You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 681

Chapter 681

Perhaps it was Huo Liancheng's mention of Achel, which made Jianyun's pupils suddenly focus again. However, it was only for a moment that she became depressed.

"Flowers! Listen to me! Can you hold on for a second? How can you bear to leave me with Achel Huo Liancheng's heart was so flustered that he used his tall body to cover the snow and wind for Jianyun. He kept stroking Jianyun's face and rubbing her hands to warm her cold body.

"But I'm so tired..." Also painful, she has been tortured a little strength is not, the whole body of the bones seem to be scattered frame, bursts of cold straight into the bone drill, her whole body is frozen stiff, also pain numb.

"I know, I know you are very tired, but you can't sleep, blossoming, obedient, don't sleep, cheer up, I'll hold you down the mountain right away, we'll go to the cabin and wait for rescue, we'll be OK! You also said, we still have a lot of time, I would rather you hate me, blame me, do not want you to leave me like this! If you dare to leave me, I will hate you Huo Liancheng took off his overcoat, wrapped it in Jian Yun's upper body, and then picked her up. His eyes firmly stepped on the snow and walked down the mountain step by step.

There is no way here. Originally, Lin Lanlan had a bad heart and deliberately led Jian Yun to this side. Huo Liancheng can't imagine how she got down with her big belly and suffering from pains from time to time.

Huo Liancheng didn't dare to run as fast as before. He was afraid of falling Jian Yun. However, due to the heavy snow and wind, he lost his sight. He walked very slowly and kept talking to Jian Yun.

Maybe Huo Liancheng's persistence played a role, or his body temperature and breath brought Jian Yun warmth and confidence. Gradually, Jian Yun felt that her body was not so rigid, and her consciousness was slowly revived.

The despair brought by the cold and loneliness was also eliminated by the appearance of Huolian city.

She didn't want to die like this. The baby that she had worked so hard to protect had not yet been born. She was not willing to leave like this!

Besides, she still has him, she really can't give up!

"Duoduo, it's coming soon. Hold on for a second." Huo Liancheng is aware of the slight movement in his arms, and he quickly pacifies the way.

Jian Yun's whole upper body, including his head and face, was wrapped in Huo Liancheng's coat. His nose was full of his own flavor, but there was also a strong smell of blood.

Blood! What a bloody smell!

Jian Yun's consciousness instantly returned. Even though she was already very weak, she still forced herself to lift her overcoat on her face and looked up at Huo Liancheng. Her pale face was full of tension and concern, "you, are you injured? Where did you get hurt? "

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt. It's not my blood!" Huo Liancheng quickly comforts Jianyun. Compared with Jianyun's concern for him, Huo Liancheng feels that she has not been defeated by the cold, which makes him feel more ecstatic.

Hearing Huo Liancheng say so, Jianyun's high hanging heart just slightly put down, and then seemed to have exhausted all her strength. She leaned on Huo Liancheng's shoulder.

Huo is still walking down the mountain. Looking at the wind and snow all over the sky, Jian Yun couldn't help feeling that she and he had come all the way, and how could it be that she and he had gone all the way

So, even to the last step, she can't give up, maybe there are bright flowers in front of the corner.

When Huo Liancheng finally arrived at the foot of the mountain, two of the shooters who had committed themselves rushed to the cabin to clean up.

At this time, the cabin was on fire, the branches crackled and the warmth melted away from the outside wind and snow.

"Mr. Huo, there is water and some food here!" As soon as they saw Huo Liancheng, they rushed up to meet him. In fact, they saw Huo Liancheng running madly toward the back mountain. Several people also followed him, but they all lost Huo Liancheng. They both came down in advance to prepare. It seems that their decision is correct.

Huo Liancheng saw that the ground beside the fire was covered with clothes. It was obvious that one of them had taken off his body. He looked at the man, nodded and immediately put Jian Yun down.

It was only at this time that Huo Liancheng found that Jian Yun's fists were tight, his teeth were biting his collar, and his head was covered with cold sweat. Obviously, he began to have pains again.

But she was afraid that he would worry, and she kept silent.

"Blossoming!" Huo Liancheng was so distressed that he could only hold her tightly. If possible, he would rather share her pain.

When this wave of pain passed, Jian Yun, who was already weak, was about to collapse.

"Mr. Huo, let your wife eat something to replenish her strength. My daughter-in-law has been having pain all day and night, and she has no strength if she doesn't eat." A slightly older gunner suggested cautiously.

Huo Liancheng looked up. The shooter thought he didn't believe him. He quickly picked up the quick food biscuit on the table, tore it up and put it in his mouth. Then he poured water from the marching kettle to express his heartfelt feelings.

These shooters are not stupid, they just take money to deal with affairs, Huo Chengfeng has been no longer able to, now have thicker thighs, they can not not hold.

Huo Liancheng's eyes congealed. He felt that the man in his arms was breathing steadily. He released her and whispered in her ear, "Duoduo, have something to eat."The two Gunners quickly got up and retreated to the door with their backs on this side. They had fully recognized huoliancheng as the master.

Huo Liancheng sees Jian Yun nodding, so she releases her coat which has been soaked in snow and let her get close to the fire. The cold feeling on Jian Yun is dispelled and people are more comfortable. She eats some compressed biscuits with Huo Liancheng's hand, takes a rest and recovers some physical strength. Huo Liancheng helps her dry her hair.

"Duoduo, do you record the time and frequency of pain intervals?" Huo Liancheng saw that Jian Yun's spirit was better, and his heart was also slightly relieved. josei

"Well." Jian Yun took a look at Huo Liancheng and seemed to be surprised that he understood these things, but she still told him.

But it was with this look that Jian Yun found that Huo Liancheng had a wound on his face, and his left hand was also bloody.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Jian Yun's eyes suddenly widened, which was obviously not hurt by sharp weapon, but more like a blast wound.

"It's nothing. I robbed Huo Chengfeng's bomb. I accidentally hurt him. It doesn't matter." Huo Liancheng made an understatement and did not mention how dangerous the situation was at that time. As long as it was delayed for a second, his hand and even the whole arm would be broken, and even more serious situations would not happen.

"Duoduo, you have a rest. The weather is bad now. The rescue helicopter may be blocked, but there is a fire here. It will be found soon." Huo Liancheng quickly changed the topic and comforted Jian Yun.

But in fact, he has no idea. Huo Chengfeng will lead him here today. He must have made a complete arrangement. Otherwise, he would not blow up all the roads as soon as he went up the mountain. Cheng Muze delayed for so long and didn't find him. He must have been hindered by something.

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