Love The Psycho

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Finding the Truth



Aaron Saint and Leo Martins entered the house and saw Liyah walking out of the master bedroom. She rushed to them and asked impatiently.

''Hey, you are back?''

''Mm''. Aaron Saint replied and Leo Martins hugged Liyah.

''How did it go?'' Liyah asked.

''It went well. We won the case thanks to those evidence Mai provided. How is she?'' Aaron Saint asked and sat down.

''She is still sleeping. I will get you two some water to drink''. Liyah said and went to pour two glasses of water.

''Hey, do you think that man will be okay? Lorca. You said he was going hysteric?'' Leo Martins asked.

''I asked someone to follow him. I have a hunch that Mandy Myers might try to do something to him so I asked someone to tail him and report to me immediately when something happens to him''. Aaron Saint said and took the water Liyah brought them. Liyah sat next to Leo Martins and held his hand affectionately.

''So, is everything over now?'' Liyah asked leaning on Leo's shoulder.

''Not yet. We are still yet to find out about your parents' relationship from Mandy Myers. Meanwhile, I have submitted the governor's embezzlement evidence to the prosecutors' office through my lawyer. He should be getting a notice soon''. Aaron Saint said.

''That's good. Who told him to mess with us first? How dare he even bring that woman to my wedding? Thanks to them, we didn't and can't even have our honeymoon anytime soon''. Liyah lamented.

''Don't worry, love. We will go on our honeymoon as soon as everything is over''. Leo said patting Liyah gently and Aaron shook his head and stood up saying.

''Please, send your affections to your house, I'm going to check up on my wife too''.

Leo and Liyah laughed and got up to go out.

''Whatever, I was one who stayed back to take care of your dear wife''. Liyah said and looked upstairs ''the hypnosis this time seemed to have drained her out. She was like a log of wood''

''Thank you my dear friend''. Aaron said while going to the room.josei

Aaron Saint entered the room and saw Mai sleeping soundly on the bed. He went closer and looked at her while murmuring ''is really Mai. I guess I'm married to three women. No, they are actually four now. Lucky me!!!' Aaron said with a smile and went to change.

He entered the bathroom and turned on the shower and heard a phone ringing. He ignored it and went on to bath. When he finished and got out of the bathroom, the bed was empty and the phone was gone. He frowned and went out of the room to check the hall while calling ''Mai, Mai are you there?'' He didn't hear any response and no sound. Aaron Saint went down in his towel and saw the main door slightly closed and his phone on the sofa rang. He answered it ''hello. Okay, follow them and send me the address''

''Yes, boss, but, boss. I just saw a lady getting down from a taxi. She looks like the young Miss''

''What? Follow her, make sure you don't lose her. I will be there immediately''. Aaron cussed and quickly went in to change. ''shit''.


Mai got down from a taxi and found herself at her parents' company. She looked at her phone and it was the same address following the message. While she was sleeping, the phone kept ringing and when she sleepily picked it and answered she heard her uncle's voice pleading with her to come and save him. The call ended and a message came along with a picture of her uncle beaten with blood all over him. The message that followed was to go to the address if she wanted to find out about her parents' secret.

Mai frowned and scrolled on her phone and Aaron's call came in. She answered it immediately.

''Hello, Mr. Saint''. Mai spoke as she was about to cross the road.

''Mai, don't you dare go anywhere from where you are. Is a trap''. Aaron shouted on the phone as he drove to the address. The line went off ''hello, hello, Mai, Mai''. Aaron dialled the number again and the phone was off. Aaron Saint increased the speed and drove off.


Mai opened her eyes blurrily and found herself in a room. She was sitting on a chair and tied up with shackles. Her legs and hands were chained. Mai looked at her surroundings and tried to recollect her memories of how she got herself there. She was speaking on the phone with Aaron earlier when she felt a stink on her neck and then she blacked out.

Mai's senses heightened as a recognition of the drug used on her came to her mind. It was a portion that could induce immediate unconsciousness and that is what happened to her.

Mai chuckled sarcastically as she couldn't believe someone dared to do that to her ''someone really has a death wish. I seriously wonder who is tired of living'' Mai looked up and saw the CCTV camera at the corner of the wall and her lips curved into a half smile. Anyone watching would think she was mocking them for being useless. She leaned her back against the chair and watched the camera lazily with cocked brows.


Aaron Saint pulled over at the company roadside where Mai was. The guy he sent ran across the road and met with him.

''Speak, what happened? I told you not to lose her?'' Aaron asked.

''Boss, I was watching over her. She was on the phone when a black van pulled over in front of her. She was gone when the van left. She was kidnapped by the people in the van. I'm sorry, sir''. Macus, the man whom Aaron Saint asked to tail Lorca said anxiously.

''Is okay''. Aaron Saint said and leaned against the car.

Leo Martins pulled over and got down and walked to Aaron asking ''what's going on? How did Mai leave the house without your knowledge?''

''Someone sent her a message. First, I want your men to check on the road surveillance cameras, we should be able to trace them. But, let's check inside for Lorca first''. Aaron Saint said walking towards the empty building.

''Lorca is here?'' Leo Martins asked as he followed behind Aaron Saint.

Aaron Saint walked in front and opened the glass doors and entered. He was walking ahead when Leo Martins pulled him aside and pointed at a distance saying ''Aaron, is that not Lorca Don Marco?''

''What?'' Aaron Saint was startled and asked. Leo Martins pointed his hand at a body in front of them.

''That man, is that not Lorca?'' Leo Martins asked again and pointed at the scene at his left side.

Aaron Saint looked ahead and saw the lifeless body of Lorca in a pool of blood and rushed forward.

''That's him, call the police Leo. Let's not get closer to him'' Aaron Saint said.

''Okay''. Leo removed his phone and made a call.

''We will leave when the police come. We have to find Mai before is too late''. Aaron said.

''Are you afraid she might be in danger?'' Leo Martins asked.

''No, I'm afraid those people who kidnapped her will be dead by the time we get to her. If Mandy Myers is in this, things will be worse. Mai had never met Mandy Myers before, but I am pretty sure she had read about her from their diary or even remembers her in her subconscious mind''. Aaron Saint said worriedly.

''They have never met, so how is that exactly dangerous?'' Leo asked surprised.

''Have you being listening to anything I said? Mai might not be able to recognise her and that is dangerous because Mai is the least patient one about the personalities. She is like a short circuit. If what I am thinking is right, then she might actually be able to recognise her because some of August's memories will still remain with her. that was what happened the last time after the hypnosis. August remembered everything June did and so did Maijune''. Aaron said and Leo finally got the picture clear.

':So, it also means that Mai who is the most impulsive and dangerous one among them will not hesitate to kill Mandy Myers once she recognises her as the mastermind behind everything. Mai is really the genius among them''

The police arrived and took over the case. The forensic officers also came to look at the scene. Leo explained everything to the detective before he and Aaron rushed out.

It was night time.

A woman walked into the room with another man holding a glass of water. Mandy Myers sipped the cold water she just poured from the fridge before lifting it to Mai's head and poured it all on her face. Mai didn't even flick at the cold water on her head. She casually opened her eyes mistily and looked up throwing a cold gaze at the culprit. It was an old woman. She looked unfamiliar in Mai's eyes but she still felt that somehow she knew her. Mai frowned, clearly annoyed.

Mandy Myers took another glass from the bodyguard that followed her inside and got ready to pour it on Mai when she spoke.

''If I were you, I wouldn't do that to me. I hate it when people disrespect me by pouring water on my head. What do you think you are doing? Are we acting?'' Mai said with a displeased look.

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