist and Alison were present, Dwayne hesitated a bit spoke, "Actually I would like..."

Alison raised his hand and stopped Dwayne, "It's ok, you don't need to tell us about the future. It has already been distorted."

Mist nodded and spoke, "I guess it was bound to happen and anger God of Fate since the gods depended on Seers too much to maintain control. So how much of the history have you changed by your actions?"

Dwayne nodded as if he was a disciple and spoke while Mist with chink on his Magic Staff started using the spell on Dwayne, "I changed some of the fate of my family in hopes of changing their nature which has given some results, I have also cut relations with my uncle who is a staunch believer of Slavery and Radiant Church. The thing I regret the most is not being able to stop the massacre which started the war. In the past life, it wasn't the Greenwoods Village that was massacred but Blue Valley village which I emptied out by hiring everyone in the village for my raw material company and transferring them to North Frontier city in the name of tight work schedule along with higher wages. I guess certain things can't be changed. However this time, there were 4 survivors unlike last time which changed the course and narrative of the war. As far as business activities are concerned, I have created Power Capital 5 years early this time and also invested in some promising industries. This time I also progressed the research of Illusion Cameras by 1 year after many people start funding in the stock market and Sky Institute."

Alison thought as he heard, "Hmm... So the only major changes you did were the Greenwoods Massacre and Cutting relations with your Uncle. Your Uncle may become a big obstacle in the future since he is blood-related. And you approaching us today also has a reason, right?"

Meanwhile, Mist finished chanting the spell as Dwayne's body got covered by the Magic and got absorbed instantly.

Mist nodded and spoke, "Now you will remain safe in case you encounter a dangerous situation like this time where we detected your situation."

After hearing out Alison, Dwayne nodded and spoke with determination, "I don't regret cutting my relations with my Uncle or else an unforgiven tragedy would have befallen our family. The very fact I haven't killed him now is me being very merciful to him. And Yes, I did approach you guys for a reason. I wanted your help in today's signing ceremony of the North-South Peace deal. In return, I am willing to give you guys 1 of the Blood-Bone Marrow cleansing pill. And I am sure that you will require this pill in the future."josei

Mist spoke as he heard Dwayne, "It seems, something major will happen today."

Dwayne nodded and spoke slowly, "Yes, nothing big but controllable. However, I wanted to avoid as many casualties as possible. Today, Radiant God, Irmela's angel and Radiant Church will do a big show which may affect today's event. Lord John probably already knows about it. However, this time, I want you guys to prepare a formation that can even fool the angels. I want to change this 1 event as much as possible."

Looking at Dwayne's determined eyes, even Mist was quite surprised. Mist thought as he looked at him, 'No Wonder, he got favored by gods in future. I wonder what happened in the alternate future. Nah, It won't be good knowing too far in the future and get heaven's curse. This boy is unique in a sense that his soul has even fooled the eyes of heaven.'

Alison looked at Mist and then at Dwayne as he spoke, "Kid, the conversation that we had today, you shouldn't speak to anybody else or else you and the other person may really become unlucky. Don't tell even John about this. Also from now on, nobody will be able to detect the aura of Fate and Time on you. Today, you were able to have a conversation with us because of the formation at this house."

Mist nodded and added, "Though we usually don't interfere in war or matters of Gods however since you have already warned us. I will help you out even at the risk of angering Irmela since you have clear eyes. Don't lose that shine in the future as well."

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