Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1195

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1195

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1195

Chapter 1195 She Wants You to Be Her Son-In-Law

Seeing that Felicity was finally willing to talk to him, Davian tried his best to tell her everything that happened.

“When we were on the plane today, Mr. Kooper was harassed by a middle-aged lady,” he said.

When she heard that, Felicity could not hold back her laugh, and the wine she had just sipped spurted out of her mouth. The servant hurriedly wiped the table while Gilbert glared fiercely at Davian with a disgusted face and a gloomy gaze.

‘Is that even something worth talking about?! Why did he have to tell her that?!’ Gilbert thought.

Felicity wiped the wine stains from the corner of her mouth and asked amusedly, “Tell me, what do you mean ‘harassed by a middle-aged lady’? What happened on the plane? What did she do?”

Kisa was also intrigued by the incident. She stared at Davian with a piercing gaze, waiting for him to continue. On the other hand, Gilbert’s face darkened. However, Davian was busy looking at Felicity; he did not notice how gloomy Gilbert’s face was. It was a rare occurrence that Felicity wanted to talk to him, so he tried to put up a good impression.

“When we were in the air, a 200lbs middle-aged lady sat next to us. She was attracted to Mr. Kooper and kept staring at him. She even went to the bathroom as an excuse to pass in front of him back and forth, and every time she walked past him, she would stare down into his shirt.”

“Hahahaha…” Felicity could not help but laugh. Kisa also wanted to laugh, but she held back, her shoulders shaking up and down.

Gilbert’s face was dark. “Is it that funny?” he asked.

“Well, duh. She looked into your shirt! Hahahaha…” Felicity spoke bluntly.

Gilbert frowned in annoyance. “Couldn’t you have said it in a better way? That lady just stared at me for a few hours.”

“Yeah, she stared at you like a monkey for hours! Hahaha…”


Gilbert was furious. ‘I should never have funded this woman,’ he thought.

“What happened next?” Felicity looked at Davian excitedly and asked. “Did you guys tell her


Davian was so happy that Felicity was taking the initiative to talk to him, so he did not notice Gilbert giving him a warning through his eyes.

“Please, that lady was so fierce. She even patted Mr. Kooper on the shoulder and asked if he had a girlfriend. She wanted him to be his son-in-law,” Davian quickly said.

“Pfft-!” Felicity laughed. “Aren’t you just lucky, Gilbert? She wants you to be her son-in-law!”

Gilbert paid her no attention. Instead, he glanced straight at Kisa, who was snickering. Seeing that he was looking at her, she quickly suppressed her laugh. However, the upturned corners of her lips and bulging cheeks were not helping. She then picked up the glass of water and took a sip as if nothing had happened.

When she saw the man still staring at her, she faked a few coughs, faced his dark, handsome face, and said solemnly, “Well, I think there’s nothing shameful about that. It proves that you’re good-looking. You should be happy.”

“Even so, I don’t need her approval of whether I’m handsome or not! She stared at me like I was an animal in a zoo. How am I supposed to be happy about that?”

“Well… It really depends on how you see it,” Kisa said while suppressing her laughter.

Gilbert felt extremely depressed when he saw how she did not care about him at all. He stood up abruptly and said to Felicity, “I’m tired. I need some rest.’

Felicity smiled and nodded. “Cora, take Mr. Kooper to the guest room so that he can rest,” she said.

“Yes, miss,” Cora replied as she turned to Gilbert and say, “This way, Mr. Kooper.”

But Gilbert did not budge. Instead, he just stood there, staring at Kisa.

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