Love The Psycho

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Happy Together 3

''The goals of treatment for DID are to relieve symptoms, ensure the safety of the individual and those around him or her, and 'reconnect' the different personalities into one integrated, well-functioning identity''

''Treatment also aims to help the person safely express and process painful memories, develop new coping skills and life skills, restore optimal functioning, and improve relationships. The best treatment approach depends on the individual, the nature of any identifiable triggers, and the severity of the symptoms. Most likely treatment will include some combination of the following methods:

Psychotherapy: Sometimes called "talk therapy," psychotherapy is the main treatment for dissociative disorders. This is a broad term that includes several forms of therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This form of psychotherapy focuses on changing dysfunctional thinking patterns, feelings, and behaviors.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): This technique was designed to treat people with persistent nightmares, flashbacks, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Dialectic-behavior therapy (DBT): A form of psychotherapy for people with severe personality disturbances, which can include dissociative symptoms that often occur after an experience of abuse or trauma.

Family therapy: This helps teach the family about the disorder as well as helping family members recognize symptoms of a recurrence.josei

Creative therapies (for example art therapy, music therapy): These therapies allow patients to explore and express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and creative environment.

Meditation and relaxation techniques: These help people to better tolerate their dissociative symptoms and become more aware of their internal states.

Clinical hypnosis: A treatment method that uses intense relaxation, concentration, and focused attention to achieve an altered state of consciousness, allowing people to explore thoughts, feelings, and memories they may have hidden from their conscious minds''

Dr. Sam explained vividly everything to Aaron and August Maijune. Since August Maijune considered taking the therapy seriously, it was only necessary for her to know what it entailed so that she could prepare her mind for what was to come.

''Whoa. I didn't know there was so much into it, uncle Sam':. August Maijune said.

''Thank you for taking the time to go through this with us''. Aaron said.

''This is no problem. I am only repaying my debt. We will start this weekend. I just wanted you to know more about Mai's condition before we started''. Dr. Sam said.

''Thank you''


The weeks and months that followed, August Maijune attended all her therapy sessions. Since it was also their school vacation time, it was easier to attend therapy and also pay attention to the kids.

On the last day of her therapy, Dr. Sam arranged a special fusion session for her. This was for her to have her final moments with all the characters before taking the final steps to becoming a whole person again.

August Maijune closed her eyes as she sat in the dark room alone, all by herself. She heard voice and opened her eyes. She saw Mai, June and Maijune sitting around a baby crib. They looked at her and beckoned on her to join them. August Maijune stood up and walked closer to the crib. She looked inside and saw herself. When she was still a baby.

June: She is so pretty.

Maijune: Yes, she is so pretty.

Mai: August, what do you think of her? Do you think she will grow up to be a wonderful person?

August: She will, because she will be having a lot of good people around her.

Maijune: Why are you crying, then? [Maijune asked August whose tears were dropping]

August: She is so pretty and innocent. I don't want her to go throw any bad stuff.

June: Silly, we are here for her. what would happen to her?

Mai: This is us when we were still a baby. If we had met good adults earlier in our lives, we wouldn't have gone through what we did, but is still not a bad experience. Now, we are going to become one person. Not different people but the same person.

June: August, when things get hard, remember, you are able to overcome whatever it is that is pulling you down.

Maijune: We will always be with you.

August: Together, we will always be August Maijune. [August hugged the other three personalities]


August Maijune opened her eyes and saw herself back in Dr. Sam's office. Dr. Sam walked to her and sat on his chair.

''How do you feel?'' he asked her.

''I am fine. I feel relieved and happy.

''That's because our therapy is a success, August Maijune''

''Really? You mean, none of them will appear again?''

''They won't appear again because they are now one with you. There is no distinction between you and them''

''Dr. Sam, I never thought a day like this would come in my life where something feels so peaceful''

''Keep being happy and do whatever you like from now onwards. We will continue to have monthly sessions until you are free enough to really let go. Next month when you come, we will use the music therapy. Do you like music?''

"'Yes, when I'm in the laboratory working on perfumes, I like to turn the music on''

''Then, how about you try doing it without working. You could just lay down, close your eyes and just listen to the music'' Dr. Sam suggested.

''I haven't really tried that but it sounds like fun. I can do it''

''Then, I will send you a list of non-lyrical music. They mainly consist of flute, piano and the violin. Totally good for meditation which is also powerful''

''I'm up for anything you suggest, uncle Sam as long as it can help me be the best mom and wife to my husband and kids and off course to myself''

''You have really grown, August Maijune. I am proud of you'' Dr. Sam said and patted her head.

''Thank you. The kids must be missing me. I should get going now'' August Maijune said and stood up.



August Maijune arrived home and saw Aaron Saint playing with the kids in the hall. She placed her handbag on the sofa and scurried over to him, giving him a quick kiss before she leaned towards the kids.

''Did my precious little ones missed Mummy? I missed you two like crazy'' Jade chuckled inside the crib playfully as she swung the large baby ring in her hand.

''Look how she is excited to see you'' Aaron Saint commented.

''I know, right? My beautiful Jade. She is going to turn a lot of heads once she grows up. Oh, I can't wait to talk about boys with her'' August Maijune said sounding like June. Aaron Saint looked at her suspiciously and asked.

':How can you talk about boys with my little girl? Are you sure you are not June?''

''What? I can't even talk about boys with my daughter? Do you know how I missed ogling over boys?''

''Really?'' Aaron Saint and held her waist, pulling her closer to himself. ''Say that again, if you have the guts. I don't mind taking you right here in front of the kids''

''I don't dare; my husband is the most handsome man I've seen in this world. The only man who might beat you with his handsomeness is Jayden''

''Such a sweet talker. Come here, I missed you so much'' Aaron said and started kissing her. It got serious and August tried to stop him.

''The babies will cry if we stop playing with them''

''But, I'm so hard right now''

''Endure it, I promise to make it up to you tonight when the babies are asleep. We can go at it the whole night if you want''


''Yes, so, let's play with the babies right now until aunt Cate arrives to take over. Then… we can do a lot of naughty things together'' August said and kissed his earlobe and he groaned.



Liyah finally put Channing to sleep and walked out of the room yawning tiredly. Leo met her on the way with a cup of warm milk. He held her hand and took her to the sofa and sat her down.

''You must be tired. Drink some warm milk. I will take care of Channing tonight, so that you can get enough sleep and be able to work on your designs later on'' Leo told her and she smiled.

''Thank you, Leo. For being my family and staying by my side'' Liyah said to him sincerely.

''What is there to thank me for between family. You are my wife; this is something I should do to help you. Channing is our child, both of us have a responsibility to take care of him. I won't allow you to spend all your time taking care of him and leave your work''

''This is so sweet. You smell so nice, I want to eat you'' Liyah said and Leo chuckled.

''I am at your beck and call, darling''

''Really? Then, instead of resting, now that Channing is asleep, why don't you help me relax?'' Liyah said suggestively.

''Gladly'' Leo said and took the empty glass from her and placed it on the table. He sprawled her on the sofa and got on top of her, kissing her passionately.

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