Love The Psycho

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Finding the Truth 2


Mandy Myers took another glass from the bodyguard that followed her inside and got ready to pour it on Mai when she spoke.

''If I were you, I wouldn't do that to me. I hate it when people disrespect me by pouring water on my head. What do you think you are doing? Are you acting?'' Mai said with a displeased expression.

Mandy Myers's hand quivered a little before she quickly recovered from it. She was almost frightened by the dark and cold aura of the girl. The more she looked at August Maijune the more she felt that she made the right choice by kidnapping her here. The girl was indeed unique. If she is anything like her parents, having the brains of her father and the smartness of her mother. She was going to go far in life. A person like her could never be controlled by negotiations. She was a natural born rebel that could only be tame by someone who was slier and cunning than her''

''Old woman, who the hell are you?'' Mai asked impatiently looking at Mandy Myers. Seeing the shackles on her reminded her so much of that time she was locked away and made to work her ass out till she almost broke down.

''Who am I? Are you asking because you don't know me or are you pretending not to know me? We've met a number of times, are you faking a sudden memory loss because I brought you here? Oh, right!!! You are not faking it. You don't remember me because we haven't really met before until now'' Mandy Myers was flustered by Mai's question so she asked back in return.

Mai chuckled while looking at Mandy Myers. Looks like she met Maijune and August. Mai thought. Mai cocked her eyes and took in the surroundings with a displeased expression which didn't escape Mandy Myers.

''You are not thinking of a way to escape, are you?''

''Not exactly. I was just thinking 'should I kill her or should I just ignore her to rattle on like a parrot' I was having such thoughts. But, it isn't bad to also be thinking of a way to get out of here. Now that you mentioned it, I should really think about it'' Mai said and laughed.

''You lunatic'' Mandy Myers said to Mai and the laughter pouted her lips as if trying to control herself from laughing. ''Do you think I am a joke?'' Mandy Myers asked angrily and lifted her hand to hit Mai and Mai roared at her.

''Don't you dare lay your hands on me unless you don't even want to know how you died'' Mai said startling Mandy Myers. The latter stepped back instinctively as Mai continued ''I remember you. You are Liyah's grandmother. The old hag I've been wanting to meet for a while now. Nice to finally meet you' Mai said and intended to stretched her hand before looking down at the shackles ''sorry, we can't shake hands because I'm bounded to a chair'' Mai said and chuckled.

''You are really a psychopath'' Mandy Myers said ''but, I am not afraid of you and you can throw the thought of getting out of this place because this place is far from the city. The room is soundproof so no one will be able to hear you even when you scream''. Mandy Myers mocked. ''Afraid? Well, you can make things easier for both of us by agreeing to my terms''. Mandy Myers gestured at the man beside her and he went and brought a chair for her to sit.

Mandy Myers pulled the chair closer to Mai and sat facing her. all the while that she was talking, Mai listened quietly taking in her words and trying to grasps the basis from her speech. The more Mai understood her plans, the calmer and nonchalant she was.

''You must be aware by now that your uncle is dead and I am now the sole owner of Lour Pharmaceuticals''. Mai's eyes flickered at the news and she looked at Mandy Myers.

''I am also aware of the estranged relationship you had with your uncle. Off course, I don't side with him on the way he treated you in the past, so I intend to change that. Your uncle signed a contract with me and in the contract he said that you were a part of the deal. He didn't want you to face the world alone with no one beside you and as your only relative he wanted me to take the responsibility of bringing you under my care"

"I am not so heartless. Off course, if you agree to work with me I will give you the best benefits there is. I will allow you your freedom to go or do anything you like. But, that must be at the expense of cutting ties with Aaron Saint and everyone connected to him. You see, I didn't want to tell you this, but the truth is that. Aaron Saint is only taking advantage of you. He will never take you serious''. Mandy Myers said and removed a stack of papers from her bag.

''Old lady, how old are you?'' Mai asked suddenly startling Mandy Myers and the man.

Mandy Myers looked at Mai and answered ''I don't see how that relates to our discussion but I will still answer you. I am 76 years''.

''76 years. I am 22 years you see. That means you are already three times my age which feels funny to me''. Mai said.

''How funny?'' Mandy Myers asked back.josei

''You don't act your age''. Mai said and chuckled with her signature mocking gaze that she only showed when she was looking down on someone.

''What?'' Mandy Myers asked confused.

''You are 76 years and yet you are still an amateur that's what makes it funny. Now, I am going to give you a chance. A chance to run for your life before I take it away from you''. Mai said in a chilling cold tone different from the usual way she spoke. Mandy Myers and the man could feel the chills and goosebumps running through their skins at that moment. It was almost like the girl was different all of a sudden.

Mai slightly lifted the corner of her lip giving them a half smile. Mandy Myers stood up from the chair and stepped backwards with the support of the man beside her. She looked at the darkened expression of the girl before them and whisper spoke to the man ''did you give her a double shot of the injection I told you too?''

''Yes, Ma'am''. The man nodded and said.

''What injection? What did you inject me with?'' Mai asked as she struggled.

''You will find out very soon. Why the rush? Don't worry, it isn't an aphrodisiac. It is just a drug that is still undergoing final test. You will first feel high, then your body will feel like is tearing apart before the pain that will mess up with your sanity rounds it up. Mandy Myers said and laughed hysterically before she left the room.

Mai frowned and a drug came to mind and her pupils dilated. Mai knew the drug used on her because it was the same one Lorca used to inject into her as punishment. The drug was first developed in Russia during the time the war broke between Russia and the USA. It was a highly potent drug that could mess with a person's sanity and mental cohesion.

Mai cursed under her breather as she murmured.

''I knew it. This woman was up to no good. Thankfully, I took some shots before leaving the house. I just have to bear with the initial pain. You will be okay, August Maijune. Mai screamed as the drug started to take over her. Her body felt like she was on fire. She wanted so much to cut into her skin. At least the blood would give her a comforting release.


Aaron Saint and Leo Martins arrived at the villa and saw that it was deserted and almost destroyed. A lot of Lorca's people were already dead by the time they got there. they were killed by the people Mandy Myers hired.

Seeing that it was no use staying there, Aaron and Leo turned to go when Leo got a call from his headquarters. He looked at Aaron before answering the phone ''hello. You found her location? Where? Alright, send me the location and send backup. Inform my grandpa about it and tell him to inform the DNIS office''. Leo hung up and turned to Aaron.

''They found her location, let's go''. They both got into the car they came with and Aaron drove out.


After that frightful encounter, Mandy Myers left the room and met with the governor in a separate room. There, they discussed their plans.

''How did it go with her? Did she agree to sign a contract with us?'' The governor asked anxiously.

''She is more tenacious than I thought. It seems we can only break her down before she agrees to do anything with us''. Mandy Myers said.

''Then, what do you have in mind? Do we have to torture her more?'' The governor asked again. He was now anxious. Just this morning he received a letter from the office of the prime minister who was based in B-Town a suburb of D-City telling him that he had been dismissed from office and the official announcement will be made on Monday itself. Now, he had no one to rely on. His only hope was signing an exclusive contract with the research genius and state the production of the new drug that was supposed to be the only drug that could correct hole in the heart without surgery.

His research team have been unsuccessful in coming out with the right composition and determinates factor of the drug, its side effects and potency. All of these could be done by the research genius he they managed to kidnap. But, time was not on his side as he kept feeling anxious and weary.

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