I Don't Want to Be Loved

Chapter 225 Happily ever after

Chapter 225 Happily ever after

Chapter 225 – Happily ever after

Translator – Yue

T/N: This is the end, so extra-long chapter for today ?

Igor irrupted into the room, sword in hand and a murderous look in his eye… to see Rihannan licking her fingers. In front of her there was a huge plate filled with food. There was an abundance of seafood. Next to her was a worker who looked at Igor with widened eyes.


Rihannan quickly took her finger out of her mouth and looked at him. She asked again, nervous.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

The inn worker looked alternated glances between Igor and the sword in his hand, his legs shaking.

“Oh… it’s just… it looked like your wife was pregnant, so I was only asking if there was anything she disliked so I could bring something else…”

Since Rihannan had taken her robe and coat off, she was wearing a light dress that showed her bulging belly clearly. It seemed that the inn boy had noticed it and was only asking whether she liked the food.

Igor felt ridiculous for getting angry over something like this.

No, more than that, his own reaction left him dumb-struck. Seeing Rihannan licking sauce off her fingers with her huge, round belly ignited a strong sexual impulse within him. He felt extremely aroused just by looking at her.

Igor quickly fixed his expression. Rihannan had previously shown hesitation and fear of his touch, so his sudden impulse of lying with her were no different from a beast’s. Igor spoke in a lower tone to hide his surging emotions.

“The food is fine, you may leave.”

His tone of voice seemed a little displeased, so both Rihannan and the worker quivered. The inn worker left the food tray on the table and left the room as though he was escaping.

In the uncomfortable silence that followed, Rihannan’s eyes finally settled on him.

“I opened the door because they said they were bringing food. So…”

Igor quickly shook his hand to stop her.

“No, I’m not angry about that.”

“Oh. Then I apologize for eating without waiting for you. I was just going to taste the food but I felt so hungry, I…”

“It isn’t that, either.”

“Then, why are you angry?”

“I’m not angry.”

“You look angry.”


Igor let out a sigh. He could not tell her his honest feelings, so he tried making his voice sound as natural and relaxed as possible.

“I was surprised to find the door open. Since the food is already here, let’s eat.”

He placed Rihannan in front of the table and sat across from her. As expected from a Port city, there was a lot of fresh seafood on the tray. Igor grabbed some fist-sized shrimps, cut them to smaller pieces and carefully placed them on Rihannan’s plate. Rihannan pierced the meat with her fork and began eating. As she smiled happily while chewing her food, Igor laughed.

“Luckily, the food seems to agree with you.”

“Yes. I’m sorry for saying this, but their seafood might be even better than the food prepared by the Palace cooks. I might end up taking them with me home.”

“Then I’ll consider g-…”

“Please don’t take my jokes so seriously.”

Rihannan reprimanded him for being too serious while she spread some butter over some lobster and placed it in Igor’s plate. A bright smile spread on his face. This was the first time in his life he was eating something Rihannan had personally served him. The seafood Rihannan had placed on his plate was extremely soft and sweet, a taste he’d remember for the rest of his life without a doubt.

Then, conversation between them flowed naturally.

“Before, in the past, you serve me food first. It was meat. Do you know what went through my mind at that moment?”


“I thought that you were trying to torture me or something like that. I was so anguished back then… I couldn’t digest anything I ate. However, you kept putting meat on my plate, trying to force me to eat.”

“I… I only did that because you looked frail and without energy, so…”

“I know. When I saw you talking half the meat from my plate, I knew that was not your intention.”josei

Rihannan reached out towards the cooked vegetables. At the same time, Igor reached out his hand to grab a glass of water. Both their hands lightly brushed against each other in the air. Rihannan quickly took back her arm and averted her gaze, trying to avoid him.

Seeing her acting like that made Igor’s expression suddenly turn dark and somber. Just when he was about to sink into a deep depression, he saw through Rihannan’s loose hair strands that her ears were completely red. Her eyes kept darting everywhere without knowing what to do. It was a different expression from when she was afraid.

Igor knew then that she was not avoiding him. She was simply being shy.


Slowly, Igor’s lips curved into a smile. He barely held back the urge to laugh. He spoke in a relaxed voice.

“If you are still hungry, tell me. We can always order more food.”

When Rihannan filled her stomach a bit more, her eating speed lowered considerably. The accumulated fatigue came to her in a wave and her eyelids struggled to remain opened. Just when she was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on the door.

“If you’ve finished eating, I’m here to pick up your plates!”

The person who came into their room was the same lad that’d delivered the food. Perhaps because he still had the memory of Igor’s drawn sword in his mind, his eyes kept fixed on Igor’s hip, where his sword was hanging.

They’ve finished most of the food. Igor made a gesture with his hand and the servant quickly picked everything up and left the room. Before leaving, the lad said “Oh, and water for your bath will be sent immediately.”

“A bath?”

Hearing Rihannan’s voice, Igor smiled.

“I told them to bring up some hot water after we finished eating. You must be tired after such long journey in the carriage, not to mention walking alongside the port. I’m sure you’ll sleep better after taking a bath.”

Rihannan nodded. Just like he said, a hot bath would wash her fatigue away.

“Thank you for being so considerate, Igor.”

“Well, I’m not sure I’m being that selfless now…”

He was smiling.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I just remembered something I said to you before.”


“What I told you before the Kiritte competition.”

Rihannan struggled to remember, but nothing came to her mind. All this time, Igor had a weird expression on his face. Actually, he’d been smiling nonstop for a while now.

Somehow that made her feel nervous.


She’d wanted to ask why he was smiling like that, but she was interrupted by the servants carrying up the bathtub. Afterwards, they brought in many buckets filled with hot water, which they poured into the tub. Soon, the room was filled with hot air and steam.

When the workers left, Igor spoke. “Alright then, get in and wash yourself.”

Igor made a hand gesture for her to go to the bathroom. Rihannan went in with a confused look on her face. It looked like Igor was planning something, but she could not put her finger on what it was. Perhaps she was just overthinking.

In any case, she could finally take a bath, something she was very much looking forward to. Rihannan took off her clothes, tied up her hair and submerged her body on the tub. Once in the hot water, the fatigue she’d felt quickly vanished. She felt so relaxed… she found it hard to lift a finger. Just when she was about to close her eyes and doze off, she heard the door opening.

Rihannan’s eyes widened. For a second she thought that perhaps she’d heard wrong, but she didn’t. The person who’d opened the door and came in was definitely Igor.


Rihannan quickly covered her chest with both arms. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t think of anything as she was too surprised. While Rihannan’s lips opened and closed repeatedly without saying anything, Igor started unbuttoning his shirt.

Seeing that, Rihannan became flustered. She yelled at him.

“What are you doing?”

“I wanted to take a bath as well.”

His confident reply came out without hesitation. Rihannan was still speechless.

“Why… why would we bath together…?”

“I told you before the Kiritte competition, didn’t I? That there were things I had to do with you.”

Rihannan suddenly remembered what he’d told her before going into the hunting grounds for the Kiritte competition.

“How about we continue where we left off?”

When she thought about it, her face became a deep scarlet red. She realized that she wanted him, too. She didn’t want to just eat and talk with him, she wanted to feel his hot skin. She wanted him to hold her so tight she couldn’t breathe, to caress his tongue with hers, and… she wanted to fill her emptiness right now.

Rihannan clutched her cheeks with both hands and lowered her head. She was embarrassed and afraid that Igor might notice that she was thinking such lewd thoughts. Besides, she was pregnant. After sharing the news of her pregnancy, he never embraced her again at night, not even once. That meant that Igor had not clearly seen how much her body had changed.

What if he felt disappointed if he saw how much her belly had grown? What if he thought that her feminine charms had diminished?


Seeing Rihannan silently battling with thousands of conflicting thoughts in her mind, Igor gave her an undecipherable smile.

“If you don’t want to, then there’s nothing I can do. I will not force you to do something you don’t want.”

Hearing that, Rihannan let out a relieved sigh. She thought that he’d leave the room immediately. However, his next words left her speechless.

“Instead of that, I’ll help you wash your body.”

But hearing him, Rihannan could only open her mouth and looked at him, astonished. Igor played with Rihannan’s wet silver strands of hair.

“I’m sure you are so tired you don’t have any energy left to wash yourself.”

“No, it’s not like that. I’m fine.”

“A moment ago you looked as though you’d fall asleep.”

Igor knelt down, grabbed a wet towel and started rubbing Rihannan’s body.

More than feeling ashamed, Rihannan was surprised of the fact that the King himself was on his knees scrubbing her body like a mere servant. Even though Igor had said in the past that it was natural for married couples to bath together, Rihannan was sure that no normal husband would do this for his wife.

“It is said that when a woman is with child, she’ll naturally gain weight. Then, why do you look frailer than before?”

Igor said this while carefully washing her slender arm, which looked as though it would easily break in half. Seeing his burrowed brows, Rihannan quickly spoke.

“That’s because you haven’t seen my belly yet, darling. My belly has gotten so big I can’t wear dresses anymore. I’m sure I’ll end up rolling rather than walking soon enough.”

Igor’s gaze quickly shifted below, pass her submerged breasts, to a specific place of her body. Rihannan was about to cover herself again but Igor held her arms.

“…would it be alright if I touched your belly, just this once?”

He asked seriously. He anxiously waited for Rihannan’s permission, fearing that she might reject him. Now that he thought of it, unlike his past life, he had never properly felt their baby in her belly. If Rihannan had really left Arundell on that ship, he’d have spent the rest of his life without experiencing any link with his heir.

He would most probably miss their child till his death as well.

Instead of replying, she took his hand and placed it on her belly. His big hand caressed her curved belly carefully. Whenever he moved, warmed water swayed everywhere.

Igor let out a long sigh. “I still can’t believe it… the fact that you and my child are here with me.”

He smiled.

“Every night, while I was looking at your face, I’d pray to God for you to give birth as soon as you could. I thought that if that happened, we’d be able to continue our relationship, albeit its instability since it was based on a contract… no, actually, I just wished for the baby to be born. The fact that our baby from the past could never be born weighted heavily in my mind.”

Rihannan’s eyes immediately reddened with tears. She could finally see how much Igor had loved their child all this time. His threats of making her leave without her baby had been nothing but a desperate ruse to make her stay. But, the two of them were the same. They both wanted to desperately keep their child in their lives.

Regardless of that, Igor allowed Rihannan to leave Arundell. It must have been a hard decision.

Rihannan extended her wet hand and caressed his chin, calming him. Igor placed his hand over Rihannan’s, pressing his face into her palm. As soon as their gazes met each other, they kissed, almost by instinct.

Their lips crushed hurriedly in desperation. Rihannan parted her lips and Igor lost no time licking the inside of her mouth. He wanted her everything, as though he didn’t want to lose any detail of her.

The hand that had been caressing Rihannan’s belly was now on her bosom. As he caressed her mounds, which were big and sensitive due to her pregnancy, Rihannan couldn’t help moans from escaping her lips as they kissed. Enjoying the sensation of his hands rubbing her breasts, Rihannan moaned louder.


Rihannan held onto his black hair. As she pulled him closer to her, she kissed him deeper. A pool of heat soon spread from between her legs, making her unconsciously rub her thighs together. She wanted him.

Igor was only kissing her and rubbing her nipples, but she could feel herself close to climaxing. She could not hold her desire in check any longer. The lower part of her body which hasn’t received any attention from Igor in a long time was desperately begging to be filled with love. Right now.

“Igor, Igor…”

Rihannan screamed his name as she held onto him for dear life. Igor held her head with one hand while he continued kissing her. Rihannan reached out her hand below and grabbed his erect manhood, making Igor inhale loudly.


Igor bit his lips. As soon as Rihannan touched his manhood, it became so big it seemed impossible to hold it with just one hand. Igor felt like he was already about to come from that one touch. He could barely hold back his urge to plunge savagely inside Rihannan. If he allowed his wild side lose, the baby inside Rihannan might get hurt. The same applied to Rihannan, who was probably not ready for that yet.

Igor grabbed Rihannan’s hand and gently led her away from his manhood. Then, he positioned himself behind her, got inside the tub and placed her body so she would be sitting on top of him.

Rihannan’s back was lying against Igor’s chest. Her muscles tensed due to the unknown position, but soon began to relax little by little. Since this reminded her of the time she got on top of him at the Villa by her own volition, she was not afraid. Rather than that, her whole mind was filled with thoughts of desire for him.

Igor reached out both hands and started caressing Rihannan’s breasts. As his hands dexterously caressed and rubbed her nipples, small moans began floating out of her lips. His hard manhood was also pressed against her buttocks, stimulating her further.

“Ah, Igor…quickly…”

Rihannan moved her own body trying to take him inside her, but Igor did not grant her her wish. He bit her reddened ear and let out a small laugh.

“I can’t. You are not ready to have me inside you yet.”

“I’m perfectly ready. I can take it all inside.”

“Calm down, Rihannan. I can barely hold back myself.”

Igor sighed and slowly caressed Rihannan’s body. Her wet skin was as white as milk and as smooth as a pearl. Feeling her skin made him utterly happy.

When Igor’s hand started trailing his way down, Rihannan suddenly remembered the state of her body. She was worried that perhaps her belly would seem even bigger from that position. Just when she was about to cover herself quickly, Igor whispered in her ear.

“Do you know how beautiful you are right now?”

His hot breathe tickled the back of her neck.

“You look so beautiful… I want to remember how you look like, now, forever. Really, when I saw you licking your fingers before, you have no idea how much you aroused me…”

His fingers, which were lovingly caressing her belly, started descending. When he reached her garden, Rihannan squeezed his hand and arched her head back.


The sensations were engulfing her body whole. It was too much. She wanted something else desperately but since Igor was not willing to give it to her, she was going crazy.

“Igor, please…”

His fingers did not enter her immediately. Rather than that, he lovingly and carefully rubbed the surrounding area. When his fingers finally entered her, Rihannan had to bite her lips to stop herself from moaning out loud. Her hips started rocking back and forth unconsciously while her insides squeezed Igor’s fingers.

As his dexterous fingers kept moving inside her, Rihannan soon trembled in his arms till a white fluid started coming out from her.

Seeing that her body was ready, Igor lifted Rihannan. Then, slowly, he placed her carefully on his manhood.

Rihannan felt his big, thick manhood entering her little by little, making her sigh.

“Does it hurt?”

When Igor stopped moving to check on her, she hurriedly shook her head from side to side.

“No, I’m fine… please don’t stop.”

Igor began moving again. The more he entered her, the more his breath quickened. When he finally entered her completely, they both moaned loudly at the same time.


Rihannan was exhausted after all they did together, so Igor finished washing her body, wrapped her up in a towel and gently carried her to bed. Igor had originally planned on making a little fun of her while helping her wash, but things quickly got out his control and he ended up sucking whatever energy she had left in her body.

Rihannan was half asleep when Igor placed her on the bed, but when she felt him sitting down next to her, she struggled to open her heavy eyelids. Igor lied down and started caressing her damp hair.

“Go ahead, sleep.”

Rihannan nodded. Just when she was about to fell into deep slumber, Igor whispered sweetly in her ear. “After you give birth, I will not hold back anymore.”

Rihannan asked with her eyes half closed. “…Hold back? What… do you mean?”

“Up till now I have not embraced you too much since I feared you might hate it.” Rihannan could feel his smile on his lips as he gently kissed her eyelids. “But now… after you give birth, I’ll take you over and over again, even if you complain and say you’re tired.”

Rihannan smiled, crawled closer into his arms and hugged him firmly. A little later she really fell asleep. Her small, delicate breaths were the only sounds that resonated in the quiet room.

Igor kept looking at Rihannan’s face for a long time, softly caressing her and admiring her beauty. He could finally feel his mind easing up from all the worries that were consuming him not long ago. He had been so scared… scared of this incredible miracle vanishing someday. She could have left, just like she did in the past, somewhere far far away where he’d never be able to reach her again…

But now, she would not leave his side. They’d spent the remaining of their lives together with this baby, laughing, crying and finally growing old together.

Igor closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

He had the first sweet dream since he went back in time six years ago. He fell into deep slumber while holding onto Rihannan, without waking up not even once because of worries nor nightmares.

The next morning, Rihannan woke him up. She was surrounded by the morning light, gently shaking him awake and telling him to look at the morning view out the window.

The end.

T/N: Epilogue coming up!

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