Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322 Looking Completely Different

Kisa turned and looked at Kelvin. “Did you say that you’re an all–rounder?”

“Yeah. I’m pretty skilled in maternity too. You can hit me up anytime if you’re facing any problem of that sort.”

Kelvin smiled as he spoke. Then, he felt a chilly gaze sneaking up on him.

He turned around and saw that jealous man glowering at him aggressively.

Kelvin was ridiculed as he rolled his eyes.

Then, he said to Gilbert, “Please bear in mind that I’m a doctor. I treat everybody equally.”

Kisa realized how hostile Gilbert looked when he stared at Kelvin.

She could not stand him anymore, so she slightly pushed Gilbert away.

“That’s enough. We know how impressive you are, and we can never be as good as you. So, please stop glaring at us with those vicious eyes. We’ll stop upsetting you.”

Then, Kisa dragged Kelvin and went under a tree’s shade at the side as if she was going to whisper something to him.

Gilbert stared at them deeply as he clenched his fists tight.

‘Hmph. I just became an unwanted guest again.’

Kelvin looked at Gilbert, who was squatting down while smoking, and asked Kisa, “What do you want to tell me? Didn’t you see the look on your man’s face? Are you trying to get me beaten up?!”

“He’s just a madman who’d get angry at everything. How ridiculous!”

Kelvin nodded agreeably, but he was still looking very piteous. “Kisa, I don’t think we should talk about him behind his back like this. Look at him, his face looks scarier than the devil himself.

“We both know how hot–tempered that man is, and there’s no need to badmouth him like this. Things won’t be good if he heard us.”

Kelvin was about to walk away after saying that.

However, Kisa grabbed his arm. “Wait. I have something to ask you.”

Kelvin was shocked. “What is it?”

“Didn’t you say that you’re an all–rounder? Are you good at cosmetic surgery?”

Kelvin immediately nodded. “Yeah. Why is that? Are you planning to have one?”

Then, he tried to persuade Kisa with a doleful look on his face, “Kisa, listen to me. You don’t need a makeover at all. You already look very beautiful.”

Kisa blushed. “It’s not that. Would you listen to me first?”

Kelvin pursed his lips and nodded. “Go ahead.”

“If a person had major plastic surgery and that person is looking completely different from how he used to look, would you be able to tell if his face is natural or not with your experience?”

Kelvin frowned and looked serious. “I’m sure that there would be some very obvious signs if it was a major one. Whom are you talking about?”

“Adrien Tanner.”

“What?” Kelvin stared at her confusedly. “Did Mr. Tanner have plastic surgery? How did he look like?”

Kisa shook her head. “I’m not sure either. It’s just a hunch. So, I want you to observe him and let me know if he’s had plastic surgery before.”

Kelvin furrowed his brows. “I’ve met with him a few times. His face looks rather natural and doesn’t look like it’s been altered at all.”

“Are you saying that he really does look like that? Did I guess wrongly?”

Kelvin shook his head. “Not necessarily. He could look just as natural if his surgeon is exceptionally good.”

“So, you’re telling me that there’s no way to tell if his face is natural or not?”

Kelvin continued after looking at Kisa’s disappointed face. “Don’t worry about it first. I’ll keep an eye out on him to see if I can notice anything strange on his face.”

“Sure.” Kisa nodded and smiled at him. “You’re a very helpful all–around doctor, after all.”

“Of course. Just hit me up whenever you’re sick.”

They chatted happily. However, as soon as they turned around, they bumped into a wall of flesh.

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