I Don't Want to Be Loved

Chapter 224 Together once more

Chapter 224 Together once more

Chapter 224 – Together once more

Translator – Yue

“Salerno Inn”

Rihannan read the old sign that was hanging atop a building. It was an inn, so it definitely offered food and shelter to travelers.

“It would take us around two hours to reach your mother’s mansion. It might be faster if we rode my horse together, but you can’t while pregnant… if you don’t want to spend the night in a place like this, then I’ll find another way…”

Igor murmured while trying to assess Rihannan’s reaction. He knew that the inn was old and gloomy. He’d spent some nights here before himself but he knew that it was different for Rihannan, who’d only lived in mansions and palaces. She might even find this place repulsive.

He did not want the news of them here to spread too much, which was why he’d chosen this place as he could keep their identities hidden. But… perhaps he should have thought of Rihannan more. Maybe it would be best to go to someone else’s house and reveal their identity so they could spend the night somewhere more comfortable.

As he kept thinking of this, Rihannan pulled the hem of his clothes and spoke.

“It looks a bit old but seems clean and nicely kept. Let’s get in.”

When Igor opened the door, the cold night air was immediately replaced by the warm interior of the inn. The people inside, who were noisily enjoying their dinner, turned their eyes on the newcomers out of curiosity. Their gazes remained fixed on them.

It was quite easy to tell at first glance that they were a man and woman from high class. Their appearance was impeccable and their cloaks were obviously made with high-end fabric. However, what intrigued them more was their unnatural beauty.josei

The man was tall and handsome with a firm body that did not resemble the sailors that usually visited the inn. He had black ebony hair, deep eyes and a well-rounded mouth that marked him as a high-born. The woman, on the other hand, was shorter than the average woman and looked even frailer. Her face had a peculiar shape and her brows were dyed silver. Anyone would say that she was obviously from the north, or had blood-relatives from there.

The woman realized that they were staring at them and hurriedly covered herself with her tunic. She stepped behind her companion and lowered her head.

Someone in the crowd burst in laughter.

“Hohoho, you both look like fugitive lovers! Make sure your families don’t catch you!”

His jest prompt a wave of laughter from the rest of the inn visitors. Among the noise, a man asked curiously “wait, how do you know that? is there a way to identify eloped lovers?”

“It’s obvious. A noble man and a noble woman coming here this late at night, to this port, no servants in sight. And look! they are holding hands! that means they are not married. Only fresh lovers hold hands like that, married couples are already over that stage.”

“Hmm, you’re right. Here, here!”

Rihannan’s face reddened immediately. Out of shame, she tried letting go of Igor’s hand but he would not let her.

Igor simply ignored the nosy people around them and walked straight ahead while firmly holding Rihannan’s hand. The owner of the place approached him and began talking to him.

“Are you planning on spending the night here?”

“Yes. We’ll only stay for the night. Do you have any room available?”

“Oh, of course. In fact, we’ve just prepared a nice newly furnished, pretty room on the last floor. You can both stay there if you want, but it’s a bit expensive. Is that alright?”

Igor nodded without asking the price. The innkeeper’s eyes shone brightly.

Igor looked around again and asked once more. “Are you referring to the third floor?”

“Yes, that’s right. You won’t have to worry about the cold. We’ve even installed a brand new heating system to make it nice and cozy.”

“How many rooms are in that floor?”

“Five. Why?”

“I’ll pay full price for the five rooms on that floor, so please clear them out and make sure that nobody’s allowed to go up there.”

Igor took out a bag full of money from his pocket and passed it over. Even without seeing the contents one could tell that it was quite heavy. As soon as the innkeeper received his pay, he immediately turned around and yelled out and order.

“Nick! Go and move the luggage from the clients on the third floor to the second floor. Now!”

Upon his order, one of the inn’s workers immediately run up the stairs. There was some commotion from the people who were forcefully moved out their rooms, but this soon died out when coins exchanged hands.

Seeing this, Rihannan whispered in Igor’s ear. “Why are you paying for the whole floor? We only need one room.”

“I was originally planning on clearing the whole inn, but I thought it would be a bit heartless to throw them out on the cold, so I had to restrain myself to the third floor.”


Rihannan kept her mouth shut thinking that perhaps, if she protested, Igor would definitely chase everyone out. Once their floor was ready, the inn’s owner personally showed them to their rooms.

“Please, follow me. Over here.”

They went up the creaking wooden stairs till they reached a long corridor. The room they’d spend the night in was located at the end of said corridor.

The room was nice and tidy. It had a bed, a closet to put their clothes in, some simply chairs and a small table. There was a window covered with curtains right in front of the door, and there was another small room that seemed like the bathroom adjacent.

“You can’t see it now since it’s dark, but the view from here Is wonderful. You can look at the sea from the window. When would you like to have dinner served?”

“Please bring the food here as soon as possible.”

Igor gave the man some extra money, which prompted him to nod enthusiastically.

“Yes! Right this moment!”

When the innkeeper left, Igor asked Rihannan to wait for a bit while he checked their room. After he’d personally looked at every nook and cranny including the bathroom and under the bed, he went back to Rihannan.

“Nothing seems particularly dangerous. The room is clean, too.”

Rihannan was happy that the room was nicely prepared for an old port inn. There was no dust on the floor and the bed sheets smelled clean as well.

Just when she was about to step into the room, she felt Igor’s hand on her shoulder.


The sound of the door locking right behind her sent shivers running down her spine.



Hearing him calling her name, Rihannan placed a hand on her chest and looked at him, nervous.

“Perhaps you should wash first. Would you like to bath before dinner?”

Rihannan quickly shook her head.

“No, it’s alright. I’ll eat first. You told them to bring dinner as fast as they could, after all.”


Rihannan sat on the bed. For some strange reason, she felt anxious. They’d been glued to each other in the port with no problems, but now she was anxious. She could not understand why she felt that way.

Maybe it was because they were both alone in a small inn room, but that didn’t make sense. They were married. They did live a bit apart for a while because of their broken relationship, but didn’t they spend every night together before that? So, why was she suddenly feeling like this?

Rihannan did everything in her power to remain calm. She fervently wished that Igor would not sit on the bed beside her. If he did, she might even find it hard to breathe.

Contrary to her wishes, as if to increase her embarrassment, Igor started walking towards her. When he reached out a hand, Rihannan shivered and closed her eyes. She waited, but since there was no contact, she slowly opened her eyes again. She saw Igor looking at her with his purple eyes, his hand still close to her shoulder. He quickly lowered his arm.

“I was going to take off your hood since you looked uncomfortable…”

“I’ll do that myself.”

Rihannan quickly took of her robe and the coat she was wearing inside, placing them beside her. Igor took her clothes and stored them inside the closet.

After thinking a little, Igor spoke.

“I’ll go to the stables for a moment.”

“The stables?”

“Yes. I forced my horse to run a long distance, so I should check his horseshoe. I’ll come back soon so keep the door locked. Do not open the door to anyone else.”

Igor left the room. Once on her own, Rihannan worried that he might have misunderstood her reaction.

Maybe he thought she was rejecting his advances. Is that why he left the room so hurriedly? She did not mean it that way, so, what should she do now?

While she paced the room in circles thinking of this over and over again, she heard someone knocking on the door.


A bright smile appeared on Rihannan’s face. Delighted that he’d returned, Rihannan run to the door.


When he left the stable, Igor walked pass the curious glances of

a group of people who were clearly still curious about them. After he’d ordered the innkeeper to bring some hot water for a bath an hour from now, he went up the stairs to find their room’s door completely open.

Igor drew his sword from its sheath and run inside. A whirlpool of regret and remorse passed through his mind. He should have never left. He should have never left her on her own, not even for a moment.

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