World Development System

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Meanwhile at North-frontier town,

There were many changes taking place at the North-frontier town which were getting noticed by everyone, it was especially the visitors who noticed most of the changes .

The most important change was the volume of people who visited north-frontier town these days, which encouraged a lot of businesses . This was coupled with the fact that John encouraged a lot of business policies which included reducing taxes to the lowest point in his domain in the whole of Aelius kingdom . The lower taxes helped the businesses as well as the local populace which reduced the prices of basic necessities and inflation .

The people engaged in farming were also pleased by the farming policies introduced by John . This was coupled with the fact that they previously saw real results after conducting his theory . Now people were able to buy Livestock which reduced the need for labor .

In the Settlement farms of North-frontier city,

Michael, a farmer, was chatting with one of his mates on the farm as usual, "Lord’s policies have helped us cope a lot with the recent food problem and this has also increased the productivity of yields . How do you feel?"

Kevin his mate said laughing, "Hahaha, Yes, that’s true, because of the reduced taxes and increase in yields, we were able to buy some livestock for our farms . When the caravan arrived for trade this time they were quite prepared because of the demand for livestock from their previous trip . This time we were able to buy livestock without paying high prices because of enough supply by all the merchants recently arriving for grabbing an opportunity . This time we purchased a Horse, two calves and 2 chickens which we plan to raise for a while . While because of my Wife’s insistence we even purchased a foal as she intended to send that brat to the school and make him a properly educated knight from all the tales she has heard . I thought we could buy him a horse later on when he is ready . "

Kevin sighed as spoke about her unreasonable demands, "Additionally, coupled with the fact that now my son works as a part-timer in one of the paper factories introduced by Lord . It has increased the income of our household so we would be pooling our money to buy more livestock so she has quite a free hand nowadays when it comes to money . Additionally, I am happy for the sole fact that we won’t have to move and abandon our lands as we did usually and this alone reduces the burden for the whole town So I guess I can always spare more money now thanks to it . "

Michael laughed as he heard the gossip of Kevin’s home, "I guess that’s good as previously because of high taxes we were barely able to save anything not to mention the thought of buying livestock to reduce labor . however, I wonder If it is really ok to have reduced taxes because lord might be footing our bill and have a shortage of money for forming a legion to protect our borders . "

Michael thought worriedly as he spoke in the end .

Kevin laughed as he heard him, "Haha, you don’t need to worry that much, recently I met one of the village heads in the meeting of our settlement . Many of the village heads previously had the same thoughts but Lord and his officials have assured that there are no issues regarding money and they have already started preparations about the issue of security first thing in mind . My son said the same as he heard one of the gossips from Heads of Paper Factory so everyone was quite relieved . "

Another person arrived at the settlement farm for their usual weekend gossip, Thomas a tan but he was tall and had rather sharp features, Thomas said to them as he heard their conversation, "That true, we don’t need to worry about money for now, secretly the heads have discussed that if needed they would rather raise a fundraiser like we usually do cope with the monsters . Actually, the thing which cheered me up the most was the arrival of our mates who left for work in cities because of lack of land or employment, Many of them faced hardships and some even got slaved because of accumulation of debts . "

However, recently some of the guys have been spreading bad rumors about lord in the city about how he is aggressively buying slaves which will only increase the problem of slave trade . "

Michael thought and said, "I guess there are always some bad apples who either change due to time, the lure of money or pain of hardships . If Lord was so bad he wouldn’t have given so many privileges to slaves, unlike the others who don’t even treat them like a human .

Anyway don’t let these guys ruin the atmosphere of North-frontier Town . No, I mean city . They will only create chaos and nothing good will come out of it . it’s better we already warn others about these miscreants . "

Kevin interjected, "Well, I think the recent rumors of forming of internal force has taken these factors into consideration however it is not yet official . So I think the Lord has it all planned out and won’t let miscreants ruin this City . "

Michael asked with a surprised face, "Is it real, I thought they were just rumors?"

Kevin nodded and said, "Well those youngsters are acting quite suspiciously nowadays and aren’t saying anything about their Job . "

Thomas, "It’s okay as Jay is the one accompanying them . I guess they are intending to take the local boys into the internal force . I guess I will be going now or my wife will nag for coming late since we will be going to the weekend market today . Take care . "

Kevin and Michael looked at each and said to Thomas, "Wait let us join you today . It has been quite a long time since we had relaxed in such a good mood as we usually had to worry about our next meals and taxes . "

**** josei

One of the frequent visitors asked a local .

"Hey, I see a lot of locals have started their own business in North-frontier town and many of them are involved in the new varieties of food which came out of Lord John’s Mansion, is it really ok?

The local guy said, "Ohh about that, you don’t have to worry about it, it was actually encouraged by the Mansion for people to start businesses and those recipes were actually distributed by Madam Martha of Hope, even you as an outsider could start it . The Mansion hopes to improve the food culture as well as encourage people to innovate whether it is food or other fields . So many people have started businesses and are trying to make new types of delicacies from their profits in the hopes of getting the honor to work in the Mansion one day, Plus this has actually helped the locals in earning extra income . "


Glenn and Prague just arrived at the North-frontier city .

Glenn looked and said to Prague, "Hmm . . . This city has given me quite a surprise whether it is the roads, food or the newly constructed structures over here . What do you say Prague?"

Prague thought and said, "I was quite surprised as well, it is mostly the roads and structures which have surprised me the most . From what I heard from a local even they don’t know how these roads are being made . There are rumors that it was personally created by Lord John and he is intending to rebuild the whole using those materials . Those guys constructing the roads were well equipped with arms in the transit route, I guess there were officials who wanted to keep it a secret . "

Glenn smiled and said, "Well I am more interested in their food, paper and how they will provide us resources for publishing . From Eva and others, I heard that the food here is quite good so come let’s try the best food over here . "

Prague thought and said, "Best food? I guess then its the Hope restaurant which is becoming famous everywhere in the Aelius Kingdom . This place is quite different from what I heard in the rumors, this place seems as lively as the Imperial Capital and It is quite clean compared to the shitty streets of the capital . I guess people can walk quite freely without getting concerned about landing the wrong foot . However this place is quite vulnerable to wolves, what do you think?"

Glenn understood when Prague mentioned the word wolves and said, "I don’t think the Lord here is quite naive to believe that he can do anything without strength . If he didn’t have the strength then his Soapmaking techniques would have long been leaked to the major Soapmakers or other forces . Anyway, first head to Hope I am itching to have a meal over there . Those shitty brats at the university made me quite jealous after talking about the ice-cream of North-frontier Town . And as we have already made a decision we can’t head back now . The arrow had already left the bow when we gave our resignations . " Glenn said excitedly as he headed to Hope in a Hurry .

"Quite a lot of Architects have been visiting this town on a frequent basis these days to get inspiration on new designs, I was quite surprised to hear that Ryfon from the imperial capital had decided to work here after watching the Architecture of Lord John’s Mansion . You might not know but previously he was shortlisted among the 10 architects required by the Royal family . However, he was quite bored after some days and decided to travel and explore as he felt he was doing the same thing without exploring anything as the Royal family had strict requirements for building Grand structures without Major changes . "

Glenn thought and said, "Well, everything has its pros and cons, there were resources at his disposal yet not . Maybe that rejection letter was a blessing in disguise for us after watching this city, who knows what type of restrictions they would have placed on us if I was ever decided to be selected be those bunch of old men at Imperial University . "

Prague heard and said, "Quite a food for thought but what do you think about those dramas funded by Baron John over here at the theater in the Market and streets . "

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