World Development System

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Glenn grinned and said, "I guess Baron is quite fond of art, literature and culture . Maybe we should watch one of those dramas in the theater before heading to Baron’s Mansion . There are already some guys tailing us . I guess they are amateurs . What do you think?"

Prague sighed as remembered and spoke with a bitter expression, "I Think this may be because of our increased senses which we got after training during our childhood when we trained to become knights before the fall of our houses . "

However this time both Joe and Marsh understood they were spotted unlike the last time when they were tailing Hague, it was later at the restaurant that they realized that Hague was watching them with a playful smile and curiosity as they got exposed .

Last time they were rebuked by Jay for their blunder of getting exposed however that experience improved them slowly but steadily,

After getting exposed, Marsh decided to meet them head-on as he signaled Joe to come with him and said like he had practiced with Jay during the training sessions, "Hello, This is my colleague Joe and I am Marsh we were tailing you for your protection and didn’t want you to get disturbed so don’t get alarmed by our presence . We were ordered by our superiors to keep both of you safe . As compensation let us foot the bill for the Lunch . "

Glenn nodded and shook his hand with them as he said, "It’s okay, I can see that you guys don’t have any malicious intentions and are only doing your Job . As we previously trained as knights we are quite perceptive when it comes to our surroundings . When you mentioned compensation, Is the compensation given by both of you or Lord John?" Glenn thought as he wanted to save more money and asked them .

Marsh smiled and said, "It will be borne by the Mansion as we were already ordered to treat you with the utmost respect . "

Marsh understood that many professors were coming here due to their bad circumstances who hoped to save money to publish their own works as he invited them .

Joe expectantly said after hearing their conversation, "Well, Why don’t we head already? I am quite bored . "

Marsh facepalmed as he heard Joe and thought, ’Why do you have to ruin the party because of that stinky mouth of yours . I was barely able to make some good impression on them . What if they decide to head back after hearing from you . I would be rebuked by Jay for not keeping you under control . ’

Glenn and Prague laughed as they watched both of them .

Glenn laughed heartily said to Joe, "You are quite a straight forward guy, I guess we will get along quite well . Come lets head to Hope first, then we will go and see the drama . "

Glenn was smiling today as he thought, ’I guess I feel quite free after leaving the Imperial city and meeting these people here . I think losing stress did the trick and reduced my burden for thinking about those damn old men monopolizing all power and decisions . ’

Glenn looked around and said, "People traveling at this town is increasing day by day, what do you think?"

Prague thought a bit and spoke, "I think it is because of the newly discovered food culture, various new types of architecture and attractions . Meanwhile, there is a lot of opportunity for trade so I think a lot of people are traveling and exploring this town because of all the blends mixed with various interests . Merchants meanwhile are quite fond of this new type of road which is reducing the normal maintenance costs of their carriages . Meanwhile, the nobles have enough time and money to enjoy the luxuries of this town so I guess they are here while only some may have malicious intentions when they travel here . recently Lord’s mansion has been gathering Mulberry fruits in large quantities, many people speculate that it is for making a new dish they made recently so they don’t want to be in short supply when they introduce the new dish so it is a new opportunity for traders near the village . "

Glenn heard Prague’s analysis and said, "I guess what you said is true, this town has a lot to offer unlike the imperial capital, this includes Tourism, Food, Trade opportunities and the Wilds with a blend of nature . However, I think there will be a problem with nobles even though Lord is trying to control these issues . I guess the problem will be solved when he releases the new laws .


Meanwhile in the outskirts of North-frontier town .

In the middle of a certain conversation at a certain place,

there was a man with a scarf whose face can’t be seen was talking to another man,

The man with the scarf said, "I can give you half the blueprints of that soapmaking machine but I know for sure that it won’t work as it is only one half, I don’t know anything about another half . So it will be your own risk if you decide to buy the blueprints . And how would you compensate me for leaking such information? You do realize that my life will be in danger after they realize that their techniques have been leaked . "

The man with a cunning face and curly hair said, "You shouldn’t worry about it, the Royal family will be the one who will protect you so you shouldn’t worry about an upstart noble . I don’t think they would dare offend the Royal family over a leak . It would have leaked one way or another . As for one half, you shouldn’t worry much about it, we will handle those problems on our own, you only need to provide those blueprints . As for your assurance, here take this token . "

The man smiled and gave him the token and said, "This is proof if you doubt our identity . You can take use this token which will signify that you are a patron of Prince Hector and any attack on you is an attack on us . Here is the advanced gold for your Job, the other half will be given to you after you complete the job . "

The man with the scarf was only worried about their identity, however, after confirming their identity he was quite relieved after watching the token .

The man with a scarf took the token and said to him, "Follow me, I trust this token as this is a legitimate token . "

The man said, "Well, I knew this would work as Lord had personally handed me this token in case you don’t trust me . I guess you have already made your decision . "

The man with the scarf nodded and headed towards a certain direction, "Wait over here, I will come over in a few minutes as getting the blueprints . "

After a few minutes,

The man with the scarf came again and handed him an envelope, "I hope you guys keep your word as you said earlier . "

The cunning man smirked and said, "We will, you don’t have to worry much about it . "

Both of them parted as their meeting ended .


Glenn came out of the restaurant as he spoke, "This restaurant’s cuisine precedes its reputation . There was quite a variety of delicacies which I had never seen before . I think even the royal kitchen would pale in front of this restaurant . "

Prague too nodded as he remembered the various delicious dishes he had tried earlier at Hope, "Quite true, I had been to a lot of banquets but I never had food like this ever before . This restaurant alone would have compelled me to come and work over here If I knew about the delicious food in this town . "

Glenn to agreed and said, "I agree as well, Now I understood why that Joe was so happy as soon as he heard about dining at this restaurant, Come let’s go and watch the theater first . I wonder what kind of philosophical works they would show over there . You guys can come as well since you paid for our Lunch, I guess we will treat you to the theatre . "

Prague too nodded as he spoke, "I heard Lord John personally wrote some works to launch this theater so that it could become famous among the masses . His very intention is to make people familiar with art, culture and literature . It should be quite entertaining as we had anyway planned to tour today I guess we should make the most of it . "

Prague said as they headed to the newly released theater .

Meanwhile, Marsh thought, ’Damn, does this look like a job where we are tailing and protecting our targets from the shadows?’

Dearil and men said, ’Hahaha, These two clowns are quite amusing in their own sense . "

Another man said, "Well they are new to the job and hence their amateur behavior . "

another of the men asked, "Since they were here, why were we needed in the first place?"

The first man said, "Well it was Jay who requested our presence as he hoped to give protections to these guests as they left the Imperial University in a sensitive time . " josei

Dearil too laughed and said, "Them being clowns is quite true, anyway it is trust which is more important in positions of power is what I heard from Master, and hence that decision from Jay to make these two clowns officials . Anyway, Make sure to keep a watch on any suspicious individuals you detect . "

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