Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1323

Chapter 1323

Chapter 1323

Chapter 1323 I Don’t Want My Baby to Suffer

Gilbert’s face was red with anger. “Is there really so much for you to talk about? I just finished two sticks of cigarettes, yet both of you are still chatting?! What is this about? Is it really so funny that both of you are smiling so happily?”

Kelvin and Kisa immediately put their smiles away.

Then, Kelvin gazed at him resentfully. “You’re the one who asked me to come here. Why are you getting so angry now?”

“I’m asking you to leave now then. Get lost.”

“Y–You’d better watch your words!”

Kelvin was frustrated. ‘This guy is getting more and more reckless. He’s only taking his anger out on me because he’s afraid of his own wife. Damn it!‘

Kisa looked up and saw Gilbert’s dark expression. Then, her eyes sparkled as she purposely held her hand on her stomach and said, “Ah, my stomach hurts. Let’s head back. I need to lie down.”

‘Gilbert cares about the baby a lot. I’m sure that he won’t ignore the baby no matter how angry he is, right?‘

As expected, the look on Gilbert’s face immediately changed. He wrapped his arm around Kisa’s shoulder and asked nervously, “Why is your stomach hurting? Are you too tired?”

Kisa shook her head. “It’s just aching a little. Let’s stop arguing and head back. I need to take a rest.”

Gilbert arched his brows and looked at her, confused.

Kelvin got a little worried as he asked, “Kisa, do you want me to have a look at you?”

Kisa was just about to refuse him, but Gilbert beat her to it. “No. Just go!”

Gilbert bent down slightly. Then, before she could do anything, he placed his long arms behind Kisa’s knees and held her up.

Kisa was shocked. Then, she said awkwardly, “There’s no need for this. I can walk on my own.”

“Didn’t you say that your stomach hurts?” Gilbert gazed downward at her, looking indifferent.

Kisa smiled uncomfortably. “It’s bearable. I can still walk.”

“It’s bearable for you, but I’m not sure if it is for my baby!”

Gilbert said that before taking big strides toward the main building.

Kelvin froze in place for a few seconds. Then, he quickly followed them.

The yard was huge, and they would bump into different gardeners on their way back.

Kisa was extremely embarrassed and all she could do was bury her face into the man’s muscular chest.

She would feel the same if she was in her own house, but not someone else’s yard.

She slightly looked up and said to the man after she saw that nobody was around, “My stomach’s fine now. Please put me down.”

Gilbert ignored her and kept walking while looking straight ahead.

Kisa could only see his well–defined jaw and seductive Adam’s apple.

She pursed her lips and said again, “Gilbert, my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. I can walk on my own.”

Then, Gilbert shifted his gaze at her. “It only stopped hurting because I’m carrying you, so I can’t put you down.”


Kisa was beginning to regret her acting after looking at how stubborn Gilbert was being.

‘I shouldn’t have lied. If we go into the main building and everyone sees me like this, I’m going to die of embarrassment! I’m just going to bury my face in his chest. If I can’t see anyone’s face, it won’t be awkward for me!‘

Suddenly, that chilly feeling came back. She felt like she was being stared at by some evil and vicious gaze.

Kisa frowned and looked at her surroundings.

Then, she realized that they were passing by the “prohibited area“.

However, there was no one around there except for them.

Kisa felt very puzzled as she could not figure out where that cold gaze came from.

‘Is that just my illusion? But this isn’t my first time feeling this. I’m sure that it’s not just an illusion.”

She stared at that arched door of the “prohibited area“. She just had a feeling that the cold gaze was coming from in there.

‘What’s behind that door?‘

She could not help but get more and more curious.

“Kisa, what are you looking at?”

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