You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

"It's starting to hurt again?" Lin Lanlan's expression is still very normal at this time, full of concern. Her right arm is not very strong, so she grabs the tree with her left arm, and moves to Jian Yun step by step. "How long do you have to hurt each time?"

"In a moment." Jian Yun didn't dare to tell Lin Lan Lan the truth. She just muddled past and began to blow. It was snowing all over the sky. It was very cold, but her head was covered with sweat. Her legs trembled with pain and she couldn't stand up.

If Lin Lan Lan had a bad heart at this time, she could not escape.

Seeing Lin Lan Lan arrive at the front, Jian Yun's hand also reaches into the pocket, holds Huo Liancheng to her that pocket gun.

Lin Lanlan didn't seem to notice Jian Yun's vigilance. She looked back and looked at the time. She said impatiently, "it's only half an hour to go so far, so we can't get to the foot of the mountain in the dark. Or, Jian Yun, I'll help you go, or the snow will get heavier and heavier, and the road will be out of sight for a while. It will be more dangerous to go on the road like that. "

Jian Yun quickly looked at Lin Lan Lan, did not speak, seems to be thinking.

Lin Lanlan thought that Jianyun still didn't trust her. She looked for a place to sit down and said sincerely, "do you still refuse to believe me? Yes, I used to do a lot of things that I'm sorry for you, but it's all in the past. I'm Xiao. I've thought about Huo Liancheng, but I've realized that he's not a man I can control. Since I was caught by Lin Dalong and asked me to serve Huo Chengfeng, I've regretted that I've followed him with shallow eyelids before. "

Listening to Lin Lanlan, Jian Yun was surprised to hear that Lin Lanlan was trying to tell her what was on her mind. Her attention was diverted and her stomach didn't hurt much for a moment.

"How did you get to know Huo Chengfeng This is what Jian Yun has always been puzzled about. She always thinks that things will not be so smooth.

Huo Chengfeng is Huo Liancheng's half brother. They don't deal with each other. Huo Liancheng likes her. Huo Chengfeng finds her half sister, and the two collude with each other again

It sounds fantastic.

When Lin Lanlan heard the speech, she looked as if she was in a daze. Then she lowered her head, and her eyes were still full of tears. "When I first arrived in the United States, Xu Haiyang broke up with me. I was in a bad mood and went to a bar to play. Someone came to me and took me to a room Huo Chengfeng, whom I knew so well, was very generous. He was nice to me at the beginning. I really did... "

Looking at Lin Lanlan's appearance that she suddenly became angry and pitiful, Jian Yun couldn't help but draw a corner of her mouth. She guessed that Lin Lanlan must have thought that she had met her true love at that time. Who knows the result is a pervert.

"In fact, I have been with him for six years, which is a warm bed tool. I can torture him at will. He is really abnormal!" When Lin Lanlan said this, she couldn't help but shiver and didn't go on.

Once again, they fell into silence. At this time, the snow became heavier. The cold snow fell on her head. At first, it all melted away. Jian Yun felt that her hair was wet and she shivered. Slowly, when the temperature of her body dropped, the snow did not melt on her head.

"We have to go now!" Lin Lanlan waved off the snowflakes. She wore a down jacket, zipped her neck, and put on her hat, but she still shivered.

Jian Yun felt the pain go by. She calmed down and managed to hold up her body. Because of the heat in her pregnant body, she only wore a sweater and overcoat. At this time, the outside of the coat had been soaked in snow. It was cold and heavy. It was only by willpower that she stood up and prepared to move on.

"I'll help you!" Lin Lanlan went over eagerly and naturally reached out to help Jianyun.

Jianyun wants to refuse Lin Lanlan, but the road under her feet is covered with snow, which is too slippery. When she gets up, her body reels a little, and her hand holding the gun is slightly loose. Subconsciously, she wants to reach out to grab Lin Lanlan's hand.

At this time, however, there was a sudden change.

Jian Yun only felt a flower in front of her. Lin Lanlan changed her weak appearance of just dragging her feet. She suddenly rushed over. Her hand quickly passed by her side and reached into her pocket. When she got it, she quickly backed back.

"What do you do?" Jian Yun's heart sank suddenly, and her hands holding the dwarf trees beside her were blue.

Lin Lanlan held the gun in his left hand, pointed at Jian Yun with the black muzzle of the gun. His face was cold, and with a trace of arrogant contempt, he turned his mouth and said, "Jian Yun, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so stupid. I cheated you in a few words?"

Jian Yun looks pale. She stares at Lin Lan Lan. Her lips are tight and her eyes are full of disbelief.

"Well, I hate you, I hate you to death! From small to big, you are better than me. Those men like you one by one. Why do you do it? " Lin Lanlan burst out suddenly, and his face was fierce, "what's worse than you? Why even men like Huo Liancheng love you so much that I don't want to send them to my door. I can only be tortured by Huo Chengfeng! I'm not reconciled to it! "

"What do you want now?" The gun is in Lin Lan Lan's hand. Jian Yun doesn't dare to accept her words. She is afraid to stimulate her.

"What do I want?" Lin Lanlan's eyes turned and suddenly reached out again, "give me the ring!"Jian Yun eyebrows a pick, obviously by Lin Lan Lan's words shocked to, "what do you want that for?"

"Don't be so wordy! Give it to me! Or I'll shoot you with one shot, and the ring will still be in my hand Lin Lanlan was furious, "don't think I don't know. There are chips in that ring. If you take this ring, you can go to Swiss bank and open the treasure house of Huo family! I thought that Huo Chengfeng was struggling for this. Who would have thought that the neuropathy didn't want the ring

Lin Lanlan thought of this is incredible, but she turned to think, from know Huo Chengfeng to now, this man's behavior has always been difficult to understand and grasp, such a thought, can make sense again.

After hearing this, Jian Yun's eyebrows suddenly closed. She didn't expect that Lin Lanlan had endured for such a long time. It seems that she was not forced to follow Huo Chengfeng as she said. Maybe she had thought about this day for a long time.

"Bring it!" Lin Lan Yun is afraid of grabbing a lot of money when she is so angry.

"I give you the ring, and you promise not to hurt me?" Jian Yun retreated for a moment.

"Of course! I only want money The corner of Lin Lan's mouth raised a proud smile, but her eyes were dark and cold.

Jian Yun hesitated, or reached out and took out the ring on the chain. Before she handed it out, Lin Lanlan had already snatched it.

"Ha ha, Jian Yun, if you are stupid once, you are stupid again. Do you believe me? Ha ha... " Lin Lanlan got the ring and laughed wildly. At the same time, she raised the gun. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at Jian Yun. In her proud laughter, she pulled the trigger. josei


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