Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1196

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1196

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196 Don’t You Dare!

Kisa was confused. “W–What are you doing? Go get some rest.”

“Don’t you feel tired from ‘walking the whole day‘?” Gilbert scoffed.

“Not really.” Kisa shook her head.

Kisa frowned and looked at the man annoyedly after that.

Then, Kisa quickly added, “Just go ahead and sleep. I won’t disturb you. There are plenty of

guest rooms in Felicity’s place, and I can sleep in any of them.

Gilbert clenched his fists secretly as he shifted his gaze to Felicity.

Felicity immediately understood what he was trying to do. Then, she said to Kisa apologetically, “I’m so sorry. I’ve been living alone, so the guest rooms would only be cleaned up occasionally. The maid only managed to get one of the rooms ready when she knew that I had a guest coming, but two of you showed up instead.


Felicity smiled. “It’s best for you to share the room with Mr. Kooper. I’m so sorry.”

Kisa waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it. We’re the ones asking for your help.”

“All right. You should go upstairs with Mr. Kooper to get some rest now.”

“Oh… okay…”

Kisa nodded. Then, she stood up and followed Gilbert into the house unwillingly.

She did not feel like sharing the room with Gilbert at all.

She figured that Gilbert would confront her about how she lied to him earlier.

However, she was going to stay in Felicity’s place, so she did not want to be petty by insisting on staying in another room.

Felicity looked at them going inside.

Then, she got up and prepared to go to bed.

Davian quickly stopped her and said with a sour face, “Where am I going to sleep then?”

Felicity glared at him and scoffed. “Anywhere you want. You can sleep in the living room or even the yard. There are so many places for you to sleep in!”

Felicity went inside after saying that.

Davian tightened his jaw and thought to himself. ‘I guess she hasn’t forgiven me yet.’

“Mr. Kooper, Ms. Becker, this is your room.


“Thank you so much,” Gilbert nodded at the maid.

He entered the room and switched the lights on.

Kisa lingered at the door for a while before she went inside with him.

The man sat on the sofa and pulled at his collar unhappily.

Kisa stared at him and said, “Why don’t you sleep first? I’m not tired yet. I want to go downstairs…”

Gilbert threw her a gaze as icy as a glacier before she could finish speaking.

Kisa was startled and dared not to continue her sentence.

“Shut the door,” the man said flatly.

Kisa pursed her lips. She hesitated but did as he said anyway.

“Come here!”

The man’s tone sounded cold.

Kisa’s heart tightened.

She clenched her fists and said to him with a frown, “I admit that I was wrong for lying to you,

but you

shouldn’t have stopped me from going anywhere. You and your mom wouldn’t even let me leave the house. There’s just no way that you’d allow me to come to Athadale.”

“Is this why you lied to me?”

Gilbert sounded indifferent.

She did not move. However, the man stood up and went close to her step by step.

The look on Gilbert’s face was unsetting, and it made Kisa feel like he was going to do something bad.

Kisa took a step back fearfully. “What are you doing? This is Ms. Jennings‘ house. Don’t you dare!”

The man ignored her and moved even closer.

Kisa immediately felt like she was surrounded by hostility.

She turned around and wanted to get out of the room.

However, Gilbert reached out his arm and rested his hand against the door. His firm chest was so close to Kisa, that he left no room for Kisa to escape at all.

Kisa felt very uncomfortable in that position.

Her cheeks started to flush as she felt Gilbert’s warm breath on her face.

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