Love The Psycho

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Shopping for new lingerie 1

''So, what is your answer?'' Aaron asked nervously. ''Do you accept or not? Listen, if you are not yet ready I can understand, I won't force you''. Aaron continued.

''No, wait. Don't go getting into your feelings and let me say something first, Aaron Saint. You haven't even allowed me to speak yet''. August said anxiously.

''Oh, then, speak. Feel free to say whatever you want to''. Aaron said.

''I don't really remember a lot of things about me but I know that you have never left my side for the past 6 or so years. You know me best and you know the sort of person I am, right? there are times I won't live up to your expectations and might turn to do things impulsively. I have a nasty temper; you already know that. I am sometimes unbearable to be around I easily get jealous when I see other women trying to get close to you. I absolutely hate sharing you with other people. What again?''

''Huh? Do you still have more to say? I don't understand what you're saying August Maijune''. Aaron said confused.

''I know; I don't even know what I'm saying myself but the short of it all is that. I will be a fool to not accept such an honest man and an honest proposal, Aaron Saint''. August said in one breathe and smiled.

''You…you accept to be my girlfriend?'' Aaron asked unsurely.

''Yes, so you better not get tired of me sooner or later Aaron Saint''. August said hugging him.

''I won't ever''. Aaron tightened his embrace on her.

''But, you didn't really have to do all this? You could have just asked me straight away; I'm easily satisfied you know?'' August said and they laughed and turned to look at the bed. ''What are we going to do about the bed? Are you going to sleep on a bed of roses?'' August asked.josei

''I don't mind at all. But, before that, why don't you wear this ring first?'' Aaron picked the ring box on the bed and opened it removing the shiny ring out.

''Okay, I really like the ring'' August said.

''But, I like the one wearing the ring more''. Aaron added.

After putting the ring on August's finger, they threw all the roses on the floor while laughing.



''Huh? Lingerie shopping?'' August asked Liyah dumbfounded as she watched Liyah sewing a shirt. She ran to Liyah's villa early in the morning after Aaron Saint left for work to tell her about the proposal and the ring, but now Liyah was telling her to go lingerie shopping which made her confused. ''But, I have a lot of lingerie at home?''

''Is good to be innocent. August, you're now 26 okay? You need a change of lingerie to match your new status. You are now soon to be Mrs. Saint and you need to live up to that name my love before another woman snatch your man away''. Liyah said and lifted the shirt to check for its neatness.

''I don't understand? Can you elaborate on that? You know this is my first relationship and I don't really know the kind of things to do as a woman for her man''. August said. Liyah patted a chair across her machine and signalled August to sit on it and she did.

''Listen, I will tell you everything you need to know about men and how to make sure he always thinks about you all the time. You need to only listen to me and apply whatever I teach you''.

Liyah said and August nodded. ''Number 1. What you need to do first is to burn all the undergarments from last year. I will take you shopping after I'm done. We will get you the most recent and sexiest undergarments and off course, a fireworks lingerie. One that will make Aaron want to worship your body. He won't be able to take his eyes off you once he eyes you in it, my love''.

''But, we haven't crossed that line yet'' August said blushing.

''Oh, you haven't but don't you want to? I mean don't you desire to do it with him? Aaron is so handsome how could you never have thought of that about him?''. Liyah asked curiously.

''I have thought about that but he said he will wait till I am ready''. August said feeling uncertain.

''That is the problem. Aaron is probably the most considerate man alive but he is a man and he had needs. You two are now officially dating, there is nothing wrong with sleeping with him? I mean you are already sleeping with him but not technically since the furthest you've gone is kissing. Aaron is so pitiful. He fell in love with an innocent girl who doesn't know anything about the world and he has to keep his desires hidden for fear of frightening her. I pity him''. Liyah said pitifully while looking at August.

''Can you stop saying that? I'm already conflicted enough'' August said and bit her lips.

''Okay, listen I am no telling you to do anything you are not ready to do. all I am saying is this. all this while, it has been him taking the initiative to do things for you. you should also do something for him. Make him also feel your sincerity. That is how a relationship is. Give and take''.

''Get up, let's go and buy the new undergarments and lingerie. I am going to blow Aaron' Saint's mind off''. August stood up from the chair confidently.


Liyah pulled over and got down with August in front of Lovely Lady's friend. It was a popular boutique for only ladies. They sold a lot of things from undergarments to outer wears. August followed closely behind Liyah as they entered.

Liyah took August to a private section of the shop where only requested undergarments are shown to customers. Ladies were also allowed to make their own designs and have their undergarments customised in this section and off course it was expensive.

The manager of that section immediately recognised Liyah the moment she walked in and greeted her with a smile ''Miss Myers, welcome to our shop. Is been a while''.

''Yes, is really been a while. Are you doing well?'' Liyah asked the woman as she took a seat on the couch and August joined her.

''I am doing well, thank you. Are you here to make a customised undergarment?'' The manager asked.

''Yes, but today is not for me. I am here with my lovely younger sister. She is getting married soon and needs something to spice it up'' Liyah said with a wink making August flush.

''The, she is lucky. We got some new products that came in last night and hasn't been opened to the public yet. I will bring you the photo album to have a look''.

The manager said and turned to enter the small counter. This was the first time she was seeing Liyah Myers in a year and she was quiet happy because Liyah used to be her client back and always made a lot of purchases without using discounts which made her to get lots of profit.

August tucked at Liyah's sleeve and pointed at the display of various lingerie on the hangers and mannequins saying ''big sis, what are all these? Are they really undergarments worn by women?'' August was utterly surprised at how thin and light they looked. Honestly, she had never seen such things before. She always thought she was conservative and only bought undergarments that covered her entire parts. This was her first time seeing such types of undergarments. Even looking at them made her flush and beet red. How was she ever going to muster the courage of wearing them in front of Aaron Saint?

''Yes, beautiful and sexy, right?'' Liyah asked with sparkling eyes and August shook her head.

''Just looking at them alone makes me feel embarrassed. I don't think I will ever be able to wear such things, big sis''. August said sincerely. Liyah opened her mouth the say something but the manager's arrival made her to postpone her lecture for another time.

''Miss Myers, this is the newest album containing the latest and most trending lingerie now''. The manager gave the album to Liyah.

''Mm, thanks. I will call you when we are ready'. Liyah said and opened the album smiling. August looked at Liyah's face and got curious because of the smile evident on her face and got closer to look into the album.

What she saw was different colours and shapes of lingerie she had probably never seen before all her life. August furrowed her forehead looking at them strangely. Were ladies really putting these on their bodies? Were men really enticed by ladies who wore such things. August was sure those undergarments and lingerie in the photo album were made to fraud ladies of their monies. They were too thin and bare.

In fact, wearing such things were the same as not wearing anything at all. The more she looked the more she shook her head.

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