Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075 I Am Dying

Anthony opened the door to Lea’s room. He had always had the keys to the house. When the door opened, the room was pitch black, and he could not help but frown.’ Is that woman not back yet?‘ he thought as displeasure filled his heart. He held a phone that was calling Lea in one hand while the other turned on the lights.

[Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable.]

“F*ck that b*tch! She must be out with other men right now!” Anthony cursed as he flipped the switch.

When the lights came on, he saw Lea huddled in the corner of the room. He was taken aback by her sudden appearance.

“God!” He cursed and walked toward Lea. “Are you f*cking crazy? Why didn’t you turn on the lights, and why did you turn off your phone? What are you trying to do?”

Lea curled up without saying a word. She looked like she was going insane. Anthony irritably grabbed her and said, “Are you mute?! I am talking to you!”

Only then did Lea look up. Her face was as pale as a ghost. Anthony frowned as he uttered, “You…”

“I can’t help you anymore. Kisa fired me.”

Anthony’s face darkened. “Did you tell her about us?”

Lea shook her head.

“I have a health problem, so I can’t be her assistant anymore, and I won’t be of much help to you either,” she said with an ugly smile.

“A health problem?” Anthony looked at her subconsciously and asked in a blunt tone, “What’s the problem?”

“I’m dying!” Lea replied casually, trying to test the man.

However, all he did was laugh. “Stop joking. You’re fine. How could you die so easily?”

Sure enough, the man in front of her did not care about her. It was all in her head.

“Right. I was just joking,” Lea replied with a smile.

“Do you have nothing better to do?” Anthony asked as he threw her to the ground. When Lea was falling, she subconsciously held onto her abdomen to protect it, but the man did not see her subtle action.

Instead, he tugged at his collar irritably and snorted coldly, “Don’t joke around like that with me next time. It’s meaningless.”

Lea got up from the ground and said, “Don’t worry. I won’t.” Anthony then sat on the sofa with his legs folded on the coffee table.

He was smoking a cigarette as he looked at the sickly woman standing by the window and said, “Come here!”

Lea hesitated for a few seconds but still chose to go over. She did not dare to go close to the man since she was afraid that he would accidentally hurt the baby in her womb, but there was no way she could tell him about the baby, since he would just tell her to get an abortion. He had even said that she was not worthy to bear his child.

Therefore, to safely give birth to her child, she had to hide in a place where no one would find her.

“Kisa actually did fire me, though,” she sat next to the man and said cautiously.

“Why?” Anthony stopped smoking and asked.

“Maybe she noticed that I had tried to harm her. I’m no longer a useful pawn to you. So… Can you please let me go? I want to leave this place and start a new—”

“Don’t you even think about it!” he snorted before she could finish speaking.

Lea was panicking. “Why? I’m useless now!”

“Like you said, you’re a pawn. Only I can abandon you and not the other way around, got it?” Anthony laughed coldly.

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