Love The Psycho

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: Court Subpoena 2


Aaron Saint walked into the office with his lawyer Mr. Gumeye and was sent to the senior lawyer's office. The senior lawyer was sitting at the head of the connected sofa seats in front of his office desk when Aaron Saint and Lawyer Gumeye entered the office. Lorca was also seated on one of the sofas and when they saw Aaron Saint and Lawyer Gumeye enter, they sneered smugly.

Aaron Saint looked at their faces and turned to his lawyer who spoke ''Hi, I am Lawyer Gumeye, we spoke on the phone this morning''.

''Yes, we did and you said you would be coming. I didn't know Mr. Saint was so less busy as to personally come with you himself?'' Lawyer Benny, Lorca's lawyer said with a smile as he pointed at the sofa adding ''you may sit''.

''Thank you'' Lawyer Gumeye said and sat down with Aaron Saint facing Lorca. Lorca sat up straight and removed his sunglasses.

''Well, tell us. Why you are here? My client already made it clear that he will only speak when his niece is around of else we shall meet in court. I told you that on the phone''. Lawyer Benny said.

''Yes, you did. But, Miss August Maijune had emphatically refused to see Mr. Lorca here and she also convened a message to him and I quote her words 'uncle, we shall meet tonight' ''.

Lorca stiffened after hearing the message. It was more like August Maijune, simple and straight to the point. He could have sworn that he even heard her voice through the message delivered and quivered before recovering immediately.

''Is that a threat message? My niece is not someone who could say such a thing to me. Did you even tell her about me? Are you sure you didn't distort her words? Mr. Saint''. Lorca said. He was going to pretend to the end. That was what Mandy Myers told him to do. To pretend to have a good relationship with his niece before she was snatched away by Aaron Saint. That was the way to make the judge sympathise with her.

''Ahh, do I look like I have that much time to waste? Tell me exactly what you want? What is your real motive for going to this extents?'' Aaron Saint asked him.

''What my real intentions are, I am sure you know them more than I do, Mr. Saint. But, just to be clear, August is my late sister's daughter. She got lost 6 years ago and you found her but instead of bringing her to the police station, you coveted her. I think asking for a compensation of 100 million dollars is nothing, right?'' Lorca sneered back.

''Okay, I gave you a chance but you didn't take it. Mr. Gumeye tell them what we have''. Aaron Saint said and gestured at Lawyer Gumeye. Lawyer Benny and Lorca grew anxious that moment. They already knew who Lawyer Gumeye was and how famous he was. He had never lost a case and has served the Saint family for so many years.

When Lawyer Benny first heard about the case he wanted to drop out of it but this case was special as it was the governor himself who had called him for this case. The governor wasn't interested in the compensation money. The money was going to be split 50/50 between him and Lorca if he were to win the case. They would get the niece and the money. It wasn't such a bad compensation after all.

Lawyer Gumeye removed a stack of papers from his suit bag and kept them on the table and added a USB Drive to the papers and spoke ''first of all, I want you and your client to take a look at this papers before you decide how you want to go by this case''. Lawyer Gumeye said with a daring gaze.

Lawyer Benny and Lorca each snatched the papers and the looks on their faces changed immediately. Lawyer Benny was the one to speak first as he stuttered ''what…what is this? what era are we that a girl would be shackled in this manner and locked up in a laboratory?'' as he said that he Lawyer Gumeye removed some photos and placed them on the table.

''What is all this?'' Lorca stuttered and looked anxious as his voice quavered.

''You should ask yourself that question, Mr. Marco. Evidence of your abusive attitude towards your niece from when she was 14 years of are all recorded in this USB and the papers and photos also. I ask again, do you dare to proceed with this case?'' Aaron Saint asked calmly.

''How did you get all of these?'' Lorca asked.

'You should not have left evidence of how you treated your niece if you were going to come back and plead such a foolish case. And to add to your knowledge, my client and Miss August Maijune are now a married couple. They registered their marriage this morning. Here is their certificate of marriage obtained from the national bureau office of civil affairs''. Lawyer Gumeye said and Lorca looked at Aaron Saint and saw the ring on his finger. josei

The thing he feared the most was what had happened. But, he wasn't deterred because he felt that he had a backer who was powerful only that he didn't know the so-called backer had already arranged for him to be killed as soon as the case was won.

''You, sly businessman. You must have forced my niece to marry you. She is only 26 and you are 36. How could she have agreed to marry an old man like you? Don't think this is the end. The ones who are after August Maijune will still come after you even if I fail. A lot of people will always want to have her to themselves. Do you think you can protect her with your money and connections? Stop kidding yourself Aaron Saint. As long as she is alive, a lot of people will find out about her and what she can do. Who knows, even the government will find out about her potential and when that happens, she will still be taken away from you.

You think you can tame her? No, you can't. Even her parents, the ones who brought that monster to this world couldn't tame her. I couldn't tame her and you think you can? One day, one day you will wake up and find out that she had placed a bullet to your head and then you will know that a monster is always a monster''. Lorca was now swearing uncontrollably in the office. His voice was so loud that the workers gathered and watched the scene from outside the door.

''Do you even know why I kept her in chains? Is because she is a psycho. She lives on blood. You should have seen her she looked like while she threw explosives about at my villa. That woman you married killed 500 of my men in one night. That is something I will never forgive her for. Don't think I don't know the reason why you are keeping her. I know her secret. The secret that you and your friends are trying to keep from everyone and I will expose you. I will let the world know of the fact that the almighty and powerful Aaron Saint was keeping a DID patient who had psychotic tendencies by his side''. Lorca finished and went out of the door pushing aside the workers as he walked away.

Lawyer Benny was so embarrassed that he couldn't even lift his head up. The initial arrogance he held all vanished away into thin air after he read the papers and saw the pictures. He couldn't believe his eyes. He felt that the case itself was a trap that he had fell into. He sighed and stood up to apologise ''Mr. Saint, Lawyer Gumeye, my apologies. I am sincerely sorry for the chaos I created. My law firm will redraw from this case. If it wasn't because the governor himself sort me out and asked me to push this case forward, I wouldn't have dared to wrong the Saint family. I didn't have the time to really look into the case'' Lawyer Benny who was initially smug became humble and pleaded.

''Is alright, you were doing your job'' Aaron Saint said standing up.

''I will personally go and redraw the case tomorrow morning and also inform the court that my client wished to redraw the case.'' Lawyer Benny added.

''Thank you for that then''. Lawyer Gumeye said and followed Aaron Saint out.

Lawyer Benny sat back on his chair and finally relaxed. He couldn't believe he was so foolish to believe one sided evidence and almost lost his firm because of a useless case. It was obvious the governor wouldn't be able to fight someone like Aaron Saint. Lawyer Benny was glad learnt of the situation early enough to pull out before damage was done.

Lawyer Benny picked up his phone and called the governor ''hello, Mr. Garcia, why didn't you tell me the whole truth about the case? I almost lost my firm for acting foolish. Aaron Saint and his lawyer had evidence of Lorca bullying his niece and causing the death of her parents. As for that man, Lorca. He lost his sense of reasoning and started spouting nonsense. Please, don't call me to take up a case like this again'' Lawyer Benny finished and hung up

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