You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 678

Chapter 678

Jian Yun hears the speech and looks up at Huo Chengfeng. Why does she feel that Huo Chengfeng's words are not sincere? He knew that she had a festival with Lin Lanlan. Lin Lanlan wanted her to die. He insisted that Lin Lanlan send her away?

What's more, he added fuel to the fire?

"No! I won't!" Lin Lanlan quickly raised her hand and swore, "if I hurt Jianyun, I will be hit by a thunderbolt and killed by a car when I go out!"

"You'd better remember what you said!" Huo Liancheng didn't miss Lin Lanlan's shining eyes when he swore poison. His heart was very unstable.

However, Huo Chengfeng has proposed to let Lin Lanlan send Jianyun away. If Huo Liancheng opposes now, he will certainly be infuriated. Huo Chengfeng always likes to fight against him! If Jane doesn't make him go crazy, she will only know if she doesn't make him go.

And besides the dynamite, huoliancheng doesn't know if there are any other traps here. Therefore, Huo Liancheng chose to let Jian Yun leave first.

As for Lin Lanlan, Huo Liancheng can only gamble! josei

Lin Lanlan looked at Huo Liancheng's cold eyes, and her heart was shocked. Her back seemed to climb up with a trace of coolness, but she still kept a look of fear on her face. "Mr. Huo, please believe me. No matter how shameless, Jian Yun is also my sister. How shameless I am, I can't do that kind of animal like thing!"

Huo Liancheng looked back at Jian Yun, and his words only turned into a deep look.

"Remember what I said!" Huo Liancheng whispered an order. He looked at Lin Lanlan, whose eyes had been turning wildly. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Lanlan's arm. With a force, he suddenly unloaded her right arm.

"If the flowers are damaged, I will chase you to the ends of the earth! You will be skinned and boned, and you will die without a burial place Huoliancheng's voice was cold as if coming from hell.

"Ah Lin Lanlan howled in pain, his legs softened, and he fell on the ground. His eyes were frightened and his head was sweating. He didn't dare to look up at Huo Liancheng's eyes.

She felt that she was really wrong at the beginning. She even wanted to climb into the bed of this murderous man and want to replace Jian Yun as his woman. Later, she realized how ridiculous she was. This man had no human feelings at all.

In his eyes, Jian Yun was the only one!

Huo Liancheng is really worried about Lin Lanlan. Now he has no other way, so he can only give Lin Lanlan a warning.

Lin Lanlan's eyes darkened with pain. She cried bitterly and climbed up to Jianyun and begged to her, "Jianyun, I really dare not have a bad heart. Please help me talk about it and put my arms on it, or I can't help you either."

Jian Yun frowned. She really hated Lin Lanlan. She would launch it in advance today, which was also the harm of Lin Lan Lan. However, she also considered that there was no unknown danger on the way down the mountain. If both of them were disabled, they would not even have a chance to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Jian Yun looks at Huo Liancheng.

Huoliancheng seemed hesitant.

Huo Chengfeng, who has been looking at this situation coldly, sneered, "are you still going? Stay with me if you don't leave! "

Huo Liancheng's eyes suddenly shocked, as if he had made up his mind. He put out his hand to put Lin Lanlan's dislocated arm back. Compared with Huo Chengfeng, a psychopath who can't be inferred from common sense, he can only choose to believe Lin Lanlan.

"Let's go!" Huo Liancheng shook Jian Yun's hand, and his eyes were full of deep attachment.

Jian Yun's tears are big and big. In the dim eyes, she nods because she knows that her presence here will only distract him.

However, why is the heart so flustered?

"I'll wait for you!" Jian Yun hugged Huo Liancheng tightly and put a kiss on his lips.

One touch is the parting.

However, for Huo Liancheng, the kiss seemed to be a promise that had been waiting for thousands of years. He knew that his blossoming had completely forgiven him.

When the fragrance left, Huo Liancheng's heart suddenly had a deep sense of loss.

Not enough, not enough!

Just a little kiss, how can this, he wants, is to hold her in his arms, kiss her hard, he missed her taste too much.

When it's not so painful, Jianyun can walk by herself. She refuses Lin Lanlan's approach and walks out of the room step by step.

She knew that Huo Liancheng was looking at her, but she did not look back. She was afraid that she could not help but want to stay with him.

Lin Lanlan followed Jian Yun, holding her right arm with her head down. Her face was still pale, and the outsider seemed to be cautious.

Huo Chengfeng is also looking at this side, his face is silent, can not see the expression, but the bottom of his eyes is full of fun.

Finally came out, Jian Yun was not as keen as Huo Liancheng, but she could feel that there were eyes around her.

According to Huo Liancheng's explanation, Jian Yun walked towards the back of the mountain until she walked far away, and the feeling of being watched on her back disappeared.

At this time, Jianyun realized that it was snowing outside, and the ground was covered with a thin layer. She did not know how long she had been in the house, and the sky could not be seen."It's four twenty in the afternoon." Lin Lan Lan suddenly spoke.

Jian Yun looked back at Lin Lanlan and frowned. She couldn't help asking, "Why are you with Huo Chengfeng? And your brother. He's hurt. Won't you save him? "

Lin Lan Lan smell speech suddenly facial expression changed, a face of resentment, "save him? He's dead! How much did he drag me down since I was a child? If I don't do serious business every day, I know gambling, fighting and making trouble. Why am I here? I'm not caught by that bastard Lin Dalong! I've been asking for money all the time. I didn't expect that he would even dare to kill a strong girl. Later, he didn't know how he was brainwashed by that pervert and followed Huo Chengfeng's lunatic heart and soul! "

Speaking of this, Lin Lanlan can't help rubbing her heart. The two feet that Huo Chengfeng kicked are real. Up to now, she feels depressed and her bones ache. She can't help but hate Lin Dalong even more.

Jian Yun was speechless.

They walked on in silence. It was not easy to walk down the mountain. Jianyun walked very slowly. Lin Lanlan was also injured and shuffled step by step.

Jianyun prayed all the way, hoping to survive to the foot of the mountain and not to suffer so soon.

However, the God did not seem to hear Jian Yun's prayer. When she went out for more than 20 minutes, the pain suddenly hit her. Her eyes suddenly became dark. Regardless of what was next to her, she reached out and gritted her teeth and refused to cry out.

When Lin Lanlan walked out of the road, she found that Jianyun didn't catch up. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Jianyun was holding a low branch and collapsed in cold sweat. Obviously, she began to have pains again.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Lanlan came back and asked Jian Yun with concern.

Jian Yun bit her teeth and couldn't even speak. She could only watch Lin Lan Lan with the rest of her eyes, because she saw the evil light in the bottom of her eyes.

#####Yesterday's second watch because the chapter name was wrongly written, and it has not been checked. Today, we will have another chapter at the third shift. There are two chapters in the afternoon. Let's see it at 8:00 p.m., everyone.

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