Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1300

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1300

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300 I Am Not Important

Gilbert dragged Kisa back in one motion. “Where do you think you’re going? Just stay inside, sit back, and relax!” The man’s tone was strong and aggressive.

Kisa broke away from his hand and said, “I’m going to have a look.”

“It’s nothing interesting. Why do you like being so nosy?”

“I’m not being nosy; I just want to know what Anthony will do to her. Lea is my friend. I’m worried, okay?!” Kisa said while she stared at him, a serious look on her face.

“This so–called friend of yours once betrayed you. How could she be even more important than the child in your womb?” Gilbert suddenly snorted coldly.

Kisa did not understand why he was being so salty about it. She took a deep breath and said, Okay. You’ve hurt me before. That means I shouldn’t be talking to you, let alone conceive this child based on what you’ve said.”

“You…” Gilbert was so angry that he wanted to strangle the woman to death. After a long time of trying to hold himself back, he said in a muffled voice, “Whatever. If you want to meddle in other people’s business, then go.”

The man went upstairs through the side door after saying that. Kisa ignored him and turned around to continue walking toward the ancestral hall.

Suddenly, Arthur showed up. “I’ll come with you, Kisa.”

Kisa was taken aback. “Huh? Why?” she asked.

“I’m worried about my uncle. Grandpa said that no one in our family is allowed to go after him, but you’re our guest; he probably wouldn’t scold us if he found out.”

Kisa nodded. ‘That’s quite reasonable,‘ she thought.

Gilbert kicked the door open when he was upstairs. Even Kelvin, who was staying in the next room, could feel the hostility in that kick. He leaned against the door, folded his arms around his chest, and stared at Gilbert with a smile. “What’s up? The whole building is shaking because of that temper of yours.”

Gilbert cast him a gloomy look, and Kelvin could feel a chill on the back of his neck. ‘Oof. This man is getting scarier and scarier by the minute,‘ he thought.

Gilbert sat on the recliner by the window and took out a cigarette to have a smoke. Kelvin followed him into the room and sat 10 feet away. The man’s complexion looked dark, like a warning not to come close.

Kelvin took out a cigarette, but Gilbert’s sinister voice sounded before he could light it, “Get out of here if you’re going to smoke!”

‘Tsk. What a hypocrite.”

“Aren’t you smoking right now?”

“I’m sitting by a huge window, so it’s fine.”

Kelvin rolled his eyes and sat in front of Gilbert. He lit his cigarette, took a puff, and frowned as he said, “Why the long face every day?”

“You’ll get it when you and Gracie start having conflicts,” replied Gilbert.

“Tsk. Does that mean you and Kisa were fighting again?”

Gilbert heavily took a few puffs. When he exhaled, he said slowly, “She knows about the pregnancy.

Kelvin stopped smoking when he heard that. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and stared at the dark–faced man who sat across from him.

“So… She’s blaming you?”

“That’s not the point,” Gilbert answered, annoyed. There was a sternness in his tone that could not be ignored. “The point is, she knew she was pregnant but doesn’t even care about the baby; she’s only concerned about other people’s affairs. Why is she such a busybody?”

“Anyway, her actions make me feel like everyone else is significant to her, except for me and the baby. The baby isn’t important to her, and I’m not either. Her focus has never been on us.”

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