Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1299

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1299

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1299

Chapter 1299 Ancestral Hall

It was a bag, and it was opened. Gilbert looked down and saw the contents of the bag. There are several packs of medication, one of which had the word ‘anti abortifacient‘ clearly written on it. He was about to bend down to pick it up when Kisa got to it first.

“So… You have already seen a doctor.” He spoke in a low voice, sounding like he was relieved.

“Hmm,” Kisa answered sullenly, not saying anything more. Gilbert also said nothing else, just staring at her expressionlessly. ‘Psycho!‘ She cursed in her mind and then ignored him.

“Where is Lea?” Kisa’s heart skipped a beat as she arrived at Lea’s ward and saw it was vacant.

Gilbert frowned. “She was still here when I came back with the food.”

A takeaway was sitting on the bedside table, but it had not been touched. Kisa was worried, so she quickly took out her cell phone and called Lea. To her surprise, the call was answered quickly. Lea seemed to be smiling calmly on the other end of the phone.

“Kisa, I didn’t want to stay in the hospital, so I came home. So you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.”

“But the doctor said you still needed to be observed in the hospital for half a month. Besides, you are still weak, and it is cold outside. You-”

“It is okay. I have arrived at my place. I will be fine after sleeping for a few days. The smell of the hospital is too much for me.”

Lea sounded light–hearted, with no signs of abnormality. But it was exactly this that worried Kisa. She would rather Lea cry out in front of her. At least after that, she would be fine.

“Lea, where do you stay? Can I come and keep you company?” Kisa asked softly.

Lea chuckled on the other end of the phone. “No, really. I will be back in Calthon after a few days of recuperation. It is okay, Kisa. I need to rest. I will hang up now.” The line went dead.

Kisa held the phone for a long while and could only sigh.

While returning to the Mullen residence, Gilbert drove, and Kisa gazed out the window. He glanced over at her and said, “It is important to remain cheerful during pregnancy.”

“Then don’t keep things from me. I was more depressed the other day than I am now,” Kisa said, looking back at him.

His expression was tense, but he still had no intention of telling her why. Kisa shot a glance at him and continued to look out the window.

It was after 9.00 pm when they arrived at the Mullen residence. The Mullen family usually retired for the night, and the villa would be quiet at this hour. But today, it was as bright as daylight, with the living hall full of people bustling with activity. The second and third wives of Mr. Mullen Sr., who rarely saw eye to eye with each other, were now gathered together to discuss something.

Kisa looked around, but Mr. Mullen Sr. and Anthony were nowhere to be seen.

“Heh, I think Jane and Anthony will surely be kicked out of the Mullen family this time.”

“Agree. Mr. Mullen Sr. places great value on reputation and will not allow Anthony to damage the Mullen family’s reputation.”

Hearing the chatter, Kisa immediately guessed it was about what had happened at the bar. Arthur sat in the courtyard, his eyes fixed on a spot in the backyard. Kisa walked over and asked, “What is going

on? Where are your grandfather and your uncle?”

“In the ancestral hall.”

Kisa was surprised to hear that the Mullen family still maintains an ancestral hall today. She followed Arthur’s eyes and saw a glow of light coming from a more secluded part of the backyard, where the Mullen family’s ancestral hall was supposed to be. The courtyard of the Mullen residence was so large that it was comparable to a typical estate. Kisa pondered for a second and then walked toward the ancestral hall.

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