Love The Psycho

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Family dinner 1

Saint Park.

A young lady ran around the stadium while another stood at the end of the finishing lane with a timer waiting.

The one running reached the finished line and stopped panting for breath while the other looked at the timer saying ''you are 5 seconds behind today Ever''

''Water'' Ever said to her friend who unscrewed a bottle of water for her and she took it, drinking almost half of the bottle before steadying herself to stand properly.

''Look at how you are panting for breath. What is the use of torturing yourself like this?'' her friend asked as they went to sit on the pavement stairs.

''People like you who are born with naturally slender bodies and don't have to do much to remain in shape won't understand the woes of plump girls like me'' Ever said to her friend as she leaned against the higher stairs.

''How many times do I have to tell you that you are not plump. You are just a little thicker than other girls but that is also your charm. You are very curvy, attractive and not to mention hot. Don't you see how guys turn to look at you when you pass by?''

''Amber, stop trying to make me feel good. Just thinking about how different I am from my family gives me enough headache already''

Amber's phone buzzed from the side and she picked it up, looking at the caller ID she said to Ever ''that's Channing''

''Hello, Channing, what's up?'' her face changed as she turned to look at Ever ''Jayden is coming back to D-City?''

Ever looked up, meeting Amber's brown eyes. Her face changed slightly but she quickly covered it up and tried to look calm and collected. She wasn't going to allow herself to feel any regrets; after all, things were really over between them now.

Ever's phone buzzed and she picked it up. Looking at the message from her mother reminding her about their monthly family dinner together, she sighed. She really didn't want to meet him any time soon but today just had to be the day they all met as a big family for a meal together.

Looking at Ever lost in thoughts, Amber couldn't help but also glance at the message she had also received from her aunt reminding her of the same family dinner.

''Ever, are you okay?'' Amber asked her carefully. Ever shook her head as tears dropped from her face. Amber stood up and pulled her into a hug.

''I don't think I'm ready to see him again yet, Amber'' Ever said sobbing. It still hurts so much, Amber''

''Off course it will hurt. Because you have been busy pretending to not care instead of finding closure. What am I going to do with you, Ever? You are so pitiful''


D-City International Airport.

A young man about 22 years old stood at the waiting parlour with a big welcome cardboard in his hands that read ''welcome home' on it. He had curly hair which was neatly combed behind. He wore black denim jeans.

Two figures emerged from the airport arrival door. One was a lady and the other a man. they had identical faces except for the fact that they were different sexes. They lady stood out the most as she was in a pink top and short black skirt paired with a small pink handbag and black shades. The man wore a black outfit and also had the same brand of shades as his sister, but his entire appearance looked rather cold and distant contrasting with the lady by his side whose ambience was cute and lovely.

Seeing the two figures, Channing dumped the welcome board on the floor and walked towards them saying ''welcome home bro. Look who is here, sexy Jady Jade''

''You know right'' Jade said and did a 360 for Channing before they hugged each other.

''I told you to stop calling her sexy. She is your sister for god's sake'' Jayden said to Channing.

''Such a party pooper. No wonder you got dumped'' Jade said and covered her mouth at once as Jayden threw her a freezing glare ''Oops, sorry'' Jade said and took off, leaving her luggage to Channing.

''Hey man, relax'' Channing said as he pulled Jade's luggage along, walking out of the airport with Jayden.

Jayden removed his phone and made a call to his mother. The call connected and he heard the sweet voice of his mother.

''Hello handsome. Missed mummy already?'' August Maijune said over the phone and Jayden chuckled.

''Yes, this handsome boy missed the face of the most beautiful woman in the world. We just arrived. Channing came to pick us at the airport. Mom, where are you?''

''I'm still at the Company with my student, but I will be done soon. Today is family dinner, you haven't forgotten, right?'' August Maijune asked over the phone.

''Off course not. How could I forget the family tradition? I will see you at home, bye mom'' Jayden hung up and entered the front seat after putting the luggage in the booth. Channing got into the driver's seat and looked at the twins.

''Guys, come on. You should reconcile before we get home'' Channing said to them.

''She started it first'' Jayden said.

''Fine, I started it. I'm sorry, it was a slip of tongue'' Jade said reluctantly.

''We are good now. Back to you, Jade, you are my favourite cousin but you should know better to mention 'you know what' in front of Jay. It's a taboo''

''I already apologised. Don't be such an oldie. Besides, whether he likes it or not, we are going to be seeing Ever again, so it's better to get him prepared for their first encounter after not seeing each other for 2 years of their sudden and rather abrupt breakup''

''Jade, do you believe I will kick you out of this car?'' Jayden asked.

''I do, that's why I'm shutting up now'' Jade said and leaned back on the seat closing her eyes. Channing shook his head and drove off.


Introductory note from Author.

Hi everyone, this is the continuation of Love the Psycho featuring the main leads children who are now grown.

Jayden and Jade are the twins of August Maijune and Aaron Saint.

Ever and Cody are the children of Julieta and Kash.

Channing and Brave are the boys of Liyah and Leo Martins.

Amber is the adopted child of AI Alice.

[Back to the main business]


Eden Estates.

Channing pulled over and the got down. he helped with Jade's luggage while the latter ran inside the house.

''Sweet dad, sweet dad'' Jade called out as she changed into her slippers. She saw Aaron Saint coming down from the stairs and she ran to him ''sweet dad, I missed you so much'' she hugged him.

''Jade, dad missed you too. How was your journey?'' Aaron Saint asked.

''Well, it was okay, thanks to a certain someone who bought us a first class seat'' Jade said as she wrapped her arms around her father while looking at Jayden who was entering after changing his slippers.

''Dad, good morning'' Jayden greeted respectfully and Aaron Saint nodded his head with a proud smile.

''How was your flight?'' he asked his son.

''It was okay. I'm a little tired. I will go in a rest first'' Jayden said and Aaron Saint nodded his head. He looked at his son as he went up to his room. Jayden was a man of few words. He didn't talk much, he preferred showing his respect and care through his actions.

''Dad, I bought you something. Let me go in and change before bringing it to you'' Jade said and looked towards the door.

''Channing, why are you still there?'' Jade asked and Channing put his phone away, bringing the luggage in as he spoke.

''Coming, princess. Uncle, good morning'' Channing greeted Aaron Saint.

''Channing, how are you?''

''I'm fine, uncle. Sexy Jady Jade, let's go inside'' Channing said and Jade smiled, going towards her room with Channing.

Aaron Saint looked at them and smiled. Time really flies fast. They were just babies not a long time ago but now they were all so grown already.


Jayden's room.

Jayden opened his bag and started unpacking his things. He removed a blue sweater and a memory came to his mind. This was the sweater Ever gave to him on his 18th birthday three years ago and confessed to him and they started dating until she suddenly broke up with him two years after. He sighed and hanged the sweater on the line and packed the rest of his things.josei


August Maijune picked up her bag and turned to his student who was also her assistant saying ''Alex, is getting late, go home and rest. Let's do the final testing tomorrow before we hand it over to the packaging team''

''Yes, Professor. You must be hurrying home to meet your children'' Alex said and August Maijune nodded her head.

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