Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1074

Chapter 1074

Chapter 1074

Chapter 1074 His Urgency

Gilbert stood up with a swoosh. Kohen held onto his laughter and looked at him,” What are you doing?”

“I’m going back to Calthon!”

“That won’t do. The affairs of our collaboration have yet to be discussed properly. Didn’t we agree on staying for a few days?”

“I cannot stay for even a second more. I must go back to Calthon immediately!” Gilbert said and walked to the entrance in vast strides.

Kohen playfully twitched his lips and said to his back, “If you go back to Calthon now, then the contract we signed yesterday will be null and void. Don’t expect me to help you anymore.”

“Whatever!” Gilbert said without turning back his head. Then, his silhouette disappeared from the door frame.

Kohen chuckled, saying, “From what I see, Kisa is about to sabotage him to death. He would still not be willing to hurt even a hair on that woman.”

“This shows that he truly loves Ms. Becker very much,” Eylul said and suddenly chuckled quietly, “Ms. Becker actually is quite blessed.”

Kohen furrowed his brows to look at her. From the way she said it, she made it sound as if she was not blessed.

‘Even if she really isn’t blessed, that’s all her own fault. Who told her to scheme her way to marry into the McCray family?‘

“Will the contract between you and Mr. Kooper really be null and void?” Eylul suddenly asked him.

Kohen twitched his lips, “You seem quite concerned about him.”

“I’m concerned for you,” Eylul finished speaking and found out she had said something wrong. She stared at Kohen, giving her an odd looking.

She hurriedly explained, “That’s right. Mr. Kooper’s influence is vast. You could get quite a few benefits from your collaboration with him this time and also let Mr.

Kooper owe you a favor. Isn’t that a win–win?”

“Heh, you’re very crafty. You’ve thought of everything,” Kohen could not help but ridicule her with a sarcastic sentence.

Eylul pursed her lips and hung her head while not making a sound. She had just wanted to tell him a relevant opinion and instead he had called him crafty. She felt like she should just talk less in the future.

Seeing her sickly expression, Kohen’s mood turned irritable, too, “Geez, just relax. I was just playing with him earlier. Since the contract was signed, naturally, it is in effect.”

“Mmm,” Eylul replied casually.

Kohen was very annoyed and turned around to walk upstairs. Eylul quickly asked him, “Are we still going to the hospital today?”

“I’m not going. If you want to go, go yourself!”

Kohen finished saying and stomped back upstairs. Eylul let out a small sigh. Then she shall go herself.

At Calthon, Kisa knocked on Lea’s door for a long time, and no one responded. Kisa couldn’t tell if there was no one in the house or if Lea had fainted inside it. She gave Lea a few more calls. This time,

the phone showed that Lea’s was turned off.

She was prepared to wait in front of Lea’s door for a while. The phone from the Kooper family landline suddenly called in. The Kooper family rarely used this landline to call. No one knew if it was the kids who called.

She quickly accepted the call and heard George the butler’s voice.

“Young madam, have you finished work?”

“Mmm, what’s wrong? Did something happen to the children?”

“Don’t worry, young madam. The children are fine. It’s Madam Kooper Sr. She called for you to come back for dinner.”

“Madam Kooper Sr. called for me to come back to have dinner?” Kisa was stunned for a moment. Wasn’t Madalyn very disgusted with her? Why would she still call her

back to eat dinner?

“Young madam, if it is convenient for you, please come back as soon as possible. The children have been waiting for you.”

“Okay,” Putting down the phone, Kisa was filled with confusion.

‘What’s the meaning behind Madalyn suddenly calling me back to eat dinner? It’s probably not because she wanted to put me on the spot. Since the children are present, Madalyn won’t oppose me in front of them. Besides, judging from his voice during the call, George the butler seemed to be quite delighted,‘ Kisa thought to herself.

She gave a worried glance at Lea’s house unit door. Then, she turned around to walk toward the elevator. Just when she walked out of the elevator, a man had just stepped into the elevator next door.

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