Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Rising Tension

Several days slipped by in a flash. Time flew like the wind as no other mysterious happenings occurred within New Branch City. 

Currently, New Branch City has undergone a whole different atmosphere after these days.

The subdued atmosphere that hung in the air of the City vanished. 

Now there was a distinct battle stench that warped the entire air of New Branch City. Fighting spirits were rising; everyone was getting excited as the fateful day was approaching. 

The day for the Mercenary Exchange Event to start! 

Every single Mercenary group went hardcore in preparing. No matter how big or little the preparation was, everyone was making sure to cover their basis for a successful year.

This year, in particular, got everyone wound up. Nobody certainly wanted to lose out to others, and everyone had something to prove this year. 

It all stems from the fact that Heavenly Kings all alike were finding their cultivation speeds increased at a slightly higher rate.

Since the Divine Barrier shattering all Heavenly Kings attempted to squeak in that extra time in close door cultivation for any kind of achievement. '

Also, during this time of year, New Branch City wouldn't receive many outsiders.

The only ones seen going in and out of the City were either the City's original residents or Mercenary group members. 

However, there was one outsider group approaching the bustling high tension City.

The group included three hooded robe figures, covering most of their identity. These three figures walked with a confident stride in their steps, uncaring to the numerous Heavenly Kings either walking past them or flying over them.

At the same time, however, all who had passed this group of three seemingly just didn't notice their existence. 

It wasn't as if the Heavenly Kings found their presences inconsequential. It was legitimately the fact it was like this group of three were invisible.

No matter how closely someone walks near this group of three, they wouldn't even glance their eyes in their direction. 

However, if anyone were to notice this group of three and spot their true identities, nobody would dare to ignore them.

These three hooded robe figures hold a high status no matter where they would go in the Icy Cloud Province. The three were top prime geniuses of the Ice Nine Tail Sect. 

It was the Heavenly Geniuses, Kasai, Zhaun, and Cui.

The three all wore matching plain blue robes that covered their foxtails and fox ears features. Around their necks was a shiny blue necklace that faintly shimmered a brilliance radiance. 

This necklace was the reason for their seeming invisibility.

It was an illusion charm necklace that made their presences incredibly hard to detect, provided that none of them use any power. 

Despite their differences among their factions, these three still walked together leading up to the City.

Zhaun was on the far left of them; his gaze curiously wandered around the bustling Mercenaries group members. Kasai was in the middle; his gaze appeared calm, though he had some thoughts nestling in his mind.

At the far right of them was Cui, under that hooded robe; it was hard to tell her proper appearance. But, one can still obverse a bewitchingly sexy body figure under her robes. 

Compared to the other two, Cui's gaze was utterly apathetic, barely even registering anyone else around her.

As they got within meters from New Branch City, Zhaun was the one that turned his gaze at his traveling companions. 

Though both seemed perfectly fine with not talking, Zhaun decided to go against the grain and engage with them. "You know….now that we're here, I'm sensing the competition will be extra more pumped this year. From what my senior Brother told me about this event, the Mercenaries wasn't nearly as active like this." 

Cui only briefly shifted her gaze on Zhuan before continuing to look forward, completely ignoring his words. 

Kasai was the one to direct a curious gaze over at Zhuan, indirectly asking him, 'your point is?'

Zhaun wasn't dissuaded from the lack of response, keeping the slight smile he had on under his hood. "Well, I'm just saying now that we're here, we're all probably going to split up. And things will probably be different this year, so…."

As Zhaun trailed off, the three of them had already arrived in the City. 

In response to Zhaun's implied question, Cui gave him a mere fleeting glance. "Don't bother Zhaun. I don't have time for snakes."

She snapped around from Kasai and Zhaun, paying them no attention for any longer. Cui's very air exuding from her radiated a natural presence of pure proudness that wouldn't submit to just anyone. 

And she, of course, believes for this year's event, she'll manage to secure the most resources and score the highest prize here. Cui was determined to uphold the mantle of her Koduka faction, always coming out on top.

Without another word, Cui quickly vanished from Kasai and Zhaun's sight. 

Zhaun's eyes lingered on where Cui vanished off to. Even through the bustling crowd of people, Zhaun had a general feeling about where Cui was heading.

He lightly sighs, shrugs his shoulders, and turns his attention to Kasai. "So I guess that just leaves us, eh? By the way, Kasai, it actually has been several days since we had a one on one conversation." 

Kasai, who was indifferent to Cui's high pride, turned his attention wholly on Zhaun.

Zhaun's smile grew a bit wider even though Kasai wouldn't be able to spot it. "So? Have you finally made up your mind on our little offer? With the way she's already acting, I'm sure that added some persuasion, no?"

Zhaun's tone was even yet also a bit hopeful. 

As much as he disliked both factions, Zhaun knew in his mind who was the obvious more significant threat. Moreover, he even had a limit on just how proud the Kodua faction is.

Kasai didn't immediately respond. His mind certainly saw several beneficial opportunities to an unlikely partnership. 

But at the same time, he still wasn't entirely sure about working with a crafty person like Zhaun. He told Zhaun after a moment of hesitation, "I need one more day. Just right before the event truly starts. You'll have my answer then." 

After saying so, Kasai didn't wait for Zhaun's response. He quickly turned around and vanished from his sight.

Zhaun's eyes now lingered on Kasai's spot for a few moments. He had underlying theories before, but now Zhaun was the utmost assured that something was off with Kasai. 

Kasai's uncertain thought pattern was especially noticeable for a focused person like him. 

'This event may already be interesting before it truly even starts.' Zhaun mirth to himself. He had then quickly walked off into the crowds of people, blending seamlessly in, walking towards a specific direction.


A few miles away from New Branch City, somewhere in the middle of the Wild Snow Land, three black and white masked youths slowly traveled. Their footsteps crushed into the gray mixed snowy ground, yet their steps made no noise.

The masked youths were slowly tailoring behind a group of four black robes people. 

Of course, the masked youths were Darcel, Aniela, and Masami. 

They were only within thirty meters from the group they were tailoring, and they went absolutely unnoticed.

Over these past several days, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami certainly weren't idle. They were diligently cultivating, planning their next moves, and gathering all the intel they can.  josei

Much like others in New Branch City, they also had a rising fighting spirit for the Mercenary Exchange Event.

Although, on the intel front, the trio managed to get far. They learned about the basics of this event, the Mercenary groups competing, and who would be noteworthily troublesome on their mission.

However, with their cultivation, there wasn't much progress going on there. The only significant progress they made was reaching the peak of their current levels. 

Now, Darcel and Masami were a fine line away from entering a new Great realm. And Aniela was a fine line away from achieving the peak of the True Soul Core realm. 

But at this point, none of them could break through anymore. At least, they wouldn't be able to breakthrough in such a short amount of time.

Darcel fathomed that they managed to reach the peak of their levels so quickly because of residue rainbow Crystalline energy left in their dantian. 

However, neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Masami found this bottleneck as a particular problem. They all know they are plenty strong enough to efficiently deal with whatever most Mercenary group throws at them. 

The only concerning Mercenary group the trio were all a bit iffy on was the Raven Mage Order group.

Out of all the Mercenary groups, the Snow Angels had the least deep intel on them. 

This is why they're taking the time today to trail behind this group of black robes people. 

On each of the black robe people clothing was the beautiful design of a pitch-black Raven. In each of the black robes people's hands was a deep black Magic Staff. 

Each of their Magic Staff had a vigorously pulsating black Magic Crystal. 

The group consisted of two handsome men and two beautiful women. From miles away, anybody would know just where this specific group of people belong to. 

They not only were from the Raven Mage Order group but were also relatively high-ranking members with equally high prowess.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami at least assumed so. 

Their Spirit Senses couldn't accurately tell just how powerful these Mages were. But comparing them, the trio equated them to being as powerful as eighth-level Heavenly Kings.

The aura of power naturally exuding from them gave them similar sensations as eighth-level Heavenly Kings. 

Even though they can't tell the Mages' exact prowess, some things didn't change, whether it was cultivator or Mage. No matter what power system the Mages had, they simply can't detect Darcel's group presence. 

Darcel was already confident in trying this theory seeing as Raven Likal also didn't react to his or Masami's presence despite hovering right above them at that time.

Still, the trio didn't immediately pounce on these Mages yet. Their eyes stared intensely at the pulsating black Magic crystals. 

'Hm-hm. So that thing is what got that other Mage slip from bright grasp. Nnng….still can't sense anything from it.' Aniela was musing to herself, trying to focus all of her senses on the black Magic crystal-like she was cultivating. 

She wasn't provided with much results, however. 

'I still think we should just crush them and get this over with….' Masami had already given up trying to perceive the black Magic crystal. 

And despite how much she wanted to simply yank those Magic Staffs from their hands, she patiently waited.

Darcel felt Aniela's stubborn determination and Masami's growing antsy through his Darkness Soul link and wryly shook his head. 

He only wanted to see if their genius comprehension can at least pick up anything from the black Magic Crystal.

With how that Magic crystal exploded, it allowed Raven Likal to move like he had teleported. And even before the Magic crystal exploded, Raven Likal could just barely move even while being under Aniela's powerful bloodline aura.

Though Raven Likal went down like an ant when Darcel got his claws on him, it still was a call for caution and investigation. 

'No matter how much of genius we are, it looks like we still need to become proper Mages.' Darcel concluded in his mind, feeling minor disappointment. 

If Darcel's group couldn't perceive the black Magic crystal, their only other option was trying to gather any possible intel on them.

But Darcel, Aniela, and Masami tuned out on what the Raven Mages discussed as they weren't revealing anything they didn't know.

After minutes of walking with no progress, Darcel finally made up his mind. He looked behind him, seeing that they were far away enough from the City. 

But before Darcel returned his attention forward, a strange sensation pricked his Spirit Sense.

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