
Chapter 515 Inquiry At The Ranch

Chapter 515 Inquiry At The Ranch

"You call that an apology?" David shouted. He didn't step into the scorching sunlight. Lisa seemed to come out from behind the tree and watch. "You suck at apologizing."

"You suck at having a decent conversation about why I shouldn't use my light." Lee Seng pointed out. "Just tell me it straight like Lord Cain did." David growled and started to step out when Lee Seng's ears twitched. His eyes flicked over to the right. There was a faint rumbling noise as the sun hit David's skin. Lee Seng flashed forward, pushing him into the shade.

"What the fuc–" David began to say when Lee Seng turned to look towards the noise, again.

"You won't die in the sun, right?" Lee Seng asked with a hush tone.

"W-why?" Lisa asked looking in the direction Lee Seng was looking at.

"Hey douchebag! Are you just gonna change the subject?!?" David shouted. Lee Seng shushed him and gravity wrapped around David's mouth, holding it from moving.

"There's something coming." Lee Seng replied to Lisa. He turned and set his ruby and Sapphire eyes onto the woman he scared earlier. "They aren't Hellhounds. They're shaking the ground."

Boom. Boom. boom.

"Something giant then." Lisa sighed. "No, we won't die in the sun. What're you gonna do?"

"To make distance, I'm gonna fly us to our destination. Hopefully it won't follow us." Lee Seng replied. David looked at Lisa who was looking at him. The two of them nodded.

"Fine, we can do that." Lisa agreed. Lee Seng released the hold on David's mouth and moved in between his teammates.

"We're gonna just skim over what he just did?!?" David looked at Lisa.

"If it's a giant monster, it'll get here sooner than you have time to complete your first point." Lisa told David. "Let's just make distance as quick as possible."

'You set off a beacon of light so large, you've caught the attention of every capable being on this Realm.' Cain's voice echoed in his head.

'That's probably one of the many things coming our way because of my recklessness…' Lee Seng thought. He shook his head.

"No time to think about the repercussions of my actions. Ready to go?" Lee Seng looked at Lisa.

"Mmm. Let's go." Lisa nodded. Lee Seng looked over at David who obviously was fighting between 'die or fly.'

"Fine." David began to pout when Lee Seng wrapped cosmic energy around them and took off. David and Lisa screeched as they blasted off into the sky. Lee Seng pulled the map up and began to follow it. Instead of it being a seven hour journey, it would become thirty minutes.

HOOOOOLY SHIT!" David shouted. "Thiiiis is fast!"

"You won't fall while I'm around." Lee Seng spoke as if he was trying to comfort them without the actual comfort. Lisa turned to look and noticed smoke billowing in the distance.

"Yup, we were right to choose flight." Lisa told them. "Something very large is headed where we were."

30 Minutes Later…

Lee Seng, David, and Lisa came upon the point they were supposed to meet the client at. Lee Seng dropped to the ground, making sure there wasn't anything too crazy around. High Noon was still in effect yet nothing seemed to be within the fenced area.

"Finally! Land!" David dropped to the ground and laid on it. He instantly regretted the immense heat radiating off the ground. "Ouch!" He screamed jumping up. Lisa ignored his antics as she took a look around. There were no monsters in his area. Only a house sat in the middle of the fenced property.

"How much time do we have left of High Noon?" Lee Seng asked.

"Three or four minutes." Lisa answered moving towards the house. "Let's check if the client's in."

"Lisa, wait for me!" David shouted, running after her. Lee Seng let out a sigh and followed after. He fully returned to his Human-looking form. His Fox ears disappearing and his human ears sprouting again. He climbed the steps up to the large porch. It was one of those typical farmhouses he always wanted to live in.

'Large plot and a house to sit in the middle of it all.' Lee Seng recalled his statement. The screen door creaked open as Lisa held it and David knocked.

"Hello?!?" David shouted. Knock, knock, knock. "We're here about your request! Open up!" There was a pause between the second set of knocks. Lee Seng could barely hear something rustling inside as David knocked, again. "We're Collectors! Here about your request! Open up!"

The noises inside grew louder as a voice came through.

"Stop yer knocking! I heard ya!" An old man's voice came through. The sounds of a person pushing things away from the door was heard as Lisa pulled David a couple steps back. The door unlocked and revealed a wiry haired man. He looked pretty old and was hunched over a bit. "What do ya want?!? I could get attacked still!"

"There's only two minutes left, sir." Lisa glanced at her watch. "We're here about your—"

"I heard the loud mouth one the first time! Don't need to repeat nothin' to me! I ain't death!" The old man shouted.

"Deaf." Lee Seng quietly corrected.

"Whatcha say over there, sly Fox?!?" The old man looked past David and Lisa. Lee Seng took a couple steps forward as the old man threw his hand up. "No further, sly one! You may trick these two but you ain't trickin' me! Stay there!"

'I hid myself well. He shouldn't have been able to see my true form so easily.' Lee Seng thought.

"Which way did y'all come from? That way?" The old man pointed back the way they came. "If you're the reason for the light show, I don't want cha!"

"Oh, no!" Lisa shook her head. "We had nothing to do with that." The old man narrowed his eyes and took a step forward.

"Maybe thirty more years on ya and you'll lie well, dear!" The old man shook his head. "Who was it, huh? You bones?" He looked at David and sized him up. David's face twitched as he tried his best to not be rude to the client.

"No. It wasn't me." David shook his head.

"Then it was you, girly!" The old man pointed.

"Afraid you're wrong again." Lisa shook her head. The old man turned his head and settled onto Lee Seng. He stared at Lee Seng for awhile and shook his head.

"Can't be you. You reek of those Realmwalkers! None of them are that powerful when they come here anyways!" The old man cackled. "Come on in, you two. You, Fox, stay out here and wait for your owners to come back!"

"B-but!" Lee Seng began to protest when the old man shushed him. Lee Seng could feel a strong push to be quiet. David happily pulled Lisa in and they left him all alone on the porch.

'He does know I'm a Fox Spirit.' Lee Seng thought. He spun around and sat down. He expected the porch to be hot but it was oddly cool. He watched the heat rise off the ground as the silent yips and shrieks of monsters echoed in the distance. 'What do I even do then…?'

"So now that we're away from that vulpine mutt, let's get down to what I need you to do." The old man said. He sat down in the dining room and motioned for Lisa and David to sit.

"You mentioned in the request that you were very close to being able to leave Limbo. What were you doing here with all this land?" Lisa asked.

"I was raising Hellbeasts!" The old man responded.

"Hellbeasts? Like those pesky Hellhounds?" David asked.

"I'm not going to raise no mutt! I raised Hell horses for the Lord that gave me this pesky job!" The old man folded his arms. "I had gotten six hundred sixty-nine perfectly bred Hell horses and those numb skull trickster thieves decided they wanted to ride them in the night and let them all out!"

"So we gotta find all of your Hell horses?" David asked.

"They aren't far. They're roaming. It won't be the hardest thing you do. I have an easy way to collect them. I need you to make sure those brats don't ever do it again!"josei

"So you want us to spook some kids?" Lisa asked.

"Who said they were kids?!? They're thieves! Thieves! I want you to punish them like your Debt Collectors are always saying you'll punish me if I don't do my damn job!" The old man huffed.

"Where would they have gone?" David asked. "There's nothing but baron land for miles."

"There's a city twenty miles away from here." The old man pointed behind him. "I chased after them, rounding my stallions and noticed they went towards the Old Sector city. Argh, if they hadn't gone into the one place no one wants to step into, I would've gone in and beat them up myself!"

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