You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Although Huo Liancheng is calm on the surface, he is more anxious than anyone else. He looks at Jian Yun's pain, and he is also worried that Jianyun's body will not be able to bear the pain.

"Bandage your hands first." Jian Yun grabs Huo Liancheng's wrist and looks at the black and bloody hand. Tears can't stop falling down.

"Don't cry, my hands are really OK, you see!" Huo Liancheng quickly made a few grasping movements, and rubbed on the clothes, "just stained with some gunpowder, not much serious injury."

Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng and felt relieved.

"Duoduo, how could you be there alone? What about Lin Lan Lan? " Huo Liancheng was searched when he entered the stone house on the top of the mountain. His mobile phone was not on him. He had no way to contact the outside now. He had to wait here. When he was quiet, he asked the most concerned questions.

Smell speech, Jian Yun eyebrow heart suddenly frown tight, the mind suddenly back to the previous scene.

At that time, Lin Lanlan deliberately showed weakness and thought that she had gained her trust. Seeing that she was weak and unable to walk, she almost slipped. So she went over to help her, but her hand reached into her pocket and snatched the pocket gun Huo Liancheng gave her for self-defense.

At that time, Jianjun realized that Lin Lanlan's ambition was so big.

With Huo Chengfeng, Lin Lanlan obviously knew many secrets of the Huo family, and knew more about the significance of the ring. She might have known that the ring was on Jian Yun.

Therefore, Lin Lanlan made every effort to get close to her. The absurd proposal of a maid and a husband, which she asked Jane Dongming to say at the beginning, may be just a cover. Everything is just for getting this ring that can open up a huge amount of wealth.

When Lin Lan Lan laughs wildly and raises the gun to Jian Yun, her brain is empty for a moment.

Because she found out that Lin Lanlan's usual appearance of being delicate and weak without wind was totally fake. She picked up the gun so familiar, and her eyes were contemptuous and arrogant when she pulled the trigger.

She said triumphantly, "you go to die! I will never see you again

Then he only heard the sound of "bang", but no bullet was fired, and Jianyun was not hit. Instead, it was Lin Lanlan's painful howl, which suddenly fell into the snow. The hand holding the gun had been blasted to pieces, and the blood instantly dyed the snow under his body.

Lin Lanlan screamed desperately and tumbled on the ground. She didn't seem to understand why the barrel of the gun suddenly exploded.

At that time, Jianyun just looked at the scene coldly. In fact, she knew that there was something wrong with the gun. Huo Liancheng attached it to her ear and told her that he really took everything into consideration. Knowing that Jianyun was pregnant, his reaction might not be so fast. Even if the gun was in her hand, it was very likely to be stolen. So he cheated on the gun and told Jianyun, If you're robbed, let that person do it.

Only when the man was seriously injured could Jian Yun have the hope of escape.

After listening to Jian Yun's story, Huo Liancheng is still in a state of fear, "then when I went, Lin Lanlan had already run away?"

"Well, she took the ring." Jian Yun leaned against Huo Liancheng's arms. The warm light of fire mixed with the smell of his body made her feel at ease. The deep despair when a person fell in the snow before also dissipated.

"Don't worry, she can't run away!" Huo Liancheng is not worried.

"What about Huo Chengfeng? And you - "Jian Yun wants to ask Shen Fangqi how she is now. She can probably guess that the reason why Shen Fangqi indulges Huo Chengfeng so much is probably because of Huo Chengfeng's illness.

She felt that she owed the son, so she unconditionally satisfied him.

Huo Liancheng had a moment's silence. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found that Jianyun's face was not right. He hugged her in a hurry and asked, "is it starting to hurt again?"

"Oh, how painful Jian Yun only felt black in front of her eyes. This wave of pain was more intense than before. Her abdomen seemed to contract together. She cried out in pain. Her hands were tightly pinched on Huo Liancheng's arm, and the whole person curled up in pain.

"Flower, bite me if you feel pain!" Huo Liancheng was so distressed that he could only hold Jian Yun tightly and put his good hand in her mouth. He did not care if she bit her flesh and blood.

"Mr. Huo!" The two Gunners at the door also stood up worried.

Huo Liancheng had no time to pay attention to them. He was already in a hurry at this time. He was just thinking about one question. Jian Yun had such a short time between the two pains. Would she be born soon?

However, even if he knew how to deliver a baby, he did not dare to deliver her under such a simple condition.

No! Now, Jian Yun is the most important thing. If necessary, why should he deliver the baby?!

Huo Liancheng made up his mind, but he didn't feel nervous any more. He waited for Jian Yun to recover a little consciousness and told her his decision. Jian Yun was already confused and could not understand what Huo Liancheng was talking about.

Soon, Jian Yun began to labor again. Huo Liancheng asked the two men to go out to guard. He laid Jian Yun flat on the ground, took off her pants which had been stained with blood and amniotic fluid, and asked her to bow her legs. Huo Liancheng could only do it step by step according to what he had learned before."Flower, force!"


Bai Yanran later recalled that night, she braved the violent storm and snow and came down from the helicopter. At the door of the humble wooden house at the foot of the mountain, she saw two shivering men. When the two men saw her wearing a white coat, they were just like seeing a cat with a mouse. They flashed their eyes and ran quickly, pulling her to the wooden house.

"Doctor, doctor, get in there. There's a baby in there!"

Bai Yanran thought that the man might be Jian Yun, so she was so anxious that she rushed to the wooden house without waiting for several experts on the helicopter to come down.

Then, as soon as she rushed in, she was dumbfounded.

What's the situation? Huo Liancheng is actually giving birth to Jianyun, or is it the most primitive mode of delivery josei

"Ah, see the head!" Bai Yanran was just stunned for a moment and took over immediately. After checking her movements professionally and skillfully, Bai Yanran sent out a exclamation, "Jian Yun, come on, exert yourself! The head is coming out! "

However, Jian Yun has no strength at all. She has been tortured all afternoon and has only eaten some compressed biscuits. Her physical strength can not keep up with her. Moreover, she feels very tired and painful, which is like being cut by a knife.

After several experts also entered the wooden house, several people discussed. They all felt that it was too windy and snowy outside now, and it was too unsafe to leave for home. So they quickly set about the arrangement, and the cabin became a simple delivery room.

"Jane Yun, there are chocolate and Red Bull here. You can eat some and strengthen your strength. After so long, the baby will come out to meet you soon! What a look forward to! " Bai Yanran has the lowest qualification. As soon as the top domestic obstetric experts appeared, she would automatically step aside and peel the chocolate and feed it to Jianyun, cheering her up. "Oh, I'm really looking forward to it. You and Huo Liancheng's baby must be super beautiful!"

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