Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324 Do You Think I’m Sick?

Suddenly, Kelvin asked Kisa what she was looking at.

Kisa came around and realized that Gilbert was looking at her too, with his cold gaze

Then, she pursed her lips and said, “Nothing. I’m just wondering what’s behind that door.”

Kelvin burst out laughing. “Me too, but I don’t dare to go in there again. It’s just f*cking terrifying.”

Gilbert looked at her deeply. “Are you really so curious about it?”

‘I can’t stand this woman. We’re already so far away from that arched door, but her gaze has never left it until now, Gilbert thought.

Kisa nodded. “Yeah. Kelvin is too.”

Suddenly, Gilbert nodded. “All right. I’ll try to persuade Mr. Mullen Sr. and see if he would bring us in there to have a look.”

“Really?” Kelvin walked faster to catch up to them.

Gilbert nodded again. “However, I’m not too sure if he’d do me this favor.”

“He definitely would. Even though the Mullen family and your family aren’t very close, Mr. Mullen Sr. is a very sophisticated man. He’ll say yes. Besides, we’re just going to have a look, not to steal anything.”

Kisa thought what Kelvin said made sense.

However, she still had a feeling that Mr. Mullen Sr. would not let them get into that “prohibited area “this easily.

After all, even the Mullens themselves did not get to go inside, let alone a bunch of outsiders like them.

At night, Kisa had the same nightmare again. It was the same creepy garden and the same woman’s back. Kisa started to feel like her dreams were trying to tell her something.

Gilbert poured her a cup of warm water.

Kisa sat up on the bed. She was sweating so much that her hair was plastered to her face and forehead.

She looked pale as she panted lightly.

Gilbert sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. He could not help but ask concernedly after looking at how haggard and scared she was, “I should ask Kelvin to check up on you tomorrow.

“I’ll bring you to a psychologist if he can’t find out anything wrong with you.”

Kisa held the cup of water in her hands but did not drink it.

Despite sweating so much, she still felt cold.

The water provided her with a little bit of warmth.

She stared at the flowing curtains blankly and asked under her breath, “Why is this happening? Gilbert, do you think I’m sick?”

“Nonsense!” Gilbert yelled and hugged her even tighter.

“You’re probably just tired, so you kept dreaming. Don’t overthink it. It’s not good for the baby if you get stressed out about this,” Gilbert said as he gently stroked her flat stomach with his hand.

Kisa shook her head and said sluggishly, “I wouldn’t be this scared if I had different nightmares every day, but that’s not the case. I just keep seeing the same things.”

“Have you experienced anything like this? This isn’t normal, right? Also, I’ve never seen anything like that in real life before. I don’t even know who that bizarre woman is,” Kisa said as she turned to look at the man beside her. Her face was pale in fear.

Gilbert arched his brows and began feeling a little weirded out too.

Besides, Kisa only started having that dream after staying in this mansion.

Gilbert figured that if there really was something supernatural going on in the mansion, Kisa would not be the only one having that dream.

He held her hand tightly. “How about this? We’ll move to Felicity’s place tomorrow and try to figure out what the real problem is.”

Kisa nodded. She figured that she had already got Vivian sorted out, and she would be about to ask her about David after her legs got better. There was no reason for her to stay in the Mullen residence anymore.

The following day, Gilbert brought her to Kelvin anyway, so he could check up on her.

Kelvin was sitting in a wicker chair in the backyard. He had a strange look on his face.

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