Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Black Ravens

It was very faint. Nearly unnoticeable and should've been rightfully ignored by Darcel. Yet, only Darcel could feel this prickling sensation at the far edges of what his Spirit Sense can cover.

Miles away from them, Darcel just felt a seemingly vague presence that felt a touch similar in several ways. 

Out of all presences far away from them, this one stood out the most.

Whoever this presence seemingly had a way to mask themselves. But it was far more unrefined and unnatural than how he and the girls do it.

As Darcel focused more on this specific target, he had also noticed that this presence was wandering around the same path he and the girls had walked on.

Moreover, this vague presence felt just a touch bit familiar. Darcel was thankful it wasn't like the familiarity he had with the yellow-eyed woman.

However, it felt a trace of familiarity to someone very close to Darcel. 

He briefly trailed his eyes over to Masami for a nanosecond. Masami didn't even notice as Darcel's attention turned back forward.

A slight smirk began to slowly etch on his lips. 'So we may have some extra fun tonight.' 

Darcel fully turned his attention back on the Raven Mages, filling that small vague presence in the back of his mind for later.

Darcel had then gently tapped Aniela and Masami's shoulders. 

Both girls whipped their heads around to him, a growing excitement filling up their chests. Even though the girls couldn't see Darcel's gaze, they knew it was time.

Aniela and Masami eagerly nodded to him, and the trio suddenly stopped walking. As confident they are in their prowess, they were going to make sure these callus Mages won't escape their claws this time.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously bent their legs, surging only a mere tiny sum of their powers. 

And in the next half-second, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami burst forward at tremendous speeds!


The trio was like three mini jet rockets, blasting off at lightning-like speeds, causing a chaotic frenzy of wind to storm the air currents. 

From in front, the four Raven Mages were entirely unprepared for such chaotic winds.josei


The four Raven Mages nearly felt like they were going to get flung away like ragdolls. The insane powerful wind currents chaotically rustle their black robes and almost flung their black Mage Staff out of their hands. 

However, a black glow lit upon each of their hands, keeping the black Mage Staffs in their hands.

"What's goi-" The four Raven Mages were in the midst of shouting their confusions. 

But they had abruptly cut themselves off as their eyes widened.


The four Mages were entirely unprepared as Darcel, Aniela, and Masami popped in front of them like ghosts! It was so absolutely mind-blowing that the Raven Mages felt their brain lag for a minute.

Even though cultivators can't accurately sense Mages all that way, Mages for sure can pick up on any cultivators from even miles away. 

But these three were utterly untraceable. It was like they were actual ghosts!

Darcel was in front of one of the men and one of the women, Raven Mage. While Aniela was in front of the last man and Masami was with the last woman Raven Mage. 

Immediately when Darcel's group popped in front of the Raven Mages, the trio didn't give them any time to react.

In the instance, the Raven Mage was absolutely bewildered by Darcel's group's sudden appearance; Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously blared their bloodline auras! 

'Hua!' A white, black, and blue aura mixed with each other, illuminating the whole area. 

Immense waves of their bloodline powers chaotically burst in the air, spreading out for several miles, making the turbulent air currents become even more intense. 

"Ahh?!? The hell?!?" The Raven Mages roar in a crazed panic.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's powerful bloodline auras immediately suppressed their entire being! 

The Raven Mages felt as if their bodies were getting slowly and brutally crushed by several tons of mountains.

The Raven Mages wanted to move, but their bodies were unable to move a single fiber. They tried to surge their Magical Power, yet the trio's bloodline aura wholly overpower them. 

Their Magical Power, their souls, were all in a frozen-like state.

Darcel didn't allow any breathing room for the Raven Mages. His hands reached out lightning speed, instantly grabbing on both Raven Mages's black Magic Crystal orbs. 

Darcel didn't bother trying to grasp some understanding; he unleashed sheer overwhelming power into the Magic Crystal orbs.

Immediately the black Magic Crystal orbs began to crack all over spiderwebs. 

At the same time, Aniela and Masami performed the same action. Their hands reached out at lightning speeds, grabbing the black Magic Crystal orbs and causing them to crack all over.

"NOOO!!!" The four Raven Mages simultaneously shrieked as if they were getting brutally gutted. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't pay any attention to them, keeping their eyes focused on shattering these Magic Crystals orbs.

But right when the Mages shrieked, the black Magic Crystal orbs reacted. 

The black Magic Crystal orbs began to violently throb; they promptly emitted an intense Darkness glow even under Darcel's group grasp.

'Wha?' Darcel, Aniela, and Masami actually went slightly wide-eyed as they felt a noticeable sting under their hands. 

For the first time ever, at least for Darcel and Aniela, they felt a genuine resistance to their immense bloodline powers.

And as soon that surprising sting burnt their hands, this time it was Darcel's group that couldn't react. 

At speeds they weren't expecting, enormous black Raven wings sprouted out of the four Raven Mages' backs.

In the same instance, the Raven Mages' black Raven Wings spawned, their wings immediately flapped. The four Raven Mages were surprisingly able to move even under Darcel, Aniela, and Masami bloodline auras, flashing backward twenty meters in a black flash.

"Nng-Argh!!" The four Raven Mages were groaning in agonizing pain, however after escaping sudden death.

Their black Magic crystal orb was on the verge of shattering, their black Mage's Staff was violently cracked, and their arms holding on to the Magic Staffs was quickly turned into mangle bloody flesh.

The Raven Mages' internal bodies were fiercely churning as their Magical Powers went haywire in just trying to escape. 

The Raven Mages fearfully stared over at the three masked youths, and one thought swirled in their mind.


Confusion and fear continue to burst in the Raven Mages' minds, not caring in the slightest of how cowardly this option was. They didn't know what, how, why this was happening, but they knew their lives were at significant risk.

At the same time, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami blinked their eyes once. 

Once again, these Mages escape their grasp even under their bloodline auras! Although the trio wasn't even using their full power, this was still a concern to them.

Previously when Darcel and Masami combined their powers to wipe out Demon Mikal, his group, and Raven Likal, Raven Likal's black Magic Crystal still managed to survive. 

But at that time, Darcel and Masami weren't even putting forth half of their prowess. Plus, they were also weaker at that time compared to now. 

Yet, present-day, even with repeated breakthroughs, those Magic Crystal orbs can still counter them! 

Suddenly, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were pulled from their thoughts as they sensed movement from the Mages.

The four Raven Mages didn't think twice before flapping their black Raven wings, attempting to shoot off into the distant skies. None of the four Raven Mages dared to look back as they desperately wanted to get away from these masked monsters.

"Not so fast!" Aniela and Masami shouted at the same time. 

A white glow began to intensify around Aniela's bloodline arm. 


'Chi!' Aniela's white soul stunning flashbang blindly burst in the area.

The four Raven Mages utterly froze as their soul's cores were encased in a radiant white glow. Even their black Magic Crystal had a faint white Light aura shrouding it, utterly freezing its vigorous pulsation. 

Masami raised her blue flaming hand, her fox aura cloak began to brightly shimmer as an immense rising surge of power burst out of her hand. 

"Fox Claw!" 

An enormous blue firefox claw blasted out of Masami's hand!

The vast blue firefox claw covered the four Raven Mages and made the air around them burn like molten lava. 

Right when the giant blue firefox claw was about to slam into the Raven Mages, their Black Magic Crystal orbs frantically surge with an abrupt influx of Magical Power.

The faint white Light aura shrouding the black Magic Crystal orbs got overshadowed by the Crystal orbs more profound Darkness glow. 


The black Magic Crystal orbs burst into a million pieces, and their black Mages Staffs imploded into pools of Darkness droplets.

"Hm?" Masami only curiously titled her head as she felt resistance towards her Firefox claw attack. 


Four Raven birds screech loudly boomed into the area, mildly surprising Darcel's group.

Four large black Raven birds made from an over influx of Magical Power shot out from the explosion of Darkness. 

The four large black Ravens were still dwarfed by Masami's Firefox claw size. Still, their powerful Magical aura briefly halted her attack.

"Guee!!' The four Raven Mages, however, were hacking up blood and guts as the black Ravens birds protected them. 

The four Raven Mages felt their lifeforce quickly slip away from them with each second these black Raven Birds stayed. Their eyes could barely stay open; all of their hope now was seeing if their Magical Black Raven birds can give them a slight chance to escape. 

All the while this happened, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami weren't much impressed.

Masami had even snorted lightly. "Hmph. Seems like all that power went into simply trying to escape us. If I just pour a mere smidge more of my power, I can end this fight. But…." 

She turned her gaze to both Darcel and Aniela. "I'm sure you two don't want the show to stop so soon, right?" 

As Masami asked, she indeed did have no problem maintaining her Firefox Claw against the four Black Raven birds. Her simple curiosity kept the fight going.

"Oh? This is a little bit risky….I like it! Say, what should we do with these craft Mages, Darcy?" Aniela asked, also not too much of a hurry to end this fight. She believed it was better to find out more of those foes, even at a small potential cost.

Darcel was about to respond, but his attention suddenly refocused on the black Raven birds. A surge of energy was quickly rising within them, and the black Raven birds began to writhe under Masami's power.

Aniela and Masami also focused their attention as Darcel told them, "It seems like they have one more trick up their sleeves. Let's see the edge of their limit."

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