Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1025

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1025

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025 You Must Be Mistaken

Lea tensed up and frantically shook her head. “No.”

“Heh, you better not. Or, I will kill it with my own hands,” Anthony said grimly, not showing any emotions.

Lea was shocked and saddened. She was completely discouraged from telling him about the child’s existence. She realized now that she had overestimated his

virtuousness and her place in his heart.

It was uncertain if he remembered his unpleasant childhood, but Anthony felt inexplicably irritated. He looked coldly at Lea and changed the subject. “In a few days, my grandfather will hold a birthday celebration. Kisa will be invited. You are to

attend, too.”

Lea clenched her hands and sadly said, “What do you want me to do? You have

already done enough harm to Kisa. Isn’t it enough?”

“Shut up. I do whatever I want. Who are you to tell me what to do? When I tell you to follow, you follow.”

“Exactly. How on earth does a plaything have so much nonsense?” The woman clung to Anthony again, and the two of them kissed as if no one was watching.

Lea turned to look out the window, as tears moistened her eyes.

After Kisa finished duplicating the keys, she rushed to the set just in time. Lea had already arrived, however.

“Kisa, you’re early today. Come on, let’s go change into your costume.” Lea smiled at

her as usual, with no trace of sadness visible on her face.

Kisa was stupefied, wondering if the woman she just saw on the street was actually


Seeing Kisa staring at her, Lea could not help but ask, “What’s wrong, Kisa? Is there something on my face?”

Kisa shook her head and unintentionally said, “I just saw a woman in the street who looks like you.”

Lea’s face changed subtly. “You must be mistaken. I came directly from home by car. I didn’t hang around on the street.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I was mistaken.” Kisa pursed her lips, not asking any more questions. Even if that woman was really her, she was not going to ask since Lea

was not willing to talk about it. After all, those were her personal matters.

Just then, there was a sudden commotion in the middle of the set. Kisa looked over curiously and saw a group of people gathered around.

She looked at Lea in surprise. “What happened?”

Lea shook her head. “I don’t know. It was fine a while ago.”

“Let’s take a look,” Kisa said, leading the way.

Before she could get close, someone pushed through the crowd and rushed toward her. Kisa was startled and moved to the side. Lea also moved to the side with her hands protecting her belly subconsciously.

“Who hit her that hard?”

“It’s so humiliating. Her face is all swollen like a pufferfish.”

There was a lot of chatter. At this point, Kisa got a clear glance at the person coming toward her. It was none other than Sharon. Her face was covered with slap marks that were red and swollen. If Kisa did not know her well, she would have trouble recognizing her.

Kisa was surprised, and her eyes were subconsciously searching for Jolina. Her gut feeling told her that this must be Peter’s way of taking his revenge for Jolina. Known for his ruthlessness, he almost strangled her last time. Jolina stayed in the corner, also staring at Sharon with a stunned expression.

Sharon was as mad as hell, and she lunged at Kisa when she saw her. “You b*tch, it must be you. You must have hired someone to assault me.”

“Blame yourself for offending someone. I don’t have time for you.” Kisa pushed her away.

“Who else could it be if it wasn’t you?” Sharon yelled.

Even if Kisa knew that it was Peter who did this, she did not dare to tell her. She knew that with Sharon’s attitude, she would cause trouble for Jolina. “If you think that it was me, then it was me,” she said absently.

“Ahhh… I’ll kill you!” Sharon pounced at her again.

At the very next moment, a powerful force violently pushed her aside.

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