Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

He didn’t push her away, but waited for her nightmare to end, making sure she was soundly asleep before continuing to wipe her body and tuck

her in.

Half an hour later hoped her sweat with a hot towel again. This time Emily was still restless, tossing and turning in bed. Charlie had to be careful not to let her pa on the needle, while he himself got quite a workout,

After doing this several times he was drenched in sweat himself. He had never taken care of someone like this in his whole life.

After wiping her sweat again, she finally fell into a sound sleep.

Charlie looked at the sleeping girl and revealed a smile that was both helpless and gentle.

He went to the master bedroom to take a shower, and when he came back, the medicine in the bottle was almost finished. He carefully removed the needle for Emily, touched her forehead, and found it cooler.

Letting out a long sigh, he opened her wardrobe, found her pajamas, and helped her put them on before tucking her in again, and then left her room quietly.

It was almost three o’clock in the morning. When he returned to his bedroom, Charlie felt exhausted but he couldn’t fall asleep, worrying that Emily might kick the blanket off again.

Tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep, Charlie simply got up and went to check on Emily again. Seeing her sleep soundly, with her blanket still in the same position as when he left, he couldn’t help

but feel a little ridiculous.

It wasn’t until dawn that Charlie finally dozed off. Because he had to leave the house at six, his alarm clock rang less than two hours later. The sky outside was already getting bright. Charlie checked on Emily first, saw her sleeping well, not having a fever again, nor kicking off the blanket. He watched her for a while and then left her room.

At six o’clock, Charlie called Estelle.

Upon hearing that Emily was sick, Estelle immediately woke up and got dressed, before coming downstairs.

Charlie said: “Sorry for waking you up at this time.”

“No problem. How’s Emily doing?” Estelle replied.

“She got caught in the rain last night, and then delivered takeout until late at night, so she got a high fever. I called a doctor to give her an IV, and her fever has come down. She’s still asleep,” Charlie explained quietly

Estelle nodded, “Thank you so much for your help!”

“It’s nothing. But I have to go on a business trip today, so I need to ask you to take care of Emily,” Charlie said, handing over the medicine Dr. Martin had left and telling her how to take it.

Estelle remembered that he was going on a business trip today and assured him, “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Emily.”

“Alright, then I’m leaving now!” Grabbing his clothes, Charlie told Estelle to have Emily take the medicine after meals and to take good care of herself before going back to work.

“Yeah, I’ll tell her,” Estelle replied with a smile.

Charlie nodded and left. At the door, he saw Jonathan and said with a light smile, “I’m sorry for bothering you guys so early, but it’s really because of this situation. I’ll make it up to you when I get back!”

Hearing him speak, Estelle immediately followed him out the door and said, “No worries, Charlie. You’re in a hurry to catch your flight, just go!” “Estelle is always so understanding!” Charlie didn’t miss the opportunity to tease Jonathan before leaving.

Jonathan followed Estelle back indoors, frowning, “I didn’t even say a word, so how come I’m not understanding?”

Estelle laughed, “That’s Brother Charlie’s self-defense mechanism.”

Jonathan’s frown deepened, “You address him so affectionately.”

Holding back her laughter, Estelle replied, “I call him big brother and you uncle, so in that way, you are taking advantage of him.”

Jonathan, who had been woken up so early and was feeling grumpy, finally felt better after hearing her defend him.


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