Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1170

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1170

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170 Were You Waiting For Me

Gilbert looked up at the man in the video call and said, “What? Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Uh… Well… D-Did Felicity Jennings return to Athadale?”

“Felicity?” Gilbert frowned slightly. “Speaking of her, I haven’t seen her in such a long time,” he suddenly continued.

“Does she… Does she have a boyfriend?” Davian asked again as his whole face wrinkled.

‘The last time I saw her playing poker at the club, she was getting rather intimate with this one guy,’ he thought.

“No, I’ve known her for several years, and I’ve never heard her say anything about a boyfriend,” Gilbert shook his head and replied.

“Could you please help me get in touch with her, Mr. Kooper? She hasn’t talked to me for several days now.”

Gilbert frowned again. He fiddled with the watch on his wrist and said casually, “Davian, I’ve introduced the girl to you. Whether you can make her fall for you depends on your own ability. Felicity is a good girl. You should take more initiative before someone else comes and takes her away. Otherwise, you’re gonna regret it.”

Davian pursed his lips and laughed bitterly in his heart. ‘She blocked me just because I left her for some work on the night of Valentine’s that day. I can’t tell Mr. Kooper about that,’ he thought.

“Got it, Mr. Kooper. If there’s nothing else, I’m going to hang up. Have a good night, Mr. Kooper.”

“Okay.” When they hung up the video call, Gilbert shook his head helplessly and looked for Felicity’s number. He could not bear to see Davian sad. The call connected quickly.

“What’s up, Mr. Kooper? Is there an event tonight?” Gilbert looked at the time; it was almost 11:00 p.m. ‘Damn, this woman really is a night owl.’

“Where are you?” Gilbert asked.

“I’m at the club. Do you wanna come? Bring your girl along. The more the merrier.”

“No!” Gilbert directly rejected her invitation and explained why he called, “Davian-”

“Toot…” Before he could finish, the call stopped.

Gilbert’s face darkened. ‘How dare she hang up! However, this also shows that she deeply resented Davian; hearing his name made her avoid it like the plague.’

Not knowing how the two of them got into this situation, Gilbert sent a message to Davian,

telling him about Felicity’s whereabouts. Davian quickly responded with [Thank you, Mr. Kooper.] and added a funny GIF.

Gilbert shook his head when he saw that, amused. He put down his phone, stretched his back, and looked out the window unconsciously. It was late at night, and the sky was getting cold. He did not know if Kisa was asleep or not.

He turned off his computer and got up to walk outside. He quietly pushed the door open and was shocked when he saw the light on in the room.

‘It’s late. Is that woman not asleep yet?’

He closed the door behind him and strode toward the bed, only to realize that the woman was already asleep.

Kisa lay on her side under the blanket with two pillows under her head. She was still holding her phone that was repeatedly playing a short video. Gilbert could not help but smile when he saw that.

He climbed into the bed gently and carefully pulled the phone out of her hand. He turned off her phone and put it on the bedside table.

When he turned over, he saw the woman looking at him sleepily. “Have you finished work?” She asked casually; her voice was soft like a feather brushing gently over his heart, leaving

some warmth.

Gilbert stroked the hair strands on her forehead and asked, “Were you waiting for me?”

“Yeah… But you were busy, and it was getting late. I fell asleep.”

“Silly girl,” Gilbert murmured and could not help but kiss her lips.

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